Dr. Robert H. Peel
Submitted by Jack Durham Kevin Hudson is the owner of the original documents. Betty - [shows wages and purchases - worked for the Dr.?] 1875 Mat Abbingdon John Adkins Abe Alexander - balance on Acct. and loaned money 1874 Charley Alexander - wife, little boy, children, self (snake bite) Charley Alexander - Calvin, self Uncle Jim Alexander - to vermifuge children Jobe Alexander - hired woman & Mary Martha Alexander - at Ellison’s Rufus Alexander - medicate daughter Scott Alexander - children Sol Alexander - wife Solomon Alexander - wife Adam Austin - wife Jacob Austin Whales Austin - to assist & medicine child [birth?] Uncle Berry Bailey - wife & self Sam Bailey - wife, daughter, & son Sam Bailey - wife & son Alice Barringer - to medicate child Mrs. Bell - self, Charley Mrs. Newton Bell - John’s daughter, John Jones, child, John & wife Bob Billingsley - wife Bunk Billingsley - self & son Mrs. Elias Billingsley - Bob & self Mrs. Eliza Billingsley Mrs. Martha Billingsley - daughter, self, & Joe Mrs. Perss.? Billingsley - to medicate Johnie & self Billy Bledsoe Old man Bledsoe Tom Blunt - to medicate Tony? [or Tomy] Alex Bosley? - wife & self Henry Bowles - to medicate child Mrs. Brackner - to visit and medicate daughter Ike Briscoe - self & Abbie Ike Briscoe - Abbie Ike Briscoe - self Ike Briskoe - self Mrs. Brooks Mr. Alfred Brooks - wife Alex Brown - wife & self - bottle Smith’s Tonis & Sarsoparilla potash Jim Butler - Mat Jones, little boy, Aunt Sallie Uncle Tom Byrd - children Abram Case - (uncle Jessee’s Abram Case) wife, self Little Isaac Case - wife, self Uncle Jessee Case - wife, Jim’s wife, Abram’s wife Jim Case - wife, self Aunt Martha Case - daughter Mintir? [Mintie?] Case - self Ned Case - wife, self & children Noah Case - child & self Noah Case (repeat?) - Self, Mintie, wife, child, Kate Walter Case - to medicate Albert Bob Cash - wife, self Bob Cash - child Mr. Jno. Cash - self & wife Mr. John Cash - acct. for 1874, $25 Wily Childress - wife Daniel Cloquet - wife (owed for 1872, 73, 74) Bob Cocksman - self, wife Felix Cole - to visiting child - night Esq. Coleman - wife Thom. Coleman - Esq. wife, Sarsaparilla & Potash Mr. Thomas Coleman - self, Mrs. Oliver - bottle tonic phosfores & iron Thomas Coleman - Miss Mollie, wife Gordon Collins - wife & child Mr. Conrad - self, wife, Amos Lee Conrad - self Mr. Cook - Eugene, Robert, 1875 Mr. [Robert?] Cook - self, wife children, Robert, 1874 Big Issac Cox - son, wife Little Issac Cox - little girl, wife, self Jack Cox - linament, med. Jessie, loan for taxes & recording deed Henry Criner - self, Amelia Henry Davis - Caroline Ned Davis - (at Jessee Wooten’s), child, self Wade? Davis - child Alice Dean - self Antony Dean - children Antony Dean - child Barry Dean - self, bottle tonic bitters, child, Mrs. D Hun. Dean - dressing injury wife Jerry? Dean - children, self, Jim Dean - self & child, children Joe Dean - Sallie Joe Dean - wife John Dean - bottle oil & vermifuge John Dean - (at Sanderson place) - sister John Dean - (At Mrs. D place) wife Aunt Lethey Dean - self Aunt Lethie Dean - self Obe Dean - wife Obe Dean - to visit & lancing breast, wife Mr. Russell Dean - Mrs. D - bottle of fine whiskey, syringe, medicine Tilman Dean - wife, child Abe Debery? - wife, jug of castor oil, ??plaster Abe Debery - wife Stephen Denton - Don’s wife, wife Stephen Denton - self Monroe? Doney - wife John Doss - self, child, little girl, wife Old man Doss - son & daughter, Joshua, Sam & Emma, Jasmana & Sam, Emily, self & sons Harrison Douglas - child Jessee Douglas - wife, daughter Mrs. Duffy - for Jimmy, self, daughter Tom Durham - daughter Tom Durham - self Ezekiel Egnn? - wife Mr. Ellison - wife, hired woman, children Julia Ellison - Houston King Ellison - dressing boys leg, Julia, Loula Abram Eskridge - wife, child, Aunt Susan Anna Falconer - (at Newt Bell’s) - Victoria? Bob Falconer - child Aunt Gracie Falconer? - Self & Julia, daughter Isom Falconer - child Mr. John Falconer - cold, girl Anna John Falconer - child John Falconer - wife, self John Falconer - self Levi Fenner - child Mrs. Fesmire - boys, Molly Mr. Fitch - self, wife Mrs. Gabriel - self Mr. Gabriell - child Sam Gartrell - self, wife, little girl, Anna, Jane Dennis George - daughter, self Henry Gill - to visit & medicate woman Gerry Gount - child Gerry Grant - wife Will Grant - self, ointment-Sub Nitrate Bismuth due bill John Jeffries Mr. Grazier - self Will Guseland? - Self Nat Hale - quinine for mother $1 Mr. Hall - self, wife John Hamilton - (at Doss’s), self Noah Hancock - self, loaned money $1.00, to 1 1/2 bushels corn $1.50 Noah Hancock - wife Bob Haney - wife, grandchild George Haney - self Alfred Hardin - child, Paton Aunt Chaney Hardin - self, Liza [Lizee?], Wils Chaney Hardin - self, Scott Chaney Hardin - Scott Shed Hardin - daughter Mrs. Hare - self, little boy Mrs. Hare? - Son Mr. Jno Harman? - Doc, wife, Laura John Harmon - wife, 1875 Viney Harmon - two girls, child, little girl, Lizzie, daughter Mrs. Harris - (at Hawkins shop) attn. to wife (labour), visit child Uncle Jessee Harris - self, wife Wilbur Harris - child Will Harris - (at Scrugg’s), self William Harris - wife Jim Hawkins - wife, daughter Mr. Jim Hawkins - wife William Hawkins - child Mr. Heathcock - self, wife (night) Mrs. Holt - self Albert Holt - self, wife Albert Holt - child Sarah Holt - self, Henry, William, child Sarah Holt - Margaret, baby Mrs. Hose? - [Hare? Hore? Hase?], self Captain Hyde - self Mr. Jackson - daughter Mrs. Jackson - hired man, self, child Albert Jackson - self, wife, child Wiley Jackson - wife David James - wife Isaac James - Primus?, wife Uncle Joe James - self & wife, Jack’s wife Moultrie James - wife Aunt Bettie Jameson - (at J. Falconer’s), self Clem Jameson - self, Will Elias Jameson - self Wyatt Jameson - Martha, self, son Wyatt Jameson - wife Wyatt Jameson - wife, self Simon Jenkins - wife, daughter, hired girl, self Mr. Jeffries - self Charlie Jeffries - wife Mr. John Jeffries - wife, self Mrs. Jeffries - son, self, transferred from Jack Smith’s bill Adarine Johnson - wife, George Adrian Johnson - lancing Betsy’s hand-one pair shoes Westmoorland Cornelius Johnson - paid Mrs. Jeffries, paid sons for cotton picked - interest on $35 for one year ($3.50). Ginning two bales $8.75 Jones - (with Ike Briscoe), wife David Jones, Sr. - Self, boy, wife Bob King - little girl David Logan - self Sam Logan - self, David, child Mrs. Luton - self John Luton - Mrs. L, 4 days & nights $40.00 Uncle Dick Malone - (at John Miller’s), wife Ed Malone - self Robt. Malone - Bob, Miss Ella Mr. Robert Malone - Lily, Moaring?, Bob, Miss Ella, Mrs. M., Miss Kate, 1875 Aaron Martin - child Dick Martin - daughter Louis Martin - wife, self, child, Fannie? Louis Martin - self Uncle Sam Martin - self, wife Simon Peter Martin - wife Wilson Martin - self, wife Mr. Massett - self, Mrs. M. Alice McAlister - child Alie McAlister - child Billie McCain - self, child, children, amount of rent cotton 1873 unpaid - Paid Martin Matthews for tobacco, Paid Chaney Hardin for oats Billy McCain - child, self, wife (labour Feb. 20, 1874) Joe McCain - wife, self - Owe me for rent-62 pounds cotton-rent on- paid cotton gin - Paid Martin Matthews for 5 lbs. tobacco Andrew McGhee - Rhoda, child Jordan McGhee John McKewin - child, wife Edmund McKiney - wife Joe McKinney - child (lancing abcess) Bennett McLusky - wife, also bill assumed for Han. Dean Archy McNeil - Phil, wife, Phillip Mr. Meadow - self Rufus Meek - daughter Mr. Hamilton Merratt - Mrs. Gount?, Mrs. Merratt, bottle turpentine .50 Alfred Miller - self, bottle of iron & calisoga Eth. Miller - wife, Mrs. Miller Eugene Miller - self Henry Miller - child Landon Miller - Mrs. M Louey Miller - self Nancy Miller - child, self Benj’ L. Milom - Mollie Morgan Milom - wife, Aunt Charlott & Pegy, self, Morgan Milow - Georgan, wife, self Nash (Wash.?) Minor - self Mr. John Mints - self Mrs. Montcrief - self Nan Mooring - son Mrs. Murphy - self Sam Murphy - Rose John Muse - self, loaned money Lewis Muse - daughter, wife, med. Taylor’s hand, Charley, Aunt Betty, children, son, Bob, Mary Louis Muse - Luis Jones, Bob, wife John Muse - wife, self, child Jno Nassau - wife, children, little boy, self John Nassau - wife William Neville - wife, Miss Hicks [Flick?] James Nickalson - wife, child, self Mr. Nighton - Bob, self Mr. Nix - child, wife Mr. Northcut - wife, son, daughter Harvey Nunaby [Nunaly?] - child, Dora Bob Nunaly - self Bob Nunnely - Henry’s wife, Esther, three boys, wife James Oglesbery - wife Jim Oglesbery - child, self Aquilla Owens - child Aquilla Owens - wife, child John Owens - wife, daughter, self, son John Owens - Sarah Old Mr. Owens - self Will Owens - wife Jim Payton - To prescpt & medc Self Alfred Peel - To call & medicine little girl, (1874) Jim Peel - to bottle linament self, to bricks Jim Peel - 2/20/1875 self, due 1875 for med. & bricks $12 Augustus Peguise - (at Dave Sanderson), wife & mother Mr. Porter - Molly, Mrs. Porter, self Aaron Pryor - wife, child Aaron Pryor - child Adam Pryor - self, wife Adam Pryor - 3/12/1875 self Alvia? Pryor - daughter Aunt Alvira Pryor - [may have been Aloisa or Alvisa Pryor], self, daughter Aunt Bella Pryor - self Kittie Pryor - child, self (1874) Kittie Pryor - 2/6/1865 self Levi Pryor - wife (Jan-Feb 1875) Aunt Pattie Pryor - June 10, self; Aug. 17th self, Sept. 24th self (1874) Capt. Sam Pryor - wife, [Percost?] [Rscoat?] Seindy Pryor - (at Est. Miller’s), self Archie Quinn - wife (labour), Perl?, Mrs. Quinn, baby, Johnnie Archie Quinn - child William Rayburn - child Weakly Reading - [torn out] Budd Redding - Bob, child, Will, Mother Redding - Brother Bob, wife, self, Bud’s wife, mother Ridgely - self Henry Ross - Tomy, wife Jno Sanders - child Wils. Sanders - wife Mr. Wilson Sanders - wife (12/25/1874 labour) Elias Sanderson - wife Uncle Isom Sanderson - Isom, self, Aunt Mino?, Georgan Mr. Frank Shaw - wife Frank Shaw - wife Mr. Jno. Shaw - self, Mrs. S. (labour), Benny John Shaw - son, Bennie Stephen Shaw - self Aunt Vina Shaw - for Castola, for leostola Aaron Sinegan? - Son George Smith - self Joe Smith - wife (labour) Mrs. John Smith - self Mrs. John Smith - self Mark Smith - self, daughter, little boy, 1874 Scott Snipes - child, boys Noah Spencer - self Casey Stephenson - wife, children, self Mr. Chesley? Stephenson - self, daughter & niece, Edna, Maggie Mrs. C. C. Stephenson - self George Stephenson - motherinlaw, to half draehm morphine Peter Stephenson - self Levi Stokes - Clay Aunt Mariah Suggs - self Bob Talley - self, child Bob Talley - Loucy, child, wife, Aunt Loucy George Talley - wife Henry Talley - self John Talley - wife & child Mr. Joseph Talley - Henry Merrett Talley - self Pink Tankesly - son, child Tom Taylor - self, wife Tom Tennage? - Children, self Jeptha Thomas - self, wife, child Will Thomas - self, child, wife Moses Tugle? [Teigle?] - self Henry Turner - boy, wife Aunt Mary Walker - self Mr. Taylor Walker - credited by two bushel potatoes, Mrs. W., Cooks Mr. Ward (at Wilkins) - wife Mrs. Dolly Ward - self Ben. Warren - child Geo. Washington - wife Al Watson - Thety, daughter Al Watson - Martha Alfred Watson - daughter, Katie Jef. Watson - wife, self Levi Watson - wife (labour 9/25/1874) Aunt Eliza Webb - self, Jonnett Champ Wilkins - son Mr. Wash. Wilkins - wife, Charley, Jessee, child Mr. William Wilkins - Bud, self, Mrs. W. Mrs. Wilkins - Bud, Walter Mrs. Williams - self Grandison Williams - child John Williams - wife John Williams - wife, self, Hyson, children, child Archey Wilson - Phillip, child Ephrom Wilson - wife & child Taf? Wilson - wife, Wesley Taf Wilson - wife Mr. Windham - child Charles Wooten - son Mr. Jessee Wooten - due on acct. 1873-$14 - med. Lea Falconer wife $3 Aunt Margaret Wooten - Will, self Mariah Wooten (at George Stephenson’s) - self, child Nathan Wooten - wife Jim Wright - wife, self Mr. Wash. Wright - self, wife, Charlie, Mitchie Mr. Wash Wright - self Mr. Wash. Waight - due on toll for ginning cotton $11 (1873), self, Mitchie, child, Paid Merkison for wheat $6.25; Paid for recording deed $1.25; Mrs. Wright Gerry Yount? - acct. for 1872 & 1873, $32.50 Thom Yount - acct. for 1873, $13.50 Various Names in back of book: Mr. Frazier, Ed Matthews; Volney Peel, Dr to Harding for Rent $21 To Jessee Miller for rent of land; 14 acres at $3=$42; 3 acres at $4=12 - total $54 Cotton Picked for Martin Matthews: David James 134 lbs; Albert Nunnaly 60 lbs; Henry McKinney 58 lbs; Bedrice McKinney 58 lbs; Emly Nunnaly 53 lbs; Chesley Pease 227 lbs [they got one cent per pound for picking the coton] William Reese picked 250; paid Joe Roberson $10; Paid Harris for shoeing (mule) $1.25 David James picked cotton for McCain; Sept. 5-262 lbs., Sept. 6-132 lbs. |
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