
Educable Children of Mississippi

These records are lists of students prepared by the counties and school districts. School records can be a viable substitute for birth records. These include the names of both black and white students. The early records included the names of students and the school attended. More recent records include the age of the child and a parent or guardian's name.

I've also included the page each name appears on in their respective years at FamilySearch.org. You can click on the name " [year] Educable Children List Districts" and it'll take you to where the records are on Family Search.

Yalobusha records also includes records from Panola & Grenada County.

This section is complete and only covers those years that are available online. There are more years available at the State Archives on microfilm.

Source Information:
Mississippi, Enumeration of Educable Children, 1850-1892; 1908-1957." Images. FamilySearch. https://familysearch.org : accessed 2014.