
Yalobusha Baptist Association Minutes

The 1839 Associational Meeting was with Loosascoona church on October 12-14. Officers were: Elder Francis Baker, moderator; Elder James G. Hall, clerk; Elder William Minter, treasurer.

Money given was $78.00. The use of this money was not stated.

Listed as visiting ministers from abroad at this meeting were Elders Parks, Meadows, Stovall and Huffman. They were seated and invited to preach.

Several months prior to this meeting Shiloh, Mt. Carmel, Hopewell and Loosascoona churches declared non-fellowship with all churches friendly to missions and excluded from their pulpits pastors of missionary churches.

Rehoboth church asked admission to the Association at this meeting. The four above mentioned anti-mission churches presented their letters, declaring their non-fellowship with churches friendly to missions and the Bible cause and urged the Association to adopt a similar course. They also objected to the admission of any more churches until this question was settled. Visiting elders from abroad were present in the interest of both sides. The minutes are silent on the details and results of this debate. But the names of the anti-missionary churches do not appear in the future minutes and Rehoboth was admitted to membership.

Thus the Association had passed a crucial test in its history. A day of f fasting and prayer was set. Statistics: 11 churches; 499 members; 125 baptisms; 60 transfers by letter.