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queries & surnames...
Genealogy Queries and Family Surname Project |
Query posted March 30, 2004
The Sullivan family from Robeson and Cumberland North Carolina migrated enmasse to Mississippi after the Choctaw lands were opened. Two Brothers,
John Cloud and Isaac; two sisters Mary Jane Sullivan Crawford and Caroline
Sullivan Nash all were in Mississippi by 1835. John Cloud was a saw mill
owner and Isaac was a physician. Each of them had relatively large
One of Isaac Sullivan's children was Isaac who was born in 1841. In
Broadfoot's Confederate Soldier Roster and in the Carroll County Heritage
Book, there is an Isaac Sullivan from the Hays Community, Carroll County who
was a member of the 4th MS. After that I can find no record of him. On theinternet, Denison College lists an Isaac Sullivan who was from the Hays
Community who was killed in 1865 but not much other information.
Perhaps you might tell me a reference that might help me find him. I would
like to have an internet link if possible.
Thank you for your help.
Jerry Partrick
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Carroll County

I am
John Hansen,
volunteer County Coordinator for Carroll County, Mississippi. I have
family lines from here and hence my interest in establishing as much
information as possible on early Carroll County History.
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This website has been developed to provide research and family history
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