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queries & surnames...
Genealogy Queries and Family Surname Project |
Query posted October 29, 2003
I have been looking into Carroll County, for the Cohron family. I know they (Sara & her
sons John & David) migrated to Mississippi, from Georgia , in the mid-1800's
with several slaves. The white Cohrons stayed in Carrol County. We know
that the black Cohrons seem to have moved to Lafayette County (Oxford) by
1870. They had land & could read & write. Several of the Oxford Cohrons
became ministers. The Skipwith Historical Society in Oxford has been very
helpful in that area.
I was in touch with an H.R. Cohron, of Carroll County, for several years
before he died in the 1990's. He was such a delightful man, who hand-wrote
all of his letters to me in calligraphy style.
I haven't gotten back to my research in some time and plan to return. I may
be in touch, soon, as I'd like to know more about Carroll County in the
Maria Goodwin
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Carroll County

I am
John Hansen,
volunteer County Coordinator for Carroll County, Mississippi. I have
family lines from here and hence my interest in establishing as much
information as possible on early Carroll County History.
Web Site:
Carroll County, Mississippi Genealogical and Historical Web Site was brought
online in 1998, and is sponsored by the
MSGenWeb Project,
a part of the
USGenWeb Project.
This website has been developed to provide research and family history
resources for Carroll County, Mississippi ancestry.
New resources are added as made available, so check back often for new