
Calhoun County



Wright, James Lawrence

WRIGHT, James Lawrence - Corporal, Color Sgt. for the 29th Miss Inf Rgt. He enlisted at 41 years of age. He was wounded on his hand at Chattanooga and he received a severe wound at the Battle of Franklin TN. The doctors wanted to amputate his arm, but he refused. He was furloughed home to Big Creek MS where his wife, children, and mother nursed him.

I have a document signed by a CS officer in Grenada in Jan 1865 extending his furlough. He was a life long resident of Big Creek.

My other Calhoun Co ancestors in the war were the DENLEYS, WARNERS, SPEARS, and PROVINES.
Submitted by his g-grandson, John R. Denley

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County Coordinator

State Coordinator: Jeff Kemp

Asst. State Coordinator: Denise Wells

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If you have questions or problems with this site, email the County Coordinator. Please to not ask for specfic research on your family. I am unable to do your personal research. I do not live in Mississippi and do not have access to additional records.

