Webb, Mississippi
Webb is located two miles southeast of Sumner, and was founded about 1880. The first post
office was founded in 1880 and named Hood for one of the earlier settlers.
In 1882 Judge J.L. Webb operated the only store there and later the Hood
Masonic Lodge was built. There was one saloon at that time called the Razzle Dazzle.
In those days most of the groceries and necessities were brought to Hood
by flat bottom boat from Sharkey, being hauled down the river from Friars
Point. Cassidy Bayou was navigable then and was maintained by the
Government from Sharkey to Hood.
Cassidy Bayou was suppose to have a ghost which was said to have appeared
at the home of Boon Jenkins a farmer. Mr. Jenkins lived one mile north
of Sumner. It was said that each appearance was accompanied by weird
voices and shriek of a woman. People who followed the voices said it
led to the bayou, and in some instances to the Indian Mounds in the
vicinity. The mystery of Cassidy Bayou's Ghost has never been solved.
This Cemetery Indexed by Nick Denley, Clerk of Chancery Court
Tallahatchie County Mississippi-December, 1997.
Directions to Cemetery. Take Hwy 32 South at Webb, Church and
Cemetery on left just before you reach Tallahatchie and Sunflower
County Line.
Bramlett, Charlie, Sr./1915/1995
Bramlett, Clarence/09-15-1912/02-07-1988
Bramlett, Kathy Faye/09-21-1969/09-26-1986
Bramlett, Lovie Lee/08-10-1943/08-24-1995
Bramlett, Macola/04-08-1942/09-26-1986
Cross, John C./no dates
Cross, Willie, Jr./1945/1972
Curry, Ernestine/age 66/01-12-1942/12008-2008
Gaston, Jimmie Mae Burkhalter/1900/04-16-1998
Glenn, John Martin/08-10-1913/11-14-1981
Graham, Willie/04-03-1909/10-17-1971
Greer, Dorothy/06-03-1919/04-22-1990
Greer, Guline/1901/1941
Harper, Sidney/1891/1989
Hayes, Willie Bell/04-11-1905/07-06-1987
Keglar, Morgan, Sr./01-12-1911/03-13-1998
Scurlock, Callie/1905/1913
Smith, Barbara Jean/12-29-1954/11-05-2008/interred 11-13-2008
Steal, Precillar/03-01-1869/04-08-1942
Taylor, Matie-08-12-1937-02-27-1992
Whitaker, Elmer-09-25-1916-06-25-1918
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Saturday, 02-Feb-2013 12:23:02 MST
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