
Yalobusha Baptist Association Minutes

The 1870 Associational Meeting was with Duck Hill church on Friday before the 2nd Sunday in October.

Minutes of this meeting are not available. The place and time were fixed in the previous session.

The 1871 Associational Meeting was with Turkey Creek church on October 6-9.

Officers were: H. B. Hayward, moderator; J. J. Jemnings, clerk; W. D. Roane, treasurer.

For the first time church representatives were called "messengers" instead of "delegates".

The following was adopted: "Resolved, that we do heartily commend the action of the Second Baptist Church of Richmond, Va., in accepting the resignation of their pastor, Brother Chambliss, thereby boldly defending our scriptural views on the Lord's Supper."

The following table is taken from the minutes of this session:

Arrarat Yalobusha M. Lyons W. C. Mitchell Torrance 15 0
Ascalmore Tallahatchie J. B. Barry A. J. Sullivan Charleston 48 8
Ashland Tallahatchie J. B. Barry H. M. Harris Hardy 61 38
Charleston Tallahatchie H. B. Hayward J. T. Neeley Charleston 42 1
Clear Springs Grenada W. J. Melton J. J. Smith Graysport 47 14
Concord Calhoun E. A. Crocker W. G. Turner Concord 70 4
Driver's Flat Calhoun None given A. S. Dickerson Paris 40 0
Duck Hill Montgomery M. Lyon T. R. Trotter Duck Hill 18 1
Elam Yalobusha W. J. Melton J. P. Chandler Coffeeville 22 8
Friendship Tallahatchie J. N. Acker B. T. Williams Harris Station 63 27
Graysport Grenada J. T. Fox O. Holden Graysport 79 0
Grenada Grenada H. T. Sproles J. C. Stokes Grenada 91 0
Hopewell Yalobusha T. H. Smith None given Coffeeville 22 8
Liberty Carroll J. G. Hall Wilson Bay Carrolltsn 121 1
London Hill Lafayette J. Martin F. Mize Paris 42 4
Macadonia Yalobusha H. A. Ferguson J. B. Sumner Pine Valley 32 4
Midway Yalobusha C. J. Howard R. S. Bailey Torrance 47 15
Mt. Paran Grenada H. B. Hayward J. P. Hill Hardy 95 15
Mt. Pisgah Carroll H. S. Bryan G. W. Roberts Carrolton 75 2
New Hope Yalobusha W. J. Melton J. J. Melton Post Oak 89 8
Pilgrim's Rest Yalobusha W. J. Melton J. A. Crocker Coffeeville 56 8
Pleas. Prospect Yalobusha A. W. McMath J. W. Taylor Winona 114 0
Poplar Springs Yalobusha J. J. Sawyer R. K. Taylor Coffeeville 31 0
Preston Yalobusha W. S. Byland J. S. Tribble Garner 65 2
Providence Grenada J. P. Thompson T. P. Bowen Bowen 46 2
Reheboth Yalobusha J. G. Hall J. M. Dayle Garner 60 2
Sandy Creek Tallahatchie J. B. Barry W. H. Worley Harrison Station 93 7
Spring Creek Calhour T. H. Smith C. Gore Banner 102 5
Spring Hill Tallahatchie H. B. Hayward J. W. Bowen Oakland 92 4
Sycamore Tallahatchie McGarrity P. B. Herron ? 22 10
Turkey Creek Calhoun C. J. Howard J. T. Trusty Pine Valley 57 0
31 Churches 7 Counties - - Totals 1,854 197

The 1872 Associational Meeting was with Ascalmore church on October 11-14.

Officers were: H. B. Hayward, moderator; J. G. Hall, clerk; R. H. Hardy, treasurer.

Fellowship, Enon, Hebron, Union and Bethel churches were admitted to membership. London Hill church was granted a letter of dismissal to join the Chickasaw Association. A resolution was adopted ordering the publication of the Declaration of Faith and Rules of Decorum in the minutes of this session.

Ile Executive Board was composed of W. S. Ryland, C. H. Howard, J. W. Melton, F. C. Dailey, A. K. Duke, J. J. Jennings, and T. A. Mitchell.

Statistics: 3 churches; 1835 members; 183 baptisms. No colored Members were listed.

The 1873 Associational Meeting was with Liberty church on October 10-13.

Officers were: J. B. Barry, moderator; J. G. Hall, clerk; R. H. Hardy, treasurer.

Antioch, Hubbards Creek, Tippah, Hillsdale and Dividing Ridge churches were admitted to membership.

The Executive Committee reported on the work of the two missionaries employed by the Association. The first was N. J. Acker. He had traveled 1165 miles, preached 76 sermons, held 45 prayer meetings, delivered 35 exhortations, baptized 14, ordained one deacon, constituted one church and collected $143.00 for missions. His salary was $200.00 per'year.

The second was W. J. Meton who served only eight months. He had traveled 2467 miles, preached 123 sermons, delivered 36 exhortations, attended 44 prayer meetings, baptized 29, constituted two churches, assisted in the ordination of one deacon, and collected $158.55 for all sources. His salary was S50.00 per month.

The Executive Board recommended that one missionary be assigned to the "hills", the other to the "bottoms". (Bottoms referred to what is now known as the delta).

Two resolutions were adopted: The first, that ARTCLE 5 of the Constitution be made to read as follows: "The officers of this Association shall consist of a moderator, clerk and treasurer to be selected by a majority of delegates present, who, together with one member to be selected by each church, shall form an executive board and any five of whom constitute a quorum, shall attend to all business not performed by this Association." This to be submitted to all churches for approval or disapproval.

The other resolution divided the Association into two districts. The first included all churches east of the Mississippi and Tennessee railroad (now I.C.) above Grenada, and east of the Mississippi Central (now I.C.) below Grenada. The second diatrict all churches west of these respective railroads. The first district was to meet at Midway church, Saturday before the 5th Sunday in the following November. The second at Ashland church, Wednesday after the 3rd Monday in the following November.

A Church Covenant was adopted for the first time. The Minutes state that Elder H .B. Hayward had moved to the Coldwater Association, Elder W.S. Ryland had gone to Lexington, Kentuckey, and Elder J. B. Gage had died.

Statistics: 37 churches.


No minutes of this meeting are available.

The 1875 Associational Meeting was with Ashland church on October 10-13.

Officers were: J. B. Barry, moderator; J. G. Hall, clerk; R. H. Hardy, treasurer.

A report showed that only 11 churches had Sunday Schools. These were Arrarat, Ascalmore, Duck Hill, Friendship, Graysport, Grenada, Hubbards Creek, Macedonia, Pilgrim's Rest, Spring Hill and Tippo.

Grenada had 70 enrolled in Sunday School and 9 teachers. Tippo was next with 49 enrolled and 5 teachers.

Statistics: 2021 members; 141 baptisms.

The 1876 Associational Meeting was with Graysport church on October 9.

Officers were: H. J. Smith, moderator; J. G. Hall, clerk.

The following churches were granted letters of dismissal to join the Calhoun Association:Spring Creek, Concord, Turkey Creek, Dividing Ridge, Pilgrim's Rest, and Driver's Flat.

Only 8 churches reported Sunday Schools this year. They were: Arrarat, Elam, Graysport, Grenada, Liberty, Macedonia, Mt Paran and Tippo.

Ordained ministers in the Association were as follows: J. G. Hall, Grenada; H. T. Haddick, Grenada; T. L. Talbert, Grenada; I. S. Parker, Grenada; G .C. Goodwin, Coffeeville; J. N. Acker, Charleston; J. H. Oswald, Charleston; H. A. Ferguson, Charleston; Isham Melton, Charleston; J. R. Sumner, Clinton; F. M. Jaynes, Oakland; H. J. Smith, Oakland; and L. A. Barry, no address.

Licentiates were: N. R. Keeton, Graysport; Burgess French, New Hope; W. D. Langston, Harrison Station; William Beane, Southwestern University, Jackson, Tennessee; J. H. Harrig, Torrance; J. Mayall, Hardy, and Thomas Hudson, Carrollton.

Statistics: 2221 members; 103 baptisms.

The 1877 Associational Meeting was with Spring Hill church on November 12-15.

Officers were: J. P. Brown, moderator; J. G. Hall, clerk; R. H. Hardy, treasurer.

The Executive Board was composed of the following: J. P. Brown, J. G. Hall, J. J. Jennings, R. H. Hardy, H. T. Haddick, A. H. Gattis, H. J. Smith, T. L. Talbert, T. B. Williamson and Isham Melton.

A resolution was passed condemning church members for selling and using spirituous liquors; recommending that churches not retain drunkards in their membership; and entreating churches to use rigid and kind discipline with reference to the use and sale of intoxicating liquors.

A letter was read from the Swan Lake Association (colored). This letter was referred to H. J. Snith, B. H. Hardy and T. L. Talbert as a committee to read and report on to the Association.

On the third day this committee reported. It recommended that the Swan Lake messengers be received and seated. The Association endorsed this recommendation.

H. J. Smith, J. N. Acker and T. A. Mitchell were appointed messengers to attend the Swan Lake Association as representatives of Yalobusha Association, August 10, 1878, at Mt. Olive Church (colored).

Statistics: 30 churches; 1452 members.

The 1878 Associational Meeting was with New Hope church on November 8-10.

Officers were: Isham Melton, moderator; T. L. Talbert, clerk; R. H. Hardy, treasurer.

The Executive Board was composed of the following: Isham Melton, R. H. Hardy, D. H. Horton, T. L. Talbert, John Powell, S. D. Gooch, and R. Cook.

The scourge of yellow fever in Grenada was just subsiding when this meeting assembled. A brief, revealing item in the minutes states, "Brethren Hall and Haddick, principal and alternate to the introductory sermon of this meeting, having been called Home by the Lord of the Harvest to reap the reward of their labors, Elder J. R. Sumner was invited to preach it, which the body adjourned to hear."

Elder Hall organized Grenada Church, and Rev. Haddick was pastor when the fever epidemic came.

Statistics: 28 churches; 1309 members.

The 1879 Associational Meeting was with Mt. Paran church on October 12-?

Officers were: Isham Melton, moderator; T. L. Talbert, clerk; R. H. Hardy, treasurer.

Calvary church just organized, was admitted to membership.

The report on ministerial education stated that Grenada Church was paying the expenses of W. D. Bene in Jackson, Tennessee.

Statistics: 28 churches.