
Yalobusha Baptist Association Minutes

The 1910 Associational Meeting was with Ascalmore church on October 5.

Officers were: H. H. Webb, moderator; R. R. Rockett, clerk; T. T. Gooch, treasurer.

The Woman's Missionary Union net at the home of Mrs. Wynn , Mrs. J. H. Brown, President, presided.

No statistics are given in the minutes.

The 1911 Associational Meeting was with New Hope ckurch on Wednesday before the second Sunday in October.

Officers were: J. F. McCracken, moderator; R. R. Packett, clerk; T. T. Gooch, treasurer.

Mr. J B. Perry brought a report on Sustentation. This was the first time the Association had made public recognition of its obligation to aged and retired Baptist ministers.

The following table is taken from the minutes of this session:

Ascalmore   -   -   -     -   -   -
Ashland J. D. Rice Cascilla M. H. Brown 95 7 65
Bethel   -   -   -   -    -   -
Corinth S. T.Courtney Enid L. E. Mitchell  88 0 0
Charleston C. W. Stumph Charleston J. R. Oaks 153 5 120
Coffeeville M. J. Derrick Coffeeville A. Seymour 63 0 45
Enon M. J. derrick Torrence M. McCormick 60 0 20
Friendship J. R. White Tillatoba L.T. White 172 8 0
Garner R. R. Rockett Scobey M. C. Tribble 41 0 20
Grenada W. R. Cooper Grenada J. M. b rown 257 10 87
Liberty R. R. Rocket Holcomb E. W. Locke 124 0 0
Mt. Paran W. J. Derrick Hardy C. E. Smith 33 0 40
New Hope J. R. Sumner Air Mount B. T. Langham 84 7 35
Meedmore   -   -   -   -   -   -
New Goshen J. D. Rice Cascilla J. Howell   - 3   -
Pleas. Grove G. L. Martin Coffeeville G. M. Martin 52   -  -
Spring Hill F. B. Burney Oakland G. McCorkle 165 26 70
St Paul   -   -   -   -   -   -
Tillatoba H. W. Rocket Tillatoba H. A. Dame 96 8 15
Wayside G. L. Martin Scobey J. H. Tribble 44 0 15
Graysport   -   -   -   -25   -   -
21 Churches   -   - Totals 1551 74 517

The 1912 Associational Meeting was with Spring Hill church on October 9.

Officers were: L. McCracken, moderator; L. B. James, clerk; T. T. Gooch, treasurer.

Oakland and Hillside churches were admitted to membership.

Reports on Baptist Hospitals, Memphis, Tennessee and Jackson, Mississippi, were made for the first time to the Association.

No statistics were included in the minutes.

The 1913 Associational Meeting was with Coffeaville church on October 8-10.

Officers were: C.W. Stumph, moderator; L.B. James, clerk; T.T. Gooch, treasurer.

Statistics: 21 churches; 1816 members; 121 baptisms; 17 Sunday Schools with 1088 enrolled.

The 1914 Associational Meeting was with Ashland church on October 7-8.

Officers were: Rev. I. P. Trotter. moderator; L. B. James, clerk; T. T. Gooch, treasurer.

No statistics were printed in the minutes.

The 1915 Associational Meeting was with Oakland church on October 5-6.

Officers were: Rev. I. P. Trotter, moderator; T. T. Gooch, clerk; H. A. Dame, treasurer.

Cowart and Mt. Pisgah churches were admitted to membership. Mt. Pisgah had been in Oxford Association for some time.

Aid to Holcomb church for a building was discussed. A committee was appointed to investigate the need and make recommendations.

Statistics: 28 churches; 2226 members; 121 baptisms; 25 Sunday Schools with 1347 enrolled.

The 1916 Associational Meeting was with Charleston church on October 4-5.

Officers were: Rev. J. R. C. Hewlett, moderator; T. T. Gooch, clerk; J. A. Rice, treasurer.

Two churches, Grenada and Charleston, had preaching services every Sunday.

Statistics: 28 churches; 2158 members; 20 Sunday Schools with 1498 enrolled.

The 1917 Associational Meeting was with Scobey church on October 10-11.

Officers were: Rev. J. H .C. Hewlett, moderator; T. T. Gooch, clerk; J. B. Quinn, treasurer.

Union church had disbanded and most of its members joined the Tillatoba church. Hopewell had joined the Oxford Association, Shiloh and Mt. Pisgah the Yazoo Association and Sycamore the Deer Creek Association. Torrence church had changed its name to Enon and Garner to Scobey. Hebron. Hillside, Oakland, Holcomb, Paul, Cowart and Elliott churches were admitted to membership.

A report was made that 17 out of the 28 churches wanted to adopt the new constitution. Thle Association voted to adopt it.

Statistics: 29 churches; 2733 members; 23 Sunday Schools with 1501 enrolled. The Sunday Schools had 151 officers and teachers.

The 1918 Associational Meeting was with Pleasant Grove church on October 910.

Officers were: J. P. Neil, moderator; T. T. Gooch, clerk; R. G. McCorkle, treasurer.

There were 28 churches in the Association with 2764 members, 153 baptisms, 17 Sunday Schools, 1287 enrolled.

The 1919 Associational Meeting was with Grenada First church on October 8-9.

Officers were: B. W. Hudson, moderator; T. T. Gooch, clerk; B. C. McCorkle, treasurer.

A motion was made and passed that a committee of four, one from each of the following counties, Yalobusha, Tal1ahatchie, Grenada and Carroll, be appointed to find the will of the churches of those counties relative to organization of separate county Associations. This comsittee was to make its report at the 1920 session. The following constituted the committee: H. A. Dame, Yalobusha County; R. G. McCorkle, Tallahatchie County; J. C. Perry, Grenada County; J. J. O'Neal, Carroll County.

The $75,000.000 Campaign of Southern Baptista was discussed.

Statistics: 28 churches; 2668 members; 99 baptisms; 21 Sunday Schools with 1390 earolle&