Bethany Presbyterian Church

Bethany Presbyterian Church, Tishomingo, Mississippi


This information was transcribed from page 8 of the Old Sessional Register Bethany Presbyterian Church, located 2 miles southeast of the town of Tishomingo, in Tishomingo County, Mississippi.


“Introductory remarks to Volume 2 of the Sessional Record of Bethany Church, in connection with the Presbytery of Chickasaw, and in the County of Tishomingo and the State of Mississippi.  From the breaking out of the Civil War in 1861, to the close thereof, the regular ministration of the gospel was but partially sustained and finally for a long time was wholly suspended.  During this period, the Sessional Records were entirely suspended, and much that was the matter of record can now only be supplied by memory.  When the Civil War began, Rev. W. V. Frierson was supplying the church; David Paden was the only elder.  Alexander Paden and Wm. Storment were deacons.  In the summer of 1861, Wm. A. Tankersley and D. A. Paden were elected and ordained elders.  In the summer of 1862, D. A. Paden died.  David Paden died in the spring of 1864, leaving Dr. W. A. Tankersley the only elder.


“At the beginning of the present year, arrangements were made with the Rev. L. B. Gaston to supply the church for the year 1866.  W. D. Paden was elected and ordained a ruling elder on June 24th, 1866.”


From an old church book of Fairview, South Carolina, the ancestral home of the Padens, the following is copied—1833.  “Robert W. Paden, Dan Paden, David S. Paden, and Alexander Paden, with their families were regularly dismissed.  Anthony Savage. C. S.”


In a sparsely settled community of Tishomingo County, Mississippi, Robert W. Paden, Dan Paden, David S. Paden, and Alexander Paden (with their families) began to cut, hew logs, and build a log house to use for a church and school house.  This was the second Presbyterian Church in old Tishomingo County.  The building was ready for services in November 1840.  Rev. J. B. Stafford was the organizing minister, and R.W. Paden was the first ruling elder.  Through all the years, the elder register has always carried the name of Paden or some close relatives.  Rev. Storment of Robstown, Texas, became missionary to the Mormons and Indians and Utah about 1900.  Later he was superintendent of an orphanage in Texas.


The first building of logs was about 20 by 30 feet; it stood about 40 yards south of the present building.  It had two windows that closed with wooden shutters and only one door.  Candles were used for lighting, and there was no heating.  Winter services were provided with a fire built outdoors.  The pulpit was built of the old Scottish type—a semi-circle front, with the floor elevated several feet, mounted by a flight of steps.


During the Civil War, Porter Paden, seeking a place for security for his meat against the ravages of the Yankees, prized the floor of the pulpit up and hid his meat underneath.  The Yankees came and camped all thereabouts using the church, walking back and forth over this treasure of hidden meat, all unsuspecting of how near they were to Mr. Paden's meat.  When all was over and the Yankee's were gone, Mr. Paden again prized up the pulpit floor, found his meat all intact, cooked and ate it with a keen relish, after such a long wait, devoutly thanking God for this house of security against thieves, as well as a place of sacred worship of the Most High.


Both floor and seats were made of the old time puncheons.  Mr. Ed Carmack was a successful teacher there.  Many people were schooled in the old log house which stood until after 1866 or 1867, when a large plank house was built.  This plank church, badly in need of repair, was discussed at a large congregational meeting at Bethany Church, October 9, 1932.


The result of the meeting gave Rev. W. E. Morean the privilege of tearing down the old church and building a smaller one on the same spot; the vote was unanimous.  The following were appointed as members of the building committee:  D. W. Paden, W. A. Flurry, and M. H. Flurry.  The new church was started in the same month, nearly 100 years later.  This was a real nice comfortable house—well heated, well seated, and well lighted.  It was built on the same spot using native rock for steps and pillars, or underpinning.


The register of charter members includes the following surnames:  Paden, Savage, McGaha, Morrow, Tankersley, Morrison, Storment, Wyley, McRae, McDougal, and Flurry.


The following information about the Bethany Presbyterian Church was obtained from Mr. Bill Paden and transcribed by Avenell Paden Harrison.


Bethany Presbyterian Church was organized and ready for the first service on November 28, 1840.  James B. Stafford was the organizing minister.


Membership Roll


Admitted to Church

Date of Death

Elizabeth Paden

November 28, 1840


Daniel (Dan) Paden

November 28, 1840


Catherine A. Paden

November 28, 1840


Margaret Paden

November 28, 1840


Hugh P. Paden

November 28, 1840


Catherine Paden

November 28, 1840


Isabelle Paden Wiley

November 28, 1840


Jane S. Paden

September 1842


Mary E. McGaha

September 1842


Rosanah McRae

January 1846


Alexander Paden

July 1, 1848


Sarah G. Paden

July 1, 1848





Admitted to Church

Date of Death

William A. Tankersley

October 14, 1849


Catherine M. Barton

November 18, 1849

Transferred to New Hope 1870

David Nixon Paden

November 18, 1849

Transferred to New Hope 1862

Martha E. McAlla

October 18, 1851

Transferred to Iuka—November 26, 1871

Elijah McCalla

October 18, 1851

Transferred to Iuka, November 26, 1871

William Storment

May 6, 1854


William D. Paden

October 1854

Transferred to Corinth, Sept. 24, 1871

Jane H. Storment (wife of William Storment)

November 19, 1855


Mary Jane Paden



Martha Storment



William D. Storment



Mary I. Settle



W. D. Storment

May 27, 1866


J. R. Savage



Martha M. Savage

August 29, 1868


Rebecca Nichols

August 29, 1868


James A. Savage

August 29, 1868


Robert Wilson Paden

September 2, 1868


Mrs. Martha Paden

September 2, 1868


Mrs. Anna B. Blunk/Blunt

March 28, 1869


Archabald Morrison

June 26, 1870


Mrs. Jerusha B. Morrison

June 26, 1870


Mary Jane Paden

June 24, 1871


Daniel McRae

October 27, 1872


W. B. McGhee



Mary M. Storment Gurley

June 15, 1873


David N. Wiley

August 17, 1873


Mrs. Eliza Ann Wright

September 28, 1873


Miss Sophia M. Paden

September 30, 1873


William A. Paden

September 30, 1873


Mrs. Sarah E. Reno

November 9, 1873


Mrs. Malion E. Reno

November 9, 1873


Mrs. Margaret T. Wiley

May 10, 1874


Miss Mary L. Reno

September 28, 1874


Miss Sarah I. Storment

May 20, 1877


W. T. Storment

October 13, 1878


Miss Ella Paden

February 18, 1879


John D. Storment

May 13, 1879


L. D. Paden

October 22, 1879


Dan C. Savage

October 22, 1879


Miss Maggie N. Savage

October 22, 1879


Miss Mary C. Savage

October 22, 1879


Miss Malinda A. Savage

October 22, 1879


Miss Kate Paden

October 22, 1879


Minnie L. Reno Flurry

May 13, 1882





Admitted to Church

Date of Death

Mary Jane Storment

August 4, 1882


Mark Paden

September 10, 1882


Martha Wren

October 16, 1883


E. N. Reno

October 16, 1883


J. W. McDougal

September 7, 1884


C. A. Pitts

September 10, 1884


W. F. Wren

September 10, 1884


D. R. McRae

September 10, 1884


D. R. Paden

September 10, 1884


Jessie E. Paden

September 10, 1884


L. M. Paden

September 10, 1884


Martha E. McCalla

August 29, 1886


Rosannah J. Savage

August 29, 1886


Mary J. Paden

August 30, 1886


Margaret B. Reno

August 30, 1886


Luke Paden

August 31, 1886


Samuel D. Reno

September 1, 1886


Aranah King

September 1, 1886


Catherine E. M. Nichols

September 1, 1886


Flora I. Savage

September 1, 1886


Thomas McDougal

September 1, 1886


Jas. B. Savage

September 1, 1886


Miss Addis Pitts Mason

May 10, 1896


W. D. Storment

April 26, 1903


Jennie Storment

April 26, 1903


William A. Flurry

August 30, 1903


Mary Lou Flurry Hopkins

August 30, 1903


Joseph B. Dean

September 1, 1903


Madgie Paden

September 1, 1903


Euseba Paden

September 1, 1903


Sallie A. Paden

September 1, 1903


Alice C. Paden

September 1, 1903


W. D. Paden

September 1, 1903


Mary N. Paden

September 1, 1903


T. J. Flurry

July 28, 1904


Mrs. T. J. Flurry

July 29, 1904


Mrs. J. B. Dean

July 28, 1904


Miss Ida Choate

July 28, 1904


Dolphus Flurry

July 29, 1904


Flora Bell Flurry Whitfield

July 29, 1904


Miss Bertha Dean

July 29, 1904


Miss Lona Dean

July 29, 1904


Miss Jessie Dean

July 29, 1904


Ernest Reno

July 29, 1904


Grover Flurry

July 29, 1904


Innes Flurry

July 29, 1904





Admitted to Church

Date of Death

Eula Flurry

July 29, 1904


Flonsie Eliott

September 27, 1908


John Paden

July 30, 1909

Transferred to Presbyterian Church, Tupelo, Mississippi, October 29, 1939

Mrs. Eusibia Paden

July 30, 1909

Transferred to Presbyterian Church, Tupelo, Mississippi, October 29, 1939

Martha Pearl Paden

September 27, 1911


Mrs. Annie Pitts

September 27, 1911


Mrs. Myrtle Flurry

September 27, 1911


Evie Ward

September 25, 1912


Olin Flurry

September 25, 1912


Eugene Flurry

September 25, 1912


W. Wallace Flurry

September 25, 1912


Sallie Flurry

September 25, 1912


Flora Bell Paden

September 25, 1912


Leonard Rubel Flurry



Libbie Lucile Savage



Sallie Verna Paden



Elizabeth Isabella Flurry



Frances Ruth Paden



Marcus Hillard Flurry



John Grady Flurry



Walter Esles Pitts



Sylvester Carr



W. A. Flurry



Mrs. W. A. Flurry



Durwood Flurry



Mrs. Mattie Flurry



J. G. Flurry



Marcus H. Flurry



Mrs. Marcus Flurry



Mrs. Mary Lou Hopkins



Gladys Hopkins



Mrs. Eula Carr



Zula Mae Carr



Curtis Carr



Andy F. Ward



Mrs. A. F. Ward



Bevin Webster Ward



Elizabeth Monroe



Ennie Flurry



Clyde Flurry



Mrs. Clyde Flurry



Ward Paden



Mrs. Ward Paden (Mary)



Maxine Paden






Admitted to Church

Date of Death

Johnny Paden



Mrs. Johnny Paden (Betty)



Mrs. Lonnie Storment



Edith Flurry

September 3, 1937


Lawrence Odell Carr

September 3, 1937


Nina Holly

September 3, 1937


Roscoe Fugitt

July 15, 1938


Mrs. Roscoe Fugitt

July 15, 1938


Roy Ginn

July 15, 1938


Ray Flurry

July 15, 1938


Fay Flurry

July 15, 1938



Elections of Ministers, Elders, Deacons, and Congregational Meetings

The following information was transcribed from church records:

  • No services were held at the church during the Civil War.
  • The Bethany Presbyterian Church in Tishomingo, Mississippi, was not able to secure the services of any minister on June 5, 1867.  Therefore, Rev. J. A. Kimmons preached and administered the ordinance of baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
  • During 1868, the church secured the services of Rev. J. A. Kimmons for ¼ of his time.
  • At a congregational meeting held at the church on May 23, 1868, Rev. J. A. Kimmons led the church in prayer and the congregation proceeded to the election of another ruling elder.  J. R. Savage was elected.  J. R. Savage signified his acceptance, and he was installed a ruling elder in the church.
  • In 1870 and 1871, the ministerial services of Rev. O. F. Rogers was secured for ¼ of his time.
  • At a congregational meeting held at the church on June 24, 1871, Rev. O. F. Rogers led the church in prayer and the congregation proceeded to the election of another elder and deacon.  R. W. Paden was elected as elder, and W. D. Storment was elected as deacon of the church.
  • In 1872 and 1873, the ministerial services of Rev. O. F. Rogers was secured for ¼ of his time.
  • At a congregational meeting held at the church on January 17, 1874, the church secured the services of Rev. Leroy Harris for ½ of his time for a period of nine months.
  • At a congregational meeting held at the church on May 24, 1874, the congregation elected W. B. McGehee as deacon of the church.  On June 5, 1875, A. Morrison was elected as elder.  After signifying his acceptance, A. Morrison was installed as ruling elder on October 31, 1875.
  • In 1883, the church was not able to secure the services of any minister.  Rev. J. H. Gillard came on Saturday before the second Sunday in October and preached four days and nights.  He also administered baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
  • In 1885 and 1886, Rev. J. H. Gillard was hired for ministerial services for ¼ of his time.
  • At a congregational meeting held at the church on October 12, 1885, the congregation elected another elder and deacon.  D. R. Paden became the ruling Elder and C. A. Pitts was elected as deacon.
  • At a congregational meeting held at the church on October 22, 1911, H. M. Jenkins led in prayer and the congregation proceeded to elect two elders and one deacon.  W. A. flurry and John Paden were accepted as elders, and the installation of the deacon was deferred.
  • A congregational meeting was held at the Bethany Church on October 9, 1932, for the purpose of discussing a new building.  The result of the meeting gave Rev. W. E. Morean the privilege of tearing down the old church and building a smaller one on the same property.  The vote was unanimous.  The Building Committee consisted of D. W. Paden, W. A. Flurry, and M. H. Flurry.


Register of Children’s Baptisms




John David Storment

May 27, 1866

Son of W. D. and J. H. Storment

Ella Paden

May 27, 1866

Daughter of H. P. Paden

Mark Paden

May 27, 1866

Son of H. P. Paden

Catherine Brunton

June 23, 1866

Daughter of J. A. and C. M. Bruton

William D. lamas Brunton

June 23, 1866

Son of J. A. and C. M. Brunton

Mary Eliza Paden

September 1, 1867

Daughter of W. D. and S. M. Paden

Dan Calvin Savage

August 29, 1868

Son of J. R. and M. M. Savage

William Wallace McRae

August 29, 1868

Son of Daniel and R. McRae

Altimoner Paden

August 29, 1868

Child of W. D. and S. M. Paden, born December 25, 1867

Malinda Adair Storment

May 23, 1869

Daughter of W. D. and Jane H. Storment

Kate Paden

August 29, 1869

Daughter of H. P. and Jan Paden

Mary Jane Storment

June 25, 1871

Daughter of W. D. and Jane H. Storment, born January 29, 1871

Kate Alexander Paden

June 25, 1871

Daughter of W. D. and S. M. Paden

Rosannah Jane Savage

May 26, 1872

Daughter of J. R. and M. M. Savage, born March 19, 1871

Luke Paden

June 23, 1872

Son of H. P. and M. J. Paden

Mary Hattie Wiley

May 10, 1874

Daughter of D. N. and M. T. Wiley

James Brown Savage

May 10, 1874

Son of J. R. and M. M. Savage, born October 8, 1873

Oscar Heifington

October 31, 1875


Flora Isabella Savage

June 30, 1878

Daughter of J. R. and M. M. Savage

Mary Adair Paden

October 22, 187?

Daughter of L. D. and M. Paden

Oscar Nebbet Pitts

August 4, 1887

Son of J. and E. Pitts

Mary McCalla Paden

August 4, 1887

Daughter of D. R. and J. Paden

Lymon Carr Paden

August 4, 1887

Son of D. R. and J. Paden

Lizzie Bell Paden

August 4, 1887

Daughter of D. R. and J. Paden



Register of Elders




R. W. Paden

November 28, 1841

Died August 1855

Alex Savage

October 29, 1841

Died April 1848

E. N. McGehee

August 21, 1848

Dismissed or ceased to act June 15, 1851

Wm. Paden

August 1848

Dismissed or ceased to act Mar. 28, 1857

John D. Morrow

February 1, 1852


David Paden

February 1, 1852

Died 1863

D. A. Paden



W. A. Tankersley


Dismissed or ceased to act June 2, 1894

J. R. Savage

August 29, 1868


R. W. Paden

June 24, 1871


A. Morrison

October 31, 1875


D. R. Paden

October 12, 1885


W. T. Storment

May 10, 1896


D. W. Paden

April 1904


W. A. Flurry

October 1911


J. D. Paden

October 1911



Register of Deacons




Wm. Storment

May 27, 1866

Died September 15, 1885

W. D. Storment

June 24, 1871

Dismissed or ceased to act Feb. 3, 1890

W. B. McGehee

May 24, 1874

Dismissed or ceased to act July 1891

C. A. Pitts

October 12, 1885


W. T. Storment

October 30, 1892

Dismissed or ceased to act 1896

J. B. Dean

April 1904

Died March 22

Grover Flurry

September 22, 1912



Further information such as church funds and session records of the Bethany Presbyterian Church, Tishomingo, Mississippi, from 1840 to 1939, can be found in the library at the Tishomingo County Archives & History Museum in Iuka at the old historic courthouse.

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