Alcorn County Cities & Towns |
History of Alcorn
County Postoffices |
(Information taken from Alcorn County
Family History Book published in 1985.)
The Cuba postoffice was established Feb. 19,
1891. It was located north of where the Tuscumbia Baptist Church now stands.
The church was organized in 1856. The Nichols family donated
the land to build the church.
Abram Berry Nichols was one of
the first postmasters. After he retired, his son, Mattie Bruce
Nichols, became postmaster and worked until about 1928.
The mail was transported by horse and buggy from
Chewalla, Tennessee, the nearest depot, to Cuba.
Corinth - County Seat
Population (year
2000): 14,054
Land area: 30.5 square
Zip code: 38834
Tourism and Promotional Council
- On site
(Excerpts taken from the Alcorn County
Famiy History Book published in 1985. This article was written by Mary Lena
Mitchell Perry.)
The town of Danville was generally considered by
early historians to be the first white settlement in the area.
Records state that the town started with a store
operated by two men named Reeves and Fitch.
Later there was a two-story inn, a Masonic Temple, a tanning yard, blacksmith
shops, several saloons, and an Indian Trading Post. Not far away there was a
Methodist Church and a school.
Danville was located on the old Reynoldsburg
Road. The most likely explanation for its location was the abundant supply of
freestone water furnished by its many springs.
The place was at first called "Troy". When the
citizens of the town applied for a post office they found that there was
already a town by that name so they changed its name to Danville.
The first Circuit Court of Old Tishomingo County
was held in a small log house in Troy.
Danville was incorporated by an act of the State
Legislature in 1848.
A Mr. Alstadt operated a large
tanning yard about two hundred yards north of the man road through Danville.
Another thriving business located near Danville
was a rather large whiskey still. It used water from a free flowing spring
located slightly above the still. One of the first licenses on record was
granted to one Thomas Brewster in Danville.
One report states that some of the early citizens
of Danville were Alstadt, a tanner; James Hamlin,
Allen Kemp, Dr. Brady, Dr. B.F.
Liddon, referred to as a "beloved physician and preacher of the
Gospel of Jesus Christ"; Dr. William A. Taylor and Dr. J.
Marcus Taylor, who were brothers; and Judge Hezekiah Balch
Mitchell, politician and surveyor, whose sons, Houston and
Eli, were later active in the establishment and formation of the City of
Corinth. One account also mentioned C.B. Dilworth and Cody
Fowler who represented the county in the lower house of
This little town prospered until around the
1860's. It declined after the railroads crossed at what was later to become
Corinth and the destructive occupation, dismantling, and partial removal of
its store buildings, homes, etc., by the Union soldiers during the Civil War.
Following the evacuation of Corinth the Union Army
shelled the little town for no apparent reason. They then moved in and told
the inhabitants to leave. Almost all the buildings were log structures and it
was easy for the invaders to dismantle many of the buildings and use the logs
for stockages, etc.
Farmington Community
(Extracted from the Alcorn Co. Family History Book published in 1985.
Original article written by: Patti Gates.)
In 1817, Congress admitted all the
land of the Territory of Mississippi as the State of Mississippi and by 1832,
the northern part of the state was safely within her bounds. This area was
within the limits of Old Tishomingo County.
The community of Farmington
prospered, as did the Baptist
church. The physical prosperity was
marked by a deed for incorporating the land surrounding the church into a
town. This was done by an Act of the Legislature of the State of Mississippi
in 1838. Prosperity continued so much that the town limits were increased in
1839 and again in 1842.
Farmington Academy was chartered in
1839, to be set up within or near the Town of Farmington, for the purpose of
the "encouragement of learning amongst the students". Likely this was
established on the site of the present church building, as in 1842 Thomas
Dobbins gave deed to an acre of additional burying ground
bounded on the west by the eastern side of the school property.
The town of Farmington now had
within its area a church, several homes, general stores, a post office,
blacksmith shop, saddle and harness shop and a wheat-fan manufacturing plant.
On February 5, 1849 a Masonic Lodge
was chartered.
On May 3, 1862, a skirmish between
forces of the Union and the Confederates was at Farmington; also, on May 4 and
May 8, other skirmishes were fought. May 9 brought full battle to
Farmington. The Union forces led by Major General John Pope
and the Confederate forces commanded by Major General Earl Van Dorn
was ready for battle.
The battle of Farmington left as
casualties for the Union-16 killed, 148 wounded, and 192 missing. For the
Confederates-8 killed, 189 wounded, and 100 missing.
On May 10, 12, 19 and 22 additional
skirmishes were fought in or near Farmington.
After the actual battlefields moved
away from Farmington, the area was used primarily as a hospital zone for the
wounded Union forces from this and other battles. Most, if not all the homes,
sotres and shops of Farmington were destroyed. The building of the church was
torn down and used as flooring for the tents of the Union soldiers encamped on
the site.
Gift Community
(Extracted from the Alcorn County Family
History Book published in 1985. This article on Gift was written by E.A.
"Buck" Turner.)
One of the early pioneers was the family of James
Jones. They moved to Gift in 1855.
Mr. Jones gave the land for the Jones schoolhouse
about 1894 after the Lebanon school burned.
Mr. Jones had the first cotton gin that would bale
two or three bales of cotton a day and press cotton with mules.
Mr. Rob Smith had a grist mill and grocery store.
Mr. Bud Suitor and Mr. Barry Walker had a cotton gin. Mr. Tom Jones had a
grist mill and cotton gin.
Another grist mill and cotton gin was one located
in this community and owned by two brothers, Tom and Sant Smith.
Glen |
Hinkle Community (Extracted
from the Alcorn Co. Family History Book published in 1985. This was originally
written by Mildred Walker Sawyer.)
Hinkle Community,
located in the southern portion of the county, has long been recognized as one
of the more outstanding communities in the area.
According to abstract deeds of Old
Tishomingo County, Jacob Hinkle took title to land in the
area in 1836. He was said to have been an outstanding citizen and an active
Presbyterian and as a result of his prominence the community was named for
him. The creek which runs through the area is also named Hinkle.
This community supported three
churches; Baptist, Presbyterian and Methodist for more than one hundred years.
Since the establishment of the
community it has maintained a general store, a mill, a gin and for a numbers
of years a sawmill. In the early days there was a tannery on the creek.
The area boasted of a postoffice at
one. It was in the home of the late Dr. L.A. Hill and was in
operation until about 1905.
Notable among families who have
lived there are names such as: Hill, Ray, Dilworth, Savage, Curlee,
Suitor, Gray, Walker, Miller, Holt, Whirley, Johnson, Green, Marecle, Bridges,
Morris, Caldwell, Hughes, McCord, Taylor, Hudson, Farris, Henderson, Lucken,
Bragg, Crum, and the list goes on.
Settled in 1840 as New Hope.
Changed to Kossuth in 1853 to honor Hungarian Patriot Louis Kossuth. The home of
Col. M.P. Lowery, founder of Blue Mountain College.
A skirmish was here during the Civil War.
Alcorn Agricultural High School was established in 1908; and became Kossuth High
School in 1960.
Mississippi Department of Archives and History-1996
Population (year
2000): 170
Land area: 1.0 square
Zip code: 38834
Crum Mountain - One of
Mississippi's highest summits.
Mississippi -
Kossuth in North America