
Yalobusha Baptist Association Minutes

The 1880 Associational Meeting was with Providence church on October 9-12.

Officers were: tonIsham Mel, moderator; J. J. Jennings, clerk; R. H. Hardy, treasurer.

Among the visiting delegates was John Cauley from Grenada Colored Association.

Emphasis was given to the importance of Sunday Schools and it was agreed that a Sunday School Institute be organized. Rev. E. A. Taylor was elected president, Miss Florence Doty, secretary, and W. D. Bene, treasurer. A place, and date for this Institute to meet was chosen, Mt. Paran on 5th Sabbath in March following.

Statistics: 27 churches; 1526 members; 95 baptisms.

The 1881 Associational Meeting was with Macedonia church on October 7-10.

Officers were: Isham Melton, moderator; J. J. Jennings, clerk; B. H. Hardy, treasurer.

Endorsement of the "Prohibition Movement" was given.

Mentioned in the minutes are two deaths - Dr. H. J. Ray, Deacon and Clerk of Grenada church, and James Judson Jennings, member of Mt. Paran church.

Statistics: 29 churches; 149 baptisms.

The 1882 Associational Meeting was with (name not given) church on October 6-9.

Officers were: Isham Melton. moderator; R. H. Hardy, treasurer.

Ordained ministers in the Association were: E. A. Taylor, T. L. Talbert, I. S. Parker, all of Grenada; W. D. Bene, Graysport; F. M. Janes, Grayball; B. French, New Hope, I. Melton, Oakland; J. D. Rice, Cascilia; J. R. Sumner, Vauns Mill; C. G. Blunt, Coffeeville; H. A. Ferguson, Swan Lake; J. H. Oswald, Sharkey.

Licentiates were: J. Sheley,Charleston; T. R. Chapman, Charleston; N. R. Keeton, Graysport, and A. Woodall, New Hope.

Members of the Executive Board were: I. Melton, C. G. Blunt.,T. B. Williamson, R. H. Scrogin, T. L. Talbert, W. D. Bene, E. A. Taylor, H. H. Hardy, J. D. Rice, G. W. Harrison, L. M. Mays, H. M. Truesell and N. R. Keeton.

A committee, composed of L. M. Mays, H. M. Trussell and N. R. Keeton, was authorized to sell the real estate bequeathed the Association by a "Sister Web",who was a member of the Graysport church, and to convey all title invested in this body.

A resolution passed after the report on Intemperance included along with drinking liquor, that of overwork. "Many of our best p eople, especially ladies who are never suspected of intemperance, are rapidly coming prematurely to the grave from overwork. While we are taught to work diligently we are also required to take care of our bodies."

A committee composed of John Powell, H. A. Harris, Joel D. Rice, George Swearengen and John Corder conferred during the session with a committee from the Oxford Association in regard to a union of the two groups. The committee recommended to the body that the merger be made. The recommendation was accepted, and the name was changed to "Yalobusha-Oxford Association." This action was subject to the ratification of the individual churches.

The 1883 Associational Meeting was with Spring Hill church on (date not given).

Officers were: C. G. Blunt, moderator; T. L. Talbert. clerk; W. H. Caruthers, treasurer.

The following report was made and is noteworthy: "The greater part of our churches have no Sunday Schools, or if they have are doing comparatively nothing. This is not as it should be. This work has not had the attention of the ministers as it should have had. The Sunday School is an important auxiliary of religious teaching. Whereas, we find such destitution among our people and feel the great importance of this work, be it Resolved by this body that its members preach and speak of the work to all our churches." This resolution was approved.

A motion endorsing the Prohibition Movement was made and passed.

The 1884 Associational Meeting was with Ashland church on Thursday before the second Sunday in October.

No minutes of this meeting are available but the time and place were fixed in the minutes of 1883.


No minutes of these meetings are available.

The 1887 Associational Meeting was with Liberty church on October 7-9.

Officers were: James B. Binford, moderator; E. B. Miller, clerk; T. B. Williamson, treasurer.

Three messengers were received from the Grenada Missionary Baptist Association of Colored People. They were P. J. Jackson, William Weathers and A. Nabors.

The following was adopted: "Resolved that the Yalobusha-Oxford Association take the Jefferson High School under its fostering care, and that the Association appoint an advisory board of 5 to aid in strengthening and directing the institution, and this board shall hold an annual meeting at each session of the Association." No names are given of this board. This school is thought to have been at Jefferson, Carroll County.

A talk was made in the interest of the Baptist Record and nineteen volunteered to solicit subscriptions in nineteen churches in the Association.

A report was made on Sunday Schools and much discussion was had on whether to support a "union" Sunday School where a Baptist church could not support its own. No decision is recorded. A long discussion was held on the "Prohibiation Movement".

The "Jubilee" Papers of Judge S. S. Fairfield and T. B. Williamson are printed in these minutes. These papers gave a history of the first fifty years of the Association. They emphasized the sound faith of the able leadership in the churches. At this time this Association gave more to missions than any other in the state.

T'he first report on Noman's Work was in these minutes. The following churches reported active Woman's Missionary Societies: Graymport, Grenada, Mt. Paran, Providence, Spring Hill, Ascalmore and Ashland. The following churches promised to organize: Liberty, Charleston, Garner and Torrance. Mrs. J. H. Moore was employed as secretary by the Association to help organize a society in every church.

There was a long report from the Women's Missionary Society of Mt. Paran church. It gave a full history of the organization and its work. This report was signed by L. C. Aldridge, President and N. P. Barksdale, Secretary pro tem.

Ihe following table is taken from the minutes of this session:

Ascalmore J. D. Rice J. D. Denman Charleston 73 10 0
Ashland J. D. Rice T. M. Harris Cascilla 108 0 0
Calvary W. D. Ric  J. J. Vance Grenada 97 6 25
Charleston J. D. Rice W. W. Sheely Charleston 6 6 0
Coffeeville W. Il Hargis J. W. Brown Coffeeville   -   -   -
Duck Hill J. L. Johnson D. A. Wilkins Duck Hill 111 8 87
Enon H. A. Ferguson J. F. Cooper Hood 58 0 0
Garner J. D. Rice J. H. Duke Garner 65 3 0
Graysport A. C. Mason J. C. Perry Graysport 100 14 55
Grenada E. B. Miller O. L. Kimbrough Grenada 146 5 170
Liberty W. D. Bene J. H. Lee Grenada 172 2 67
Mt. Paran J. T. Lealey R. H. Hardy Hardy 57 0 37
Mt. Pisgah W. D. Bene J. H. Lee Smiths Hill 109 15 33
New Hope G. C. Goodman D. E. Pate Air Mount 47 0 0
Oxford J. M. Edwards G. W. Leavell Oxford 129 2 131
Providence J. P.Thompson A. F. Danikel Providence 132 7 79
Spring Hill W. M. Farmer A. G. Neeley Oakland 167 10 82
Sycamore F. M. Faynes W. F. Williams Graball 4` 8 0
Tillatoba W. M. Farmer H. A. Dame Tillatoba 21 0 0
Torrance J. T. Zealey E. E. Anthony Torrance 37 5 0
Union J. H. Collins R. H. Scogins Tillatoba 37 0 76
21 CHURCHES   -   - TOTAL  1792 95 842

The 1888 Associational Meeting was with Garner church on November 1-4.

Officers were: T. B. Williamson, moderator; E. B. Miller, clerk; John Powell, treasurer.

In the letter from Grenada church mention is made of the death of "three noble sisters". Mrs. E. J. Boushe, Mrs. S. S. Fairfield and Mrs. G. B. Jones.

Grenada Church had begun a new house of worship which would cost $1,.000 whom completed.

There were seven Women's Societies: Ashland., Charleston, Grenada, Oxford, Providence, Mt. Paran and Spring Hill.

Statistics: 23 churches; 1901 members; 98 baptisms, 12 Sunday Schools with 841 enrolled.

The 1889 Associational Meeting was with Duck Hill church on Thursday before the 2nd Sunday in October.

No minutes of this meeting are available, but the time and place were fixed at the 1888 session.