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went over the country which they afterwards inhabited, the pole appeared to be nearly erect; but as it was considered to be not exactly perpendicular, they continued to move eastwardly. Two tales are told as to the end of their journey. One, that they took a northwestern course until they reached the Tennessee river and that there the pole pointing in an opposite direction, they retraced their steps until ihey reached what was afterwards known as the “Chickasaw Old Fields” (in Lee county), where the pole stood erect. They rested at that place, built a town, cleared the forest, and cultivated maize. The “Old Fields” became the metropolis of the Chickasaw Nation as well as its center. The other tradition is that they followed a more southern direction after crossing the Mississippi, and reached the Alabama river. When the war-dance was renewed around the pole, and after they had reposed, they learned that their course was westwardly. They left the Alabama river for the “Chickasaw Old Fields."17

Rev. T. C. Stuart, who was a missionary to the Chickasaws, and who had settled among them in Jan., 1821, requested me to write for him. I acted as his amanuensis, and most of the facts published in the Folio were gathered from him.” Letter from Rev. F. Patton to author, dated Helena, Ark., April 2nd, 1881

On the same general lines is the following from Schoolcraft.

“The following tradition respecting the origin and history of this branch of the Appalachian family, is transmitted by their agent from the present location of the tribe, west of the Mississippi river. It has been obtained from the most authentic sources * * * * * * The story of their old men, as it is now told, runs thus:
“By tradition they came from the west, part of their tribe remained in the west. When about to start eastward, they were provided with a large dog as a guard, and a pole as a guide; the dog would give them notice whenever enemies were near at hand, and thus enable them to make their arrangements to receive them.
“The pole they would plant in the ground every night, and the next morning they would look at it, and go in the direction it leaned. They continued their journey in this way until they crossed the great Mississippi river, and until they arrived jn the country about where Huntsville, Ala., now is; there the pole was unsettled for several days; but, finally, it settled, and pointed in a southwest direction. They then started on that course, planting the pole every night, until they got to what is called the ‘Chickasaw Old Fields,’ where the pole stood perfectly erect. All then came to the conclusion that that was the Promised Land, and there they accordingly remained until they emigrated west of the State of Arkansas in the years 1837 and 1838.

17 Rev. F. Patton, “Reminiscences of the Chickesaw Indians” in (Pontotoc) Folio.

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