Index to "Cemeteries of Marshall County MS" Yellow Fever Victims If your ancestors are buried at any of these cemeteries, please email the information to me and I will add it to that cemetery. Use the links below to check other submitted information. *Denotes African-American burials or cemetery [provided by Jane Baker-Hardin, Dorothy French Green, and Rev. Leona Harris] *Adolphus Chapel Cemetery (Holly Springs) - offsite link Alexander Cemetery (Laws Hill) Alexander Cemetery (Holly Springs) Allen Family Cemetery (NE corner of Marshall Co. near TN state line & Benton Co line) Alliston/Wall Cemetery (Wall Hill) Amaziah Cemetery (Cornersville) Anderson Cemetery (Holly Springs) Anderson Family Cemetery (Warsaw, S of Byhalia) Armistead Cemetery (Marianna) Asbury Methodist Cemetery (S of Waterford) Athenia Cemetery (aka Lumpkin) (S of Holly Springs) (Old) Atway Cemetery (E of Hudsonville) Bailey Cemetery (Slayden) Bailey Family Cemetery (Red Banks) Baird Cemetery (E of Hudsonville, Benton County) Banks Cemetery (S of Mount Pleasant) *Baptist Hill Cemetery (Bethlehem) Barton Cemetery (N of Byhalia) Bass Cemetery (Mt. Pleasant) Beck Family Cemetery (NE of Holly Springs in Benton Co near Marshall Co line) Bellgrove MB Church Cemetery (Chulahoma) Benton Cemetery (Mount Pleasant) Bethany Cemetery (Potts Camp) Bethel Cemetery (Slayden) Bethlehem Methodist Church Cemetery (Bethlehem) Bethlehem Church of the Lord Jesus Christ Cemetery (Bethlehem) Beverly Cemetery (Waterford) Bishop Cottre Cemetery (Holly Springs) Black Jack Cemetery (see Rice Chapel Cemetery) (NE of Slayden) Boatwright Cemetery (NW of Potts Camp) Bogard Family Cemetery (E of Holly Springs in Benton Co) Boling Cemetery (Holly Springs) Boswell Family Cemetery (Mt Pleasant) Bowen Farm (Richardson) Cemetery (S of Wall Hill in Tate County) Bowling Cemetery (N of Cayce) Brents Family Cemetery (Cornersville) *Brewer Cemetery (Marianna) Brewer Family Cemetery (Benton Co) Brick Cemetery (Red Banks) Brittenum Cemetery (S of Mount Pleasant) Brooks Family Cemetery (W of Waterford) *Brooks-Wilkins Cemetery Brunson Cemetery (W of Holly Springs) Burials Outside of Marshall County Burrow's Cemetery (Wall Hill) Butler Cemetery (S of Potts Camp) - offsite link (2 photos of Higginbotham headstones) Butts-Pearson-Spencer Cemetery (N of Mt Pleasant) Byhalia Cemetery (Byhalia) - off site link to Find-a-Grave Byrd Cemetery (E of Marianna) Calvin Mack Cemetery - McAlexander (NE of Red Banks) Carey Chapel Baptist Church Cemetery (S of Mount Pleasant) Carpenter Cemetery (N of Slayden) Carrington Cemetery (E of Byhalia) Castleberry Cemetery (Red Banks) Cathey Cemetery (S of Wall Hill in Tate County) Center Hill Cemetery (Byhalia NW) Cheairs Family Cemetery (SE of Slayden) *Cherry Hill Cemetery *Chestnut Grove Cemetery (Holly Springs SE) Chewalla Baptist Church Cemetery (E of Holly Springs) Chewalla Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery (NW of Potts Camp) *Chulahoma Cemetery (Chulahoma) Clayton Cemetery (NE of Potts Camp in Benton County) Clear Creek Cemetery (Lamar) Coldwater Baptist Cemetery (Barton, N of Byhalia) Coleman Cemetery (Watson, S of Byhalia) Concord Cemetery (Slayden) Corinth Cemetery (Byhalia) Cornersville Cemetery (Cornersville, Union & Marshall Co line) *Cottrell Memorial Garden (Holly Springs) Cottrell Family Cemetery (S of Hudsonville) *Cox Chapel Cemetery (Marianna) Crockett Cemetery (Holly Springs) Crump Cemetery (Holly Springs) Davis Family Cemetery (N of Holly Springs) Dawson Cemetery (Holly Springs) *Dean Family Cemetery (S of Chulahoma) Deaver-Wilson Family Cemetery (Early Grove) Dickson-Dodson Cemetery (Marianna), designated as a Historical Cemetery thanks to the efforts of Gladys Dixon Early Grove Episcopal Cemetery (Slayden) - offsite link to Find-a-Grave Early Grove United Methodist Cemetery (NE of Slayden) Eason Cemetery (W of Wall Hill in Tate County) - offsite link to Find-a-Grave East Mt. Pleasant Cemetery (Mt. Pleasant) - offsite link to Find-a-Grave *Ebenezer Cemetery (SW of Waterford) Echols Cemetery (NW of Laws Hill) Echols Cemetery #2 (Marianna) Echols Cemetery #3 (Chulahoma) Edrizon Cemetery (Mt. Pleasant) Edwards Cemetery (S of Mt. Pleasant) Emory Methodist Cemetery (S of Byhalia) *Fairview Cumberland Presbyterian Cemetery (NW of Holly Springs) Faith Temple Church Cemetery (Holly Springs) *Fant Cemetery Fant/Rozell Cemetery (NW of Holly Springs) Field's Family Cemetery (Hudsonville) Finley Cemetery (Waterford) Forehand Cemetery (Mt. Pleasant) Franklin Cemeteries (4 total) (NE of Slayden) *Free Branch Church Cemetery (Laws Hill) Freeman Cemetery (W of Laws Hill, near Tate County line) Gaines Cemetery (SW of Potts Camp) Gatewood Cemetery (NW of Marianna) Gatewood Cemetery (S of Slayden) Glover Family Cemetery (Marianna) Govan Family Cemetery (NE of Hudsonville in Benton County) Governor Matthews Cemetery (Benton Co) *Gray's Chapel CME Church Cemetery (Hudsonville) *Greenwood MB Church Cemetery (Lamar) Grubb Hill Cemetery (W of Holly Springs) offsite link to Find-a-Grave Halliburton Cemetery (Byhalia NW) *Hamilton Chapel Cemetery (Malone) Hardaway Cemetery (E of Hudsonville in Benton County) *Hardsides Baptist Cemetery Harmonia Cemetery (Byhalia) Harmony Cemetery (N of Potts Camp) *Harper Cemetery (Holly Springs) *Harris Chapel Cemetery (Laws Hill) Harris Family Cemetery (Cayce) Hebron MB Cemetery (Lamar) Hickory Grove Cemetery (Yager Road, Fayette Co, TN *Hillcrest Cemetery (1837, Holly Springs) (Registered with the National Register of Historic Places) Final resting place of many heroes and heroines of both the War Between the States and the 1878 Yellow Fever Epidemic Holbrook Family Cemetery (formerly known as Ayers Cemetery) (N of Potts Camp, near Chewalla Lake) Holland Cemetery (Hudsonville) Horn Cemetery (Byhalia) Howze/Wilson Cemetery (Wall Hill) Hudson Family Cemetery (N of Hudsonville) Hudsonville Presbyterian Cemetery (W of Hudsonville) Hull Family Cemetery (E of Hudsonville) Hulsey Cemetery (Red Banks) Hunt Cemetery (E of Hudsonville in Benton County) Hunter Cemetery (S of Wall Hill in Tate County) Hurdle Farm Cemetery (Holly Springs) Ingram Cemetery (S of Byhalia) Isaac Cemetery (Byhalia) *Isom Chapel Cemetery (Slayden) *Jerusalem M.B. Church, Holly Ridge Cemetery (Holly Ridge) Jones Cemetery (Marianna), designated as a Historical Cemetery thanks to the efforts of Gladys Dixon Jones & Sanderson Cemetery (Marianna) designated as a Historical Cemetery and awarded certificate of Historical Significance by the Board of Trustees of the Mississippi Department of Archives thanks to the efforts of Jane Hardin Jordan M. Dodson (Marianna) Joyner Cemetery (North of Cayce at TN state line) Kimbrough Cemetery (Slayden) King's Mound Cemetery (Mt. Pleasant) Lebanon Methodist Cemetery (NW of Bethlehem) Liberty Hill Cemetery (Byhalia) Liles Family Cemetery (S of Slayden) Lockhart Family Cemetery (SW of Mt. Pleasant) Lonoke Church Cemetery (Benton Co) Low Family Cemetery (SE of Hudsonville) Macedonia Methodist Cemetery (Potts Camp) Macedonia Cemetery (Byhalia) Mackey/McKey Family Cemetery (Wall Hill) Malone Cemetery (Waterford) Marvin Chapel Cemetery (Marianna) Maxwell Cemetery (Benton Co) McAlexander-Stephenson Cemetery (N of Holly Springs) McAuley Cemetery (W of Waterford) McClatchy Cemetery (W of Holly Springs) *McCraven Cemetery (Red Banks) *McCreary Cemetery McFerrin Cemetery (Cayce) McGehee Cemetery (NW of Byhalia) *McIntyre Cemetery McKinney Cemetery (Holly Springs) McNeil Cemetery (S of Holly Springs) Meek Family Cemetery (W of Laws Hill) Mims Cemetery (Wall Hill) Mitchell Family Cemetery (E of Holly Springs) Moody Cemetery (W of Potts Camp) Morman Cemetery (see John C Skelton Cemetery) (SE of Slayden) Moseley Cemetery (N of Holly Springs) *Mosley Chapel C.M.E. Church Cemetery (Cotton Plant, Tippah County) Mt. Carmel Associate Reformed Presbyterian Cemetery (NE of Byhalia) *Mt. Comfort Church Cemetery (Laws Hill) Mt Gilead CME Cemetery (Holly Springs) *Mt. Gillie Church Cemetery (Marianna) Mt. Hope Cemetery (NE of Holly Springs) Mt. Maria Cemetery (Malone) Mt. Moriah Cemetery (Laws Hill) *Mt. Moriah Cemetery (Marianna Road, Marianna) *Mt. Moriah CME Church Cemetery (Waterford) Mt Newell Memorial Garden (Red Banks) Mt Olive MB Church Cemetery (Byhalia) Mt. Peryn Cemetery (W of Laws Hill in Tate County) Mt. Pisgah Cemetery (Byhalia NW) Mt. Pleasant Cemetery (Mt. Pleasant) *Mt. Sinai MB Cemetery (Byhalia) Mt. Teamor Cemetery (Waterford) *Mt. Vernon Cemetery (Malone) Mt. Zion Cemetery AKA Shones Cemetery (Benton County, 12 miles east of Holly Springs) *Mt. Zion Cemetery (Wyatte) Nevill Cemetery (W of Waterford) New Hope Baptist Church Cemetery, 137 Valentine Road, between Slayden & Mt. Pleasant [additional reading] *New Hope Cemetery (Laws Hill) *New Sharon Cemetery New Salem Methodist Cemetery (SW of Mt. Pleasant) New Shannon Cemetery (Mt. Pleasant) Newell Chapel CME Church Cemetery (Victoria) Newest Cemetery (Mt. Pleasant) *Newest Hope Cemetery Nunnally Cemetery (Marianna) Oak Grove Cemetery (Fayette County TN) *Old Bailey Cemetery Old Crump Place Cemetery (Old Hudsonville Rd, Hudsonville) Old Jarrett-Winbush (NW of Bethlehem) Old Lamar (aka Treadwell) Cemetery (near Slayden, presently in Benton County) Old Olive Cemetery (S of Mt. Pleasant) Old Powell Chapel MB Church Cemetery (Holly Springs) Old Salem Cemetery (Benton County) Old Waterford/Cole Family Cemetery (Waterford) Old Wyatte Cemetery (SW corner of Marshall Co.) Ousler Cemetery (N of Mt. Pleasant, by TN state line) *Parrish Family Cemetery (Marianna) Peel Family Cemetery (N of Laws Hill) *Pegues Cemetery (Marianna) designated as a Historical Cemetery and awarded certificate of Historical Significance by the Board of Trustees of the Mississippi Department of Archives thanks to the endless efforts of Jane Hardin. Pegues Cemetery (Waterford) Pemberton Cemetery (Potts Camp) Philadelphia Presbyterian Cemetery (E of Byhalia) Phillips Family Cemetery (between Watson & Wall Hill on Tate County line) Pine Mt. Neighborhood Cemetery (Holly Springs E) Pittman Cemetery (Slayden) *Pizzy Cemetery *Pleasant Grove Cemetery Pleasant Grove Cemetery (aka Wilkins) (NW of Waterford) Pleasant Grove MB Church Cemetery (Red Banks) *Pleasant Hill Cemetery Potts Camp Cemetery (Potts Camp) [offsite link: Boren headstones] Potts Camp Church of Christ Cemetery (Potts Camp) Pryor-Alexander Cemetery (Laws Hill) Red Banks Cemetery (Red Banks) *Reid's Gift Baptist Cemetery (Potts Camp) Rhodes Cemetery (S of Slayden) Rice Chapel (Black Jack) Methodist Cemetery (Lamar) Richmond Family Cemetery (S of Red Banks) Rising Star Cemetery (Holly Springs) Rodgers Cemetery (S of Mt. Pleasant) Rook-Reed Cemetery (SE of Slayden) St. John's Episcopal Cemetery (Slayden) *St. Mary Cemetery *St. Matthew's MB Church Cemetery (Byhalia) St. Mathis Cemetery (Byhalia NW) *St. Paul Baptist Church Cemetery (Byhalia) St. Paul's Cemetery (Potts Camp) Salem Cemetery (Potts Camp) Sardis Cemetery (E of Holly Springs) Sardis Cemetery (S of Mt. Pleasant) Seals Cemetery (Holly Springs) Shawnee Cemetery (E of Holly Springs in Benton County) *Shiloh C.M.E. Church Cemetery (New Albany) Shiloh Cemetery (Byhalia NW) Shoffner Cemetery (Cayce) (John C) Skelton Cemetery (aka Morman Cemetery) (Lamar) Slayden Cemetery (Slayden) *Smith Grove Cemetery (Marianna) Soule's Chapel Cemetery (Waterford) Spring Creek Presbyterian Church Cemetery (S of Waterford) Spring Hill Cemetery (Waterford) *Stephenson Cemetery Stephenson Family Cemetery (Marianna) Stone Cemetery (Potts Camp) *Strawberry Plains Cemetery (Holly Springs) Street Family Cemetery (Chulahoma) *Strickland Cemetery Summer Trees (Red Banks) Sylvestria Methodist Cemetery (Hudsonville) Taber Family Cemetery (Hudsonville) Tallaloosa Cemetery (W of Holly Springs) Tapscott Cemetery (N of Cayce in right over state line in TN) *Taylor Cemetery Temperance Hill Baptist Church Cemetery (NW of Potts Camp) - offsite link Thompson Cemetery (Lamar) Treadwell (aka Old Lamar) Cemetery (Old Lamar, Benton County) *Tucker Cemetery (Tyro, SW corner of Marshall County) *Union Valley MB Cemetery (Byhalia) Unknown Cemetery (Chulahoma) *Unnamed Cemetery (located 5 miles from Holly Springs off Marianna Road past Adolphus Chapel) - offsite link Unknown Cemetery near Chewalla Baptist Church (Holly Springs E) Unknown Cemetery in Sam West's yard (Holly Springs) Unknown Cemetery near Sylvestria (Hudsonville) *Vincent Cemetery (Red Banks) Waldrip Cemetery (SW corner in Lafayette County) Wall Hill Cemetery (Wall Hill) Walton Chapel CME Church (Waterford) Warsaw or Watkins-Ingram Cemetery (Warsaw now Byhalia) Waterford Cemetery (Waterford) Watkins Cemetery (Malone) *Watson Cemetery Wesley Chapel Cemetery (Red Banks) Wilkins Cemetery (Marianna) *Wilkins Chapel CME Church Cemetery (Holly Springs) Williams Cemetery (Red Banks) Wilson Cemetery (W of Bethlehem) Winborne Family Cemetery (S of Bethlehem) Wittjen Farm Cemetery (Marianna) Wynn Family Cemetery (E of Slayden in Benton County) *Yarbrough Cemetery (Marianna) Yellow Rabbit Creek Cemetery (Benton County) *Zion Hill Cemetery |
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