Winston County Census

1840 Federal Census (index only) provided by S-K Publications
1850 Federal Census
1850 Federal Census Slave Schedule (index only)
1860 Federal Census
1860 Federal Census Slave Schedule (index only)
1870 Federal Census
1888 Tax Roll (presented here as 1890 substitute census)

USGenWeb provides a Federal Census Index for Winston Co. showing the microfilm roll numbers for each census.

For researchers visiting the Mississippi Department of Archives and History in Jackson, the following tax lists for Winston County are in their stacks: 
1847, 1848, 1856, 1863, 1871, 1881, 1882.

Also, a copy of the first State Census of Winston County, which was taken in April, 1837, is available for researchers.  In this census, as in the 1853 State Census, only the name of the head of the household is given, then the age groups for males and females are given and a total for each household. The population of Louisville in 1837 was 162. 

