Biography of Martha Elisabeth Carpenter Allen
Submitted by Leo "Buddy" Perguson
Martha Carpenter Allen, 1855, Teoc, Carroll County
Mississippi, died 1916, Pushmataha Finley Okla, Buried beside
her husband, John W Allen Pushmataha Finley Okla, Cem. John W
Allen 1855, Walker County Alabama, died 1926, buried beside my
Great Grandmother Martha Elisabeth Carpenter Allen. Martha
went before the United States Commission of Indian affairs in
1902, Muskogee Okla, requesting Tribal enrollment as
Mississippi Choctaw. She claimed under the Sept 27, 1830
Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek. I believe there's always a
strong spiritual ties to your aboriginal Tribal lands that
comes within a deep passionate feeling of belonging even
without knowing on paper where those Spiritual feeling ties
comes from. I knew Choctaw Heritage because my Mom and the
elders always claimed Choctaw, but we never knew from where.
My Great Grandfather John W Allen never claimed Choctaw, but
my Great Grandmother Martha Carpenter Allen, in 1902, claimed
1/2 Mississippi Choctaw before the Commission of Indian
Affairs Muskogee Okla. I believe Indian blood quantum's are
only numbers without much meanings, but the most important
thing to always remember is, it's not what's on paper that
counts, it's who you are within your own heart is all that
matters. Today, I believe, the Commission should have directed
Great Grandmother back to Carroll County MS, as she claimed
recognition as Choctaw within Choctaw Tribal Authorities. I
will submit my Great Grandmother Martha Carpenter Allen's
photo to Carroll County Mississippi, back to where her true
spiritual being as Mississippi Choctaw really belongs. Left to
right, #1. Joseph Young, wife #2. Myrtle Allen Young,
#3.(oldest son), James G Allen, #4 John W Allen, #5, Charley
Allen #6, Staley Allen, #7, frnt Lft, Sitting John W Allen
1855, #8. Grandson, Charley Myres, #9. Sitting, Martha
Elisabeth Carpenter Allen, 1855 #10. Martha's lap was
Granddaughter, Dovie Young. The photo was taken in 1907, 1 NR
20 east of the Choctaw Meridian, Kiamitia Pushmataha Okla.
I will conclude my family pioneer people of Carroll County MS
History with my Great Grandmothers statement in 1902, before
the Commissioner of Indian affairs, Muskogee Okla, "Sir,
"Choctaw Sae Hoke" (I am Choctaw) and I claim under all of the
Sept 27, 1830 treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek".
A proud Carroll County Mississippi, Allen/Carpenter family
photo submitted and edited by; MS, Choctaw Historian, Chief
Leo (Buddy) Pergson

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