About 7 miles north of Carrollton on Hwy 35
by: Louise Marshall & Ethel Bibus on Aug. 30, 1981.
This is an index
of this cemetery printed with permission from the Carroll County Cemetery book
by Ethel Bibus. If you are interested in further information about the people
buried in this cemetery, you can purchase the Carroll County Cemetery book
through Pioneer Publishing Co., P.O. Box 408, Carrollton,
Mississippi 38917. Be sure and tell them you heard about the book through the
Carroll County, MSGenWeb site!
If you have
additional information to add to this page, please let me know and we will post
it here. Ashmore, Harold
Ashmore, infant x7
Ashmore, James
"Jim" Bradford
Ashmore, James
Ashmore, Marguree
Ashmore, Ruby Riddle
Baker, Charlie E.
Baker, M.B.
Baker, R.C.
Barry, T.G.
Beaty, Sam
Beckwith, Annie
Beckwith, George
Beckwith, Idella E.
Beckwith, Jessie W.
Beckwith, Robert R.
Beckwith, Willie V.
Bennett, Gary D.
Bennett, Gary R.
Bennett, Lelia L.
Bennett, Lela T.
Bennett, Lucille
Bennett, Richard C.
Bennett, William E.
Bishop, Enoch
Bishop, Martha S.
Bledsoe, Florah
Bowers, Amous
Bowers, George
Bowers, Leona B.
Bowers, Lonnie
Bowers, Lonnie
Bowers, Melton
Bowers, Ramar
Browning, Neal
Browning, Nita
Campbell, A.B.
Campbell, Annie A.
Campbell, Mrs. Ann
Campbell, Eva Ruth
Campbell, Cuba W.
Campbell, D. Albert
Campbell, Earl L.
Campbell, Effie R.
Campbell, Eula P.
Campbell, Henry
Campbell, Laura
Campbell, Linnie
Campbell, Lydia V.
Campbell, Marvin
Campbell, Mattie V.
Campbell, Pinkie G.
Campbell, Richard C.
Campbell, Roy R.
Campbell, Thelma
Campbell, Thomas
Campbell, Tillman C.
Campbell, W.C.
Campbell, William
Campbell, William L.
Campbell, Yvonne
Carpenter, C.E.
Carpenter, Eugenia (Clemie)
Colvin, Herber
Colvin, Robert Leon
Crowder, Lucy M.
Gardner, Annie S.
German, Charles J.
Hatley, Maud Clark
Hightower, J.A.
Hood, Elizabeth Mae
Hughes, W.P.
Ingram, B.M.
Ingram, Nancy J.
Johnson, Curtis W.
Johnson, Jedidigh L.
Johnston, William
Joiner, Judson
The marker
that says Mother on the right side of Judson Joiner is his
wife, Emma Adkinson Joiner. And Claudia on his left is Claudia
Pettigrew, daughter of Emma Joiner and Edward Franklin
Pettigrew. Judson and Emma were my Grandparents.
Joiner Cole Route 1, Box 132, Cascilla, Ms. 38920 |
Kent, Lucretia I.
Kent, Stephen H.
Knight, Annie Malone
Knight, Bloomer
The Patty Fay,
near the knight family, is Patty Fay Knight, niece of my aunt
Flonnie Joiner and Lon Knight. She was killed in the tornado that
hit the school bus coming from Valley School years ago. Diane
Joiner Cole Route 1, Box 132, Cascilla, Ms. 38920 |
Knight, Ella R.
Knight, Ellie M.
Lemley, Adron D.
Lemley, Candace Inez
Loden, Nora L.
Loden, Samuel S.
Long, Amnesty
Long, Charles H.
Long, Ella D.
Long, Ellis A.
Long, Eva German
Long, Eva Scruggs
Long, E.W. (Jim)
Long, James Thomas
Long, Jefferson
Long, John Louise
Long, Lemon L.
Long, Marie
Long, Mary Louise
Long, Mattie Louvice
Long, Missouri A.
Long, M.J.
Long, Rena Bennett
Long, Rube Dudley
Long, Tinny
Long, Warren F.
Long, W.C.
Long, William M.
Long, William W.
Long, William W.
Long, Willis S.
Long, ___
Mabray, Alma
Mabray, Brewer
Mabray, Brewer
Mabray, Emma F.
Mabray, Felix Ray
Mabray, May Belle
Mabry, James W.
Mabry, W.F.
Malone, Glenda Diane
McDaniel, Armen Glen
McDaniel, Bea M.
McDaniel, E.H.
McDaniel, Mrs.
McDaniel, Hattie B.
McDaniel, James
McDaniel, James Gay
McDaniel, James L.
McDaniel, J.K.
McDaniel, Mary Leone
McDaniel, Nora
McDaniel, Susan
McDaniel, Terissa L.
McDonald, D.G.
McDonald, Etta
McDonald, Martha
McDonald, Walter S.
McDonald, Willie W.
McNeer, Annie Mae
McNeer, Jennie
McNeer, J.H.
McNeer, J.K.
McNeer, John William
Minyard, Fannie L.
Morgan, Mary B.
Morgan, William A.
Mullen, May Thompson
Mullen, Pascal
Parker, Arthur
Parker, Edgar
Parker, Elizabeth
Parker, infant
Parker, Jessie
Parker, Jim
Parker, Lela
Parker, Lillian
Parker, R.C. (Monk)
Parker, Tular Agnes
Parker, W.W.
Pearce, Frances
Ratliff, Martha Ann
Reves, Emma
Reves, J.A.
Riddle, Bessie Mae
Riddle, Jessie
Roberson, Luella
Ross, Joanna M.
Slawson, Walter H.
Stephenson, Alice P.
Stone, Eula Mae
Stone, Infant
Stone, Jerry A.
Stone, Jimmie B.
Thompson, Elma
Thompson, infant
Thompson, Lillie L.
Thompson, William
Turner, Addie Lee
Turner, S.J.
Warsheen, Tom
Wigley, Henry Z.
Wigley, Thaddeus
Wilson, Audrey J.
Wilson, Elma Dorris
Wilson, Georgiana
Wilson, James A.
Wood, James E.
Wood, Viola
Woodell, Julia Ann
Woods, J.E.
Woods, M.A.
Woods, M.R.
____, Patty Mae
____, Claudia
_____, Anthony
_____, Alice
_____, George
_____, Rowena