
Some Sentinel Articles

From the Yazoo Sentinel 1880, Supplement 10/14/80 Advertisements of business: Dr. G. P. Blundell- drug store on Main Street physician and druggist.

Yazoo Sentinel 1884- 21 Feb 1984; The following new telephones are being put up: Dr. Blundell's residence and Lynch's butcher shop. This makes thirty-four in all so far.

Yazoo Sentinel 1893: Mr E. G. Olden has a piece of old Pennsylvania paper currency that ante dates by thirteen years the Virginia piece shown us last week by Dr. Blundell.

Yazoo Sentinel 1911: Last week the Herald requested a copy of "The Bonnie Blue Flag" for publication. Mrs. J. E. B. Blewett, Mr. W. G . Deles, Capt. C. J. Dubuisson, Mr. W. H. Kline, Sister Emerentia, and Mrs. E. J. Logan each supplied a copy. The one printed was furnished by Mr. Deles. (Dr. George P. Blundell, a veteran of the War, said he remembered when Harry McCarthy, the author, sang it in Wilson Hall, in Yazoo City in the early '60's. He was encored again and again, and the audience threw dollars to him on the stage "We are a band of brothers and native to the soil Fighting for the property we gained by honest toil; And when our rights were threatened, the cry rose near and far; Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag that bears a single star! Hurrah! Hurrah! for the Bonnie Blue Flag That bears a single star!" (11/17/1911)