
Yalobusha Baptist Association Minutes

The 1840 Associational Meeting was with Grenada church on October 10-12.

Officers were: Elder Minter, moderator; James G. Hall, clerk; William Minter, treasurer.

Concord, Liberty, Duck Hill, Rehoboth and Troy churches were admitted to membership.

The first sermon was preached by Elder Minter.

The marked feature of this meeting was the emphasis placed on missions. For the first time the Association appointed committees on Foreign Missions, Domestic Missions, the Bible Cause, Temperance, and Sunday School. There was a committee appointed also to determine the best method imparting Christian instruction to the colored population. This last committee recommended that the churches use every legal means to promote religious instruction to the colored people. They noted that some churches had made room for colored people and urged that all others do this or hold special services for them. Having freed itself of the antimissionary group the Association now became an active evangelical agency.

Elder G. W.. Huffman was asked to preach a missionary sermon on Sunday. This he did. As a result fifty dollars were given for missions. The money was sent for the work of Judson in Burma.

Statistics: 11 churches; 402 members; 107 baptisms; 37 transfers by letter.

The 1841 Associational Meeting was with Providence church on October 9-11.

This church was located in what was then Carroll County (now Grenada County). Churches listed with delegates: ANTIOCH, no delegates or letter; GRENADA, J. G. Hall, William Duncan, John Poitevant; PRESTON, Thomas Simmons, Joshua Jones. H. Mooring; CONODRD, Joseph Savage, Louis Barmour, Jesse Benton; REHOBOTH, Bayliss Nations, Stephen Farlee, Jesse Lee; TROY, William Minter, J. S. Talbert, A. Martin; PROVIDENCE, Samuel Whitsett, Lewis Aldridge, T. F. Waller; ZION, Thomas Edmundson, Samuel Holman, G. Raspberry; DUCK HIIL, Eli Stephens, N. McNeil, Allen Corker; LIBERTY, Aaron Lott, S. Williams, W. Kenada; SALEM, no delegates or letter; CLEAR CREEK, Joseph Lane, H. Osley, W.H. Holcombe.

Visiting Elders were Crouson, Harrod, Lattimore and Carroll. They were seated in the meeting.

A resolution passed at this meeting deserves emphasis: "Resolved, that the churches of Loosascoona, Shiloh, Mt. Carmel and Hopewell be dropped from this body for having declared nonfellowship with those churches friendly to missions in this Association, and for withdrawing from this body without letters of dismission." In a footnote it is stated that three of these churches and another church, not named, had formed an anti-missionary association which had 68 members.

A report from the committee on Domestic Missions and Imparting Religious Instruction to the Colored Population is as follows: "We are pleased that some of the churches have made commodious arrangements for the colored population. We urge every church to promote religious training among the colored people, to set aside some portion of the building for them or to hold special services for them." This committee brought the following resolution also:

"First, we recommend that heads of families (slave owners) read the scriptures before their servants and encourage them to attend church. Second, we recommend to the churches and ministers that a portion of the service of the sanctuary be directed especially to the colored population with a view to the promotion of their spiritual rendition."

Statistics: 586 members; 113 baptisms.

The 1842 Associational Meeting was with Clear Creek church on September 30-October 3.

This church, sometimes known as Yokina, was in Lafayette County. Churches and delegates were: CLEAR CREEK, W. H. Holcombe, J. Taylor, S .M. Plummer; GRENADA, E .C. Eager, J. G. Hall, J.H. McBea; PRESTON. T. Simmons, W. Roach, J. Willbourn; CONCORD, J. Maston, T. Savage, Stephen Hogg; REHOBOTH, J. Davenport, Bayliss Nations, S. Farley; TROY, W. Minter, E. Minter, A. Martin; PROVIDENCE, L. Aldridge, G. Wiggins, Z. McMath; ZION, D. Tyler, John Holman; DUCK HILL, H. McNeil, E. Stephens, H. Rogers, LIBERTY, W. Kenada, S. Williams, J. Williams.

A resolution was passed at this meeting to drop Antioch and Salem churches from the Association because of their anti-missionary stand. The sum of $23.00 was given to aid in translating the Bible into Burmese. Elders Hall and Minter were appointed to compile a history of the Association to be presented at the next meeting. Concord church raised the following question, "In what way shall the churches of this Association treat members dismissed from churches comprising the North River Association of Alabama in relation to their baptism - shall they require them to be rebaptized?"

A committee was appointed to answer this question. Its report is as follows: "Evidence furnished by the published minutes of the North River Association of Alabama convinces us that this group is Heterodox in doctrine and practice. It is composed of parts of churches rent off from Baptist churches. The Tuscaloosa Association of Baptists of Alabama - made a study of this group. We have read its report. In view of all the facts in this case we have decided them heterodox and schismatical. We look upon this body as in a state of exclusion from Baptists, especially those ministers that originated the organization, and consider then excluded. They, the ministers, lack that character that validates administration of the ordinances, otherwise the whole system of church discipline would be rendered inefficient and altogether a nullity. We, therefore, give this as our opinion; that persons baptized by these disorganized and excluded ministers be received by experience and baptism into the fellowship of Baptist churches and not, otherwise receired." This report was signed by J. G. Hall, Chairman.

Statistics: 9 churches; 709 members; 241 baptisms; 37 transfers by letter; 75 letters issued; 12 excluded; 9 lost by death.


Minutes are not available for this meeting.

The 'History of the Association' Elders Hall and Minter were asked to write was probably incorporated in the 1843 minutes.

The 1844 Associational Meeting was with Preston church on September ( days not given).

Officers were: Elder William Minter, moderator; J. H. McRae, clerk.

The first sermon was preached by Rev. S. H. Parr, pastor of Grenada church.

The first meeting of the Yalobusha County and Vicinity Bible Society met in conjunction with the Association. An offering of $105 was made to buy books from the American Baptist Publication Society. A committee was appointed to buy these books and establish a depository at Grenada "for the good of the Baptist Cause." It is believed, though not so stated in the record, that securing these books was the direct result of the efforts of the Yalobusha County and Vicinity Bible Society.

It was resolved that in order to facilitate the preaching of the gospel and the perfecting of pastoral labors the following recommendations be made: "We urge the forming of ministers' and and deacons' meetings as an institution well calculated to effect such objectives; also, that we become auxiliary to the convention of the Baptist denomination of Mississippi and send delegates to that body."

Statistics: 11 churches; 1,013 members; 201 baptisms; 101 by by letter. $125.00 were given to Foreign Missions; $60.00 to Home Missions.

There were 9 ministers in the Association now. Most of the churches had service one Sunday a month and on the prior Saturday. Grenada had service every Sunday.


No minutes are available for this meeting.

The 1846 Associationil Meeting was with Liberty church September 25-28.

Officers were: T. N. Waul, moderator; Hillery Talbert, clerk.

Statistics: 20 churches; 1416 members; 163 baptisms; 62 transfers by letter.


No minutes are available for these meetings.