
Rules of Decorum

ARTICLE 1. The Association shall be opened and closed by prayer.

ARTICLE 2. The Moderator shall be considered judge of order, and shall have discretionary right to call to order at any time.

ARTICLE 3. Any member not satisfied with his decision may appeal to the Association the same day, out at no other time.

ARTICLE 4. The Moderator shall lxave the same privilege of speech as any other member of the body, provided he call some other brother to the Chair; but shall not be permitted to vote, except in case of a tie.

ARTICLE 5. Every motion made in order, and seconded after sufficient time for discussion, shall be, by the Moderator, put to the vote of the Association, a majority of whom shall govern, and the decision shall be publicly announced by the Moderator.

ARTICLE 6. But one member shall I speak at a time, who shall rise to his feet and address the Moderator, and the Moderator, is when addressed by a member for permission to speak, shall signify the same by naming the person or otherwise.

ARTICLE 7. Every member, in addressing this body, must confine his remarks to the subject under discussion, and no member shall be interrupted while speaking, unless he depart from the subject or use words of personal reflection.

ARTICLE 8. The appellation "brother" shall be used in our addresses.

ARTICLE 9. No member shall be allowed to speak more than twice on the same subject, without leave from the Association, nor more than once until all have had an opportunity of speaking.

ARTICLE 10. No member shall be at liberty to absent himself during the hours of business, without leave from the Moderator.

ARTICLE 11. It shall be the duty of the Clerk to keep a correct record of the proceedings of the Association, and submit the same to the correction of the Association at the close of each session; and to preserve a file of all proceedings of the body.

ARTICLE 12. It shall he the duty of the Treasurer to receive all moneys presented for Aasociational purposes, and pay them over by order of the body.

ARTICLE 13. In case of motion to suspend any rule of this Association, a vote of two-thirds shall be necessary.

ARTICLE 14. The roll of delegates shall he called at the close of each session; and absentees without permission, shall be designated upon the minutes as such, without leave of the Moderator.