
Constitution of Yalobusha Baptist Association

Art. 1. This body shall be called Yalobusha Baptist Association and shall consist of churches of the Baptist denomination in regular standing. Churches shall hereafter be received, if no objection is made, upon petitionary letters. accompanied by their delegates.

Art. 2. Each church shall be entitled to 3 representatives, who on presenting a church letter. certifying their appointment, shall be entitled to seats and all privileges of the association.

Art. 3. The object of the association shall be to digest and organize an operative system of measures to promote the general interest of the Redeemer's kingdom, particularly within the bounds of this association.

Art. 4. This association shall never possess any power or authority over any church, save as advisory counsel. It absolutely and forever disclaims any right of this kind, holding the cardinal principle that every church in sovereign and independent.

Art. 5. The officers of the association shall consist of a Moderator, a Clerk and a Treasurer to be selected by a majority of delegates present who, together with 7 members, shall form an executive board, any 5 of whom may constitute a quorum, who shall attend to all the business not performed by the association.

Art. 6. The moderator shall preside over the meetings of the association, but shall vote only in case of a tie.

Art. 7. The clerk shall be responsible for all articles and documents committed to his care, and shall keep a record of the proceedings of the association.

Art. 8. The treasurer shall take charge of all moneys and property of the association; shall keep and exhibit regular accounts to them at stated meetings of association and shall pay out no money save on the order of the association or board, signed by the presiding officer and countersigned by the clerk.

Art. 9. Any amendment to this constitution may be made whenever a majority of the churches may think necessary, and signify it to the association, pointing out the defective part and the amendment necessary to be made.