Located North on Teasdale Road at Charleston, Right at Teasdale Store
onto Enid-Teasdale Road, Right at first gravel-James Road-then go approx.
2 miles to Rev. Howard Armstrong Place. The Cemetery sign is on the right.
Enid located twelve miles Northeast of Charleston. The first survey of
the Enid township was made in 1836-1837. Sale of Government land began
in 1838, and that year purchasers were Joseph Duke, John Allen, and
John Craig.>BR>
In the early 1840's a settlement was developed a few miles west of Enid
and the Presbyterians built a church which they called Pine Hills.
Soon the Baptist built another church in the neighborhood and they called
it Sandy Creek, which later was changed to Pisgah.
The railroad came through and a station was established at Talliaferro's
Crossing two miles north of the town's present site. The first railroad
station in the county was established in the 1850's when the M&T Railroad
was opened from Memphis to Grenada. At one time there was a wood yard
there to furnish fuel. for the locomotives.
Prior to 1875 the town of Harrison was established at the present site.
It was named for a prominent family of the community who were extensive
land owners. There was a voting precinct at Harrison and prior to 1891
there was a post office. The population was reported to be 300.
The railway station was moved from Talliaferro's Crossing to Harrison
prior to 1891. It was first called Harrison as was the post-office and
voting precinct. About 1900 the name of the post office was changed to
Enid. For some years to follow the town retained the name of Harrison and
Enid. About 1903 the name Enid was given to the railroad station and the
voting precinct and the Harrison name was gradually dropped. In 1916 Enid
and Kirkpatrick Schools were consolidated with a school building being
erected at Enid.
Teasdale was established prior to 1864 and was named for Dr. Teasdale, a
physician in the area. It is located ten miles southeast of Charleston.
In 1832 Lee Horn brought his family form North Carolina and settled in
the hills near what is now Teasdale. Prior to the Civil War Billy Booth
operated a store there and John Patterson lived near Booth's store.
Bell, B.R./07-12-1848/07-27-1896
Bell, Ernest Earl/Son of W.H. & W.S./11-19-1881/09-12-1899
Bell, Kathleen/Dau. of Dr. W.H. & Lela V./09-01-1902/10-17-1907
Bell, R.R./08-31-1848/01-08-1897
Bell, Dr. W.H./03-27-1854/10-06-1907
Bell, W.S./WYF of Dr. W.H./12-20-1858/11-15-1894
Double Marker
Bell, James Allen/07-04-1872/10-01-1936/Buried Reno Nevada
Bell, Lilly Allen/12-09-1877/10-02-1918
Howard, James A./09-17-1839/01-15-1918
Howard, M.E./WYF of J.A. /08-21-1848/10-01-1890
List of
Tallahatchie Main Page
Updater: This page was last updated Saturday, 02-Feb-2013 12:22:56 MST
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Saturday, 02-Feb-2013 12:22:56 MST
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