Tylertown, Miss. | |
Dear Aunt Mary, The last letter I wrote to you and sent to McCornb was sent back to me - wrote on the envelope "unclaimed". I cant understand why they didn't forward it to you. I have been sick, but am better now. Hope you keep well. We have had some mighty hot weather but its real cool today. Hope Charley will do well with his store. When are you coming? Be sure to let me know so I will be at home. I am going to try to get Stella to go with me to see you someday. Rufus came on the 4th and spent two nights with me. Stella comes occasionally - not often - she has gotten well at last, that is of that trouble with those glands, but she is not well other ways, has too much to do. Hope you will be satisfied to stay with Loula. I think it is the very place for you - no children to interfere. I know Sally would do all she could for you in every way, but really I had rather stay with Loula if I were you. Will close with lots of love to all, God bless you. | |
Lou | |
(Return address on envelope was Mrs L. J. Applewhite.)
All Stewart and Barnes letters, documents and photos courtesy of Mary Renna. Copyright protected.
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This page was last updated on 07 November 2007.