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Abbreviations commonly seen on Mississippi tombstones and their meanings. If you know of a tombstone abbreviation that is missing from our list please let us know.
AAONMS - Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (the Shriners).
a.a.s. - anno aetitis suae (died in the year of his/her age).
AASR - Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite (Masonic).
ABA - American Benefit Association.
AF & AM - Ancient Free and Accepted Masons.
ALOH - American Legion of Honor.
AMD - Allied Masonic Degree.
AMORC - Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis (Rosicrucians).
AMOS - Ancient Mystic Order of Samaritans (Odd Fellows).
AOF - Ancient Order Of Foresters.
AOH - Ancient Order of Hibernians.
AOM - Ancient Order of Mysteries (Masons).
AOUW - Ancient Order Of United Workmen.
APA - American Protective Association.
ATO - Alpha Tao Omega Fraternity.
AUSA - Association of the United States Army.
B of RTM - Brotherhood of Railroad Track Men.
BARE - Benefit Association Of Railway Employees.
BAY - Brotherhood of American Yeomen.
BK of M - Black Knights of Molders.
BKA - Benevolent Knights Association.
BLE - Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers.
BLF&E - Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen & Engineers.
BPOE - Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks.
BRT - Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen.
CAR - Children of the American Revolution.
CBKA - Commandery Benevolent Knights Association.
CBL - Catholic Benevolent Legion.
CD of A - Catholic Daughters of America.
CK of A - Catholic Knights of America.
Cons. / Consort - Usually used with women. It means the woman's husband was still living at the time of her death.
COOF - Catholic Order of Foresters.
CW - Columbia Woodmen
D of A - Daughters of America.
D of P - Daughters of Pocahontas.
DAC - Daughters of the American Colonists.
DAN - Daughters of the Nile (Masonic).
DAR - Daughters of the American Revolution.
DAV - Disabled American Veterans.
DDS - Doctor of Dentistry.
DOKK - Dramatic Order Knights of Khorassan (Knights of Pythias).
DOL - Daughters of Liberty.
DOR - Daughters of Rebekah.
DOLLUS - Dames of the Loyal Legion of the United States.
d.s.p. - decessit sine prole legitima (died without issue).
d.s.p.l. - decessit sine prole mascula supersita (died without legitimate issue).
d.s.p.m.s. - decessit sine prole mascula supersita (died without surviving male issue).
d.s.p.s. - decessit sine prole supersita (died without surviving issue) .
d.unm - died unmarried.
d.v.m. - decessit vita matris (died in the lifetime of his mother).
d.v.p. - decessit vita patris (died in the lifetime of his father).
EAU - Equitable Aid Union.
EBA - Emerald Beneficial Association.
ECV - E Clampus Vitus.
Et al - et alia (and others)
F&AM / FAM - Free and Accepted Masons.
FATAL - Eastern Star Motto "Fairest Among Thousands, Altogether Lovely."
FCB - Knights of Pythias.
FLT - Independent Order of Odd Fellows.
FNDOZBTKC - "Fear Not Daughter Of Zion Behold The King Cometh" - Female Masonic Symbol.
FOE - Fraternal Order of Eagles.
FOF - Fraternal Order of Firefighters.
FOP - Fraternal Order of Police.
GLAUM - Grand Lodge Ancient Order of Mysteries (Masonic).
GLDS - Grand Lodge Daughters of Scotia.
GUO of OF - Grand United Order of Odd Fellows.
HHHH - 4H Club.
HTWSSTSH - Royal Arch Masons. "Hiram the Widows Son Sent to King Solomon"
HZ - Haro Zaro.
HOJ - Heroines of Jericho (Masonic).
IBBH - International Brotherhood of Blacksmiths and Helpers.
IB of EW - International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers.
IHS - in hoc salus (there is safety in this); in hoc signo spes mea (In this sign (the cross of Christ) is my hope).
IHSV - Red Cross of Constantine (Masonic).
inst - instans (present month)
IOA - International Order of Alhambra.
IODE - Independent Order, Daughters of the Empire.
IOF - Independent Order of Foresters.
IOGT - International Order of Good Templars.
IOH - Improved Order of Heptasophs.
IOHH - International Order of Hoo-Hoo.
IOI - Independent Order of Immaculates.
IOJD - International Order of Job's Daughters.
IOKP - Independent Order of Knights of Pythias.
IOOF - Independant Order of Odd Fellows.
IOOF PM - Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Past Master.
IOR - Independent Order of Rechabites.
IORG - International Order of Rainbow Girls (Masonic).
IORM - Improved Order of Red Men (Sons of Liberty).
IOStL - Independent Order of St. Luke.
IOV - International Order of Vikings.
ISDA - Italian Sons and Daughters of America.
ISH - Independent Sons of Honor.
IUOM - Independent United Order of Mechanics.
IWW - Industrial Workers of the World.
IYOB - International Order of Job's Daughters.
JAOUW - Junior Order-Ancient Order of United Workmen.
JOAM - Junior Order of American Mechanics.
JOUAM - Junior Order of United American Mechanics.
K of C - Knights of Columbus.
K of H - Knights of Honor.
K of L - Knights of Loyola.
K of P - Knights of Pythias.
K of SJ - Knights of St. John.
K of STP - Knights of St. Patrick.
K of STW - Knights of St. Wenceslas.
K of T - Knights of Tabor.
K of TM - Knights of the Macabees.
KC - Knights of Columbus.
KFM - Knights of Father Matthew.
KG - Knights of St. George.
KGC - Knights of the Golden Chain; Knights of the Golden Circle.
KGE - Knights of the Golden Eagle.
KGL - Knight Grand Legion.
KHC - Knights of Holy Cross.
KKK - Knights of Ku Klux Klan.
KLH - Knights and Ladies of Honor.
KM - Knights of Malta (Masonic); Knights Militant (KKK).
KMC - Knights of the Mystic Chain.
KOL - Knights of Labor.
KOTM - Knights of the Macabees.
KP - Knights of Pythias.
KPC / K of PC - Knights of Peter Claver.
KSC - Knights of St. Columbkille.
KSF - Knights of Sherwood Forest.
KSL - Knights of St. Lawrence.
KSTG - Knights of St. George.
KSTI - Knights of St. Ignatius.
KSTJ - Knights of St. Joseph.
KSTM - Knights of St. Martin.
KSTP - Knights of St. Paul.
KSTP - Knights of St. Peter.
KSTT - Knights of St. Thomas.
KT - Knights Templar.
KT - Knights of Tabor.
KWM - Knights of Wise Men.
LAOH - Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians.
LGAR - Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic.
LK of A - Loyal Knights of America.
LOL - Loyal Order Orange Lodge.
LOM - Loyal Order of Moose; Legion of the Moose.
LOOM - Loyal Order of the Moose.
LOVUS - Legion of Valor of the United States.
LPN - Licensed Practical Nurse.
MBS - Mutual Benefit Society.
MCL - Marine Corps League.
MHP - Mississippi Highway Patrol.
MOLLUS - Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States.
MOOSE - Loyal Order of the Moose.
MOPH - Military Order of the Purple Heart.
MOVPER - Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Mystic Realm (Masonic).
MRA - Royal Arcanum.
MUS - Short for Musician (seen on Confederate tombstones).
MWA - Modern Woodmen of America.
NCOA - Non-Commissioned Officers Association.
Nepos - grandson.
NL - Navy League.
NOK - New Order Knights (KKK).
NOW - Neighbors of Woodcraft.
NSDAR - National Society Daughters of the American Revolution.
NU - National Union.
O of A - Order of Amaranth (Masonic).
O of UF - Order of United Friends.
OOA - Order of Ahepa.
OOD / OD - Order of DeMolay.
OCF - Order of Chosen Friends.
ODSH - Des Schwestern Verbandes (Sisters of the Federation).
OES - Order of the Eastern Star.
OGC - Order of the Golden Cross.
OSC - Order of Scottish Clans.
OUAM - Order of United American Mechanics.
PF of A - Patriotic Friends of America.
PH - The Order of Patrons of Husbandry (The Grange).
PM - Patriarchs Militant (Independent Order of Odd Fellows).
POSA - Patriotic Order of the Sons of America.
RA - Royal Academy; Royal Arcanum.
RAM - Royal Arch Masons.
RC - Republican Club.
Rel. - (see Relict)
Relict - Usually used with women. It means the woman's husband was already deceased at the time of her death.
Res. - (see Residue)
Residue - widow or widower.
RK - Roman Knights.
RMOKHSJ - The Religious and Military Order of Knights of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem.
RN - Registered Nurse.
RNA - Royal Neighbors of America.
ROJ - Royal Order of Jesters (Masonic).
RSGF - Royal Society of Good Fellows.
RSM - Royal and Select Masons.
RSTV - Rite of St. Vaclara; Rite of St. Vita.
RTT - Royal Templars of Temperance.
S of StG - Sons of St. George.
SAR - Sons of the American Revolution; Sisters of the American Revolution.
SBCL - Saint Bonifazius Catholic Union.
SBL - Society B. Lafayette.
SCV - Sons of the Confederate Veterans.
SFWC - Supreme Forest Woodmen Circle.
SNA AUM - Shrine of North America.
SR - Scottish Rite (Masonic Order).
ST - Sons of Temperance.
SV - Sons of Veterans of the United States of America.
TCL - Tall Ceders of Lebanon (Masonic).
TH - Temple of Honor and Temperance-Independent Order of Odd Fellows.
TOTE - Improved Order of Redmen.
TPLF - Temple of Honor and Temperance.
TROA - The Retired Officer's Association.
UAOD - United Ancient Order of Druids.
UCV - United Confederate Veterans.
UDC - United Daughters of the Confederacy.
UFL - Union Fraternal League.
ult. - ultimo (late).
UMC - United Methodist Clergy
UMWA - United Mine Workers of America.
UOPF - United Order of Pilgrim Fathers.
USA - United States Army.
USA - United States of America.
USAF - United States Air Force.
USMC - United States Marine Corp.
USN - United States Navy.
USNR - United States Navy Reserve.
Ux. - uxor (wife)
VFW - Veterans of Foreign Wars.
VMC - Royal Arcanum.
WC - Woodmen Circle.
WKSC - White Knights of the Southern Cross (KKK).
WOW - Woodmen of the World.
WOW - Women of Woodcraft.
YMCA - Young Men's Christian Association.
YWCA - Young Women's Christian Association.