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The Story of Black Jack Bethel Church : Page 15November 13, 1898 - Services were held by Brother Lawrence. Reverend B. F. Miller, and wife Mary, W. J. Watlington, Brother Lawrence. and Mrs L. A. Wilburn were elected delegates to the Yazoo Baptist Association - which was held at Lexington Baptist Church. All members were urged to be present at the next conference as the church would proceed to call a pastor for the next year. November 27, 1898 - The associational letter from the church to the Yazoo Baptist Association was read and adopted. "The letter shows forty males and fourty-seven females as our membership in good standing." Brother Lawrence was called as pastor for the year 1899. (This is now the third association ??? which the church had belong - those being - Union, Central and Yazoo - later ?he Yazoo County Association would be established) Brother Lawrence would receive one hundred and seventy-five dollars a year for one Sunday a month. December 25, 1898 - A postscript type notation following the minutes said "The day was a beautiful sunny day, and about 60 persons out. Bro. Lawrence preached us a fine sermon on the mediatoral office of Christ." March 26, 1899 - The Church received a letter from the former pastor J. A. Hackett of Meridian, who had become Dr. Hackett. He wrote that if we could arrange it, he would help with the fourth Sabbath in July, protracted meeting. May 28, 1899 - There developed a conflict in the timing of the meeting. Pastor Lawrence could not attend the fourth Sunday of July. and Dr. Hackett could not come on another specified date, so the clerk was requested to seek the services of Brother A. J. Miller of Yazoo City church. This Brother Miller should not be mistaken for Brother E. F. Miller who lived in the community and was member of Bethel - Black Jack, and sometimes served as pastor. He later sold his home and place to Harry Hart Pepper who lived there for many years, still owned by a family member. July 30, 1899 - The meeting lasted one week with preachers Brother Lawrence and Miller of Yazoo City. "The meeting was a good one, and our membership greatly strengthened. Two were received for baptism, Graves Stubblefield and little Miss Virginia Luse, Bro. W. H. and Sister Margaret Stubblefield were given the right hand of church fellowship - They had the right hand of Christian fellowship two (2) years ago. The pastor requested full attendance at the next conference as some effort would be made to deal with disorderly members, and two deacons would be elected." Also a fifty dollar collection needed to be raised for missions - an apportionment called for by the Yazoo Association at the last meeting. August 27, 1899 - F. H. Pepper was clerk for this conference. W. F. Wood and A. G. Pepper were elected deacons. The pastor was asked to secure some Inisteral students for the purpose of assisting in the ordaination service. Brother Lawrence, Brother B. J. Miller, his wife, Mary, and W. J. Watlington were chosen delegates to the Yazoo Association which was to meet in Greenwood in September. September 24, 1899 - Brother J. R. Nutt came to assist in ordaining the newly elected deaons. The evening service was set for the ordaination of W. F. Wood by "A Presbytery consisting of Brethern Nutt, Lawrence, and deacons, Dr. J. N. Lase, and the charge to the candidate by Bro. Nutt." The right hand of fellowship was extended to Master Graves Stubblefield and "little Miss" Virginia Luse |
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