1813 – 1931

Barnes Family Letters

Mt Olive Miss
Jany 3rd 1922

My dear Barbara S. McInnis

          I certainly was surprised at the reception of your letter a person that I had the highest regard for but had lost sight of for quite a number of years, it brought to mind many pleasant thoughts both of you and your beloved husband a man that I always reconised as one of my truest friends. I must say again that I was certainly delighted to hear from you.

          In regard to your application for Pension knowing you were too late for 1921 and persons that could give correct information of John's was record are now very scarce Dunk Milloy living about 10 miles away comes to our town occasionally and I have been waiting for him so last Saturday he came in and we fixed up your application as best we could. I failed to have my glasses and my man made some mistakes and we could find only one delapidated application. You will observe some questions we failed to answer which you can supply. John was a member of my mess during the whole war and there never lived a more honorable high toned perfect gentleman than he. I can out number in years considerably the 25th day of next August I will have rounded off my 90 years and on my way to 100. I don't Know John Fairlys P. O. he is somewhere in Texas. John and his wife have both been dead for several years. Their girls have all married and are living in and around Fort Worth Texas. The U. D. C. of our town have a Camp known as John T. Fairly. They would very much appreciate a list of that Company should you feel disposed to send it to them. Any way I can serve you Command me.

Your true friend
Archy Fairly

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All Stewart and Barnes letters, documents and photos courtesy of Mary Renna. Copyright protected.

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This page was last updated on 07 November 2007.