
Yalobusha Baptist Association Minutes

The 1890 Associational Meeting was with Providence church on October 9-12.

Officers were: T. B. Williamson, moderator; Walter S. P. Doty, clerk; G. W. Riley, treasurer.

Messengers from other associations were D. W. Jackson, Trion Texas Association, Terrill Rose ,Zion Association, and H. C. Taylor, Yazoo Association. John Corley was messenger from the Grenada Colored Association.

Liberty, Ebeneezer, Torrence, and Bethel churches were admitted to membership and their messengers seated.

The name went back to its original for, Yalobusha Baptist Association. Oxford and some other churches withdrew in 1889.

The Association agreed to raise $1,250.00 for endowment for Mississippi College.

Application of Union Church, Lafayette County, for membership was referred to a committee composed of J. J. Melton, A. J. Jones, and N. R.Keeton. This committee was to report to the next session. No reason is given for this procedure.

There was for the first time a report on Woman's Work signed by a woman, Mrs. Georgia Talbert. The name of Rev. E. B. Miller follows that of Mrs. Talbert. A meeting of the Woman's Missionary Society of the Association was held at this session and Rev. W. I. Hargis was asked to preside. Miss Hattie Burke was elected secretary, and Mrs. Georgia Talbert read the report for Mrs. L. H. Moore who was ill. Written reports were read from Tillatoba, Mt. Paran, Spring Hill and Ashland. Verbal reports from Graysport and Providence were given by Mrs. Mays.

Contributions by the Woman's Missionary Societies of this Association for all purposes were as follows: Ashland $18.00, Duck Hill $103.00, Grenada $307.00. Graysport $13.50. Liberty $15.00, Mt. Paran $60.00, Providence $18.85, Spring Hill $69.75, Tillatoba $34.50. Grenada Sunbeams $27.50, Aldridge Sunbeams S25.00, Spring Hill Sunbeams S15.25.

Statistics: 22 churches; 1878 members; 95 baptisms; 9 Sunday Schools with 493 enrolled.

The 1891 Associational Meeting was with Grenada church on October 9-10.

Officers were: T. B. Williamson, moderator; W. D. Bene, clerk; L. McCracken, treasurer.

Hopewell Church was received into the Association and Enon was granted a letter of dismissal to join Sunflower Association.

Mr. O. L. Kimbrough read the report on Sunday Schools and in this report stated that all ministers should attend Sunday School. Rev. J. D. Rice responded, saying all I ministers could not attend Sunday School.

Mrs. Georgia Talbert was elected Vice-President of Woman's Missionary Societies to succeed Mrs. L. H. Moore who had resigned.

It was agreed that Yalobusha Association would unite with Yazoo Association in the support of a Foreign Missionary. The sum of four hundred dollars was subscribed for this purpose.

Rev. E. B. Miller introduced a resolution that Yalobusha Association contribute S100.00 to the new church building in Jackson, Mississippi, as a memorial to Brother James G. Hall. The minutes do not state that this resolution was adopte,. but the treasurar's report has an item "To the Jackson Church $110.00 "

Statistics: 20 churches; 1704 members; 109 baptisms.

For the first time more than half of the churches had Sunday Schools. The enrollment in Sunday School had reached 762.

The 1892 Associational Meeting was with Coffeeville church on October 6-8.

Officers were: T. B.Williamson, moderator; J. W.Brown, clerk; L. McCracken, treasurer.

The Association voted to send $100.00 to the First Baptist Church in Jackson, Mississippi, for the new building that was under construction. This gift was sent in memory of the lamented H. B. Hayward.

There were Woman's Missionary Sociaties in 9 churches now. These societies had given $642.28 for the year.

Statistics: 20 churches; 1678 members; 108 baptisms; 11 Sunday Schools.

The 1893 Associational Meeting was with Spring Hill church on October ( date not given)

No minutes of this session are available, but the time and place were fixed in the previous session.

The 1894 Associational Meeting was with Ashland church on October 11-13.

Officers were: L. McCracken, moderator; J. W. Brown, clerk; J. H. Brown, treasurer.

'Me Executive Committee were: L. McCracken, J. W. Brown, J. H. Brown, A. C. Nason, J. D. Rice, G. L.Martin, J. W. Helms, 0. L. Kimbrough and J. C. Brandon.

Ministers in the Association and their addresses were: J. D. Rice, Cascilla, J. H. Oswald, Cascilla, J. C. Brandon. Oakland,

G. L. Martin, Tillatoba, Burgress French, Air Mount, H. B. Pat, Youngs, A. C. Mason, Jefferson, Crede Dyre (colored), Coffeeville.

Grenada asked for and was granted a letter of dismissal. The Clerk was instructed to issue this letter "when called for". No reason is given for the request and it is thought that conditions in Grenada church prompted it.

Rev. J. W. Lee had resigned as Pastor of Grenada church and was in the process of organizing Central church at this time. Many members from First Church went into Central Church. The divisive issue was "Martinism". Grenada First did not withdraw membership from the Association. \This church was represented by J. J. William, E. H. Coley, O. L. Kimbrough, J. C. Perry and James Pryor.

Rev. J. W. Lee attended this meeting and read a paper on missions.

Dnck Hill was granted a letter of dismissal. No reason given.

A committee composed of L. M. Mayes,. H. A. Harris and W. D. Salson was appointed to decide which of the two contending delegations from Calvary should be seated. The decision was that "due to the deplorable conditions in the church neither group be seated." It was hoped that the church would reconcile its differences before another meeting.

Statistics: 23 churches; 1663 members; 80 baptisms; 16 Sunday Schools with 816 enrolled.

The 1895 Associational Meeting was with Tillatoba church on October 10-12.

Officers were: L. McCracken, moderator; J. W. Brown, clerk; H. A. Dame, treasurer.

The Central Baptist Church of Grenada sent in the following letter: "Dear Brethren: While we are not organically a member of your body, yet we are in your territory and in perfect accord and sympathy with you and your work. We therefore pray God's blessings upon your deliberations. With this letter of Christian salutations, we enclose $12.50 for your mission work. Also $1.00 for minutes. Fraternally yours, J. W. Lee, Pastor, O. L. Leigh, clerk and treasurer.

On the second day of the session a committee reported as follows: "We do not believe in Martinism. We believe that the peculiar views of M. T. Martin are at variance with Baptist faith in the following particulars: (1) Regeneration. Baptist believe that regeneration is effected in a manner above our comprehension by the power of the Holy Spirit in connection with Divine truth. Martinism holds that generation only is the work of the Holy Spirit, before birth or after birth, and that regeneration is effected by the word. (2) Repentence. Baptists believe that repentance and faith are sacred duties and also inseparatable graces wrought in our souls by the regenerating Spirit of God. Martinism ignores repentance and makes faith and assurance conditions and tests of salvation. (3) Prayer. Baptists believe that the Bible teaches that men ought always to pray. Some Bibical examples are the publican, the thief on the cross, Simon Magus, and Cornelius. Martinim teaches that a sinner cannot pray."

This committee recommended that the Association appoint a committee to confer with First and Central churches, Grenada, to try to effect a reconciliation. It felt both groups has acted rashly. This report was signed by J. C.Neal, layman, Charleston Church; H. C. Taylor, layman, Sycamore Church; H. W. Merrill, Pastor, Grenada First Church; M. V. Noffsinger, Yazoo Association; A. V. Rowe, Convention Board.

On the third day of the session, Rev. J. W. Lee, Pastor of Central Church, Grenada spoke on his attitude toward Martinism. His remarks are not recorded.

The controversy at Calvary seemed not to be settled and another committee was appointed to investigate and report at the next meeting.

Corinth, Wayside and New Goshen churches were admitted to membership. L. F. Foster's book, Mississippi Baptist Preachers, was endorsed by the Association.

Statistics: 28 churches; 1868 members; 15 Sunday Schools with 718 enrolled.

The 1896 Associational Meeting was with Liberty church on October 8-10.

Officers were: L. McCracken, moderator; J. W. Brown, clerk; H. A. Dame, treasurer.

The sermon was preached by Rev. R. W. Merrill, Pastor of Grenada. First Church. A resolution was adopted that this sermon be sent to the Baptist Laynan for publication. The subject was Repentence and faith. The entire sermon was published in the minutes also.

Trouble that had beset Calvary Church for several years was discussed. The Association believed that some doctrine taught by that church was false. A motion. made by H. C. Taylor, that fellowship be withdrawn from Calvary Church. was carried. The letter and money sent by this church was returned.

Statistics: 27 churches; 1948 members; 186 baptisms. Seventeen churches had Sunday Schools.

The 1897 Associational Meeting was with Coffeeville church on November 18-20.

Officers were: L. McCracken, moderator; J. W. Brown. clerk; H. A. Dame, treasurer.

The report of Woman's Missionary Society work shown that the Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the state organization was hold in Grenada in July. Fourteen Associations were represented by 32 woom from 25 Societies. Eleven other Societies sent reports. Mrs. J.C. Perry of Grenada was Vice-President of the Yalobusha Ammciation Society. There were 8 Societies in the Association at this time.

Statistics: 25 churches; 1790 members; 160 baptisms; 14 Sunday Schoolji with 616 enrolled.

The 1898 Associational Meeting was with Garner church on November 10-12.

Officers were: L. McCracken, moderator; J. W. Brown, clerk; H.A. Dame, treasurer.

Spring Hill Church reported that it had been dissolved and reorganized into a new church of the same name and felt that it had forfeited its membership in the Association. request for re-admission was made and granted.

Jerry Shelton, colored, was received as a visitor from Mt. Moriah Colored Association.

Statistics: 22 churches; 12 Sanday Schools.

The 1899 Associational Meeting was with Providence Church on August 24-27.

Officers were: L. McCracken, moderator; J. W. Brown, clerk; H. A. Dame, treasurer.

Hopewell church was granted a letter of dismissal to join the Calhoun Association.

A resolution was passed that condemned dissolving a church in order to get rid of discontented members. Spring Hill and Bethel had done this.

Mrs. J. C. Perry submitted her resignation as President of the Woman's Missionary Societies of the Yalobusha Association, and Mrs. N. P. Barksdale was elected to succeed her.

Statistics: 21 churches; 1672 members; 97 baptisms; 10 Sunday Schools.