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queries & surnames...
Genealogy Queries and Family Surname Project |
Parsons Johnson
Query posted July 1, 2003
My name is Greg Johnson and I am the great-grandson of Samuel Parsons
(S.P.) Johnson and Susan Eliza Beck of Carroll County. They lived in Vaiden for
most of their lives. S.P. is buried in Old Salem Cemetery. I haven't been
able to locate Susan's burial place yet. If she's in Old Salem, her grave is
unmarked. She died December 30, 1930, but I'm not sure where she was living
at the time of her death. After S.P. died, she went to live with a daughter
in Red Banks (Marshall County) in northern MS. I've also heard she lived
with a son Thomas Johnson in Ruleville (Sunflower County). The search
I've been compiling information on them, their family, their ancestor and
their descendents off and on for a few years now (as much as my real job and
family allow!). Recently found the Carroll County site that you coordinate
and thought I'd introduce myself.
I need to put together a biography for your site. I also have some nice
photos of S.P. and Susan. You can view them on my own website
(www.metryman.com). Click on Genealogy and then find the link with their
name on it. Scroll down to see the photos (click on them to enlarge).
I live in the New Orleans area, which is where one of S.P. and Susan's sons
(my grandfather) moved to from Vaiden back in the early 1900's.
If there are other sites and sources that you think would be helpful in my
ongoing research, please let me know. You can e-mail me at this address
Greg Johnson
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Carroll County

I am
John Hansen,
volunteer County Coordinator for Carroll County, Mississippi. I have
family lines from here and hence my interest in establishing as much
information as possible on early Carroll County History.
Web Site:
Carroll County, Mississippi Genealogical and Historical Web Site was brought
online in 1998, and is sponsored by the
MSGenWeb Project,
a part of the
USGenWeb Project.
This website has been developed to provide research and family history
resources for Carroll County, Mississippi ancestry.
New resources are added as made available, so check back often for new