B. F. Hollowell, M.D.
Submitted by Vikki Highfield

Few, if any, industrial or professional pursuits have within the last few years have made such rapid strides as that of the profession of medicine, and among the leading physicians of Randolph County, Ark., who have availed themselves of all new ideas and put them in practice, may be mentioned Dr. HOLLOWELL. He was born in North Carolina in 1823 and was the eldest of seven children, three now living, born to Silas and Sally (FARMER) HOLLOWELL, who were North Carolinians. They moved to the State of Tennessee in 1828, and in 1832 located in Mississippi, where they died in 1867, and 1869, respectively, both aged sixty-seven years. Silas HOLLOWELL was an active politician in his day, and was also deeply interested in the cause of religion. Their children, who are living, are Martha A. wife of John PORTER, of the State of Mississippi; Julia, wife of D. J. ROGERS, of Marshall County, Miss., and Dr. B. F. The paternal grandfather, Edward Thomas HOLLOWELL, was born in the "Emerald Isle", and was an enterprising tiller of the soil. Dr. HOLLOWELL was given the rearing and education which is accorded the majority of farmers' boys, but this work was not suited to his tastes, and he early formed a desire to study medicine.  At the age of twenty years he left home and entered upon his medical studies under a preceptor in Marshall Co., Miss., and after two years of faithful and diligent study he entered Oxford Institute, from which institution he graduated in 1847.  The following year he moved to Izard County, Ark., where he was actively engaged in the practice of his profession until the breaking out of the Rebellion, when he enlisted as a Federal spy; and to the best of his ability kept the Union forces posted as to the doings of the enemy.  During this time he continued the practice of his profession as a blind, but in 1863 he openly joined the Federal forces as a scout, serving in this capacity until the close of the war.  From that time until 1870 he was a practicing physician of Greene County, Mo., afterwhich he returned to Izard County, Ark., and was actively engaged in the practice of his profession for two years. The two succeeding years were spent in Ash Flat, Sharp County, Ark., and the following year he was appointed deputy collector of this district, which position he held in a very efficient manner until 1877, at which date he was appointed United States commissioner for the Eastern District of Arkansas, and still continues to discharge the duties of this position to the satisfaction of all concerned. Since the year 1873 he has resided on his present farm. He was first married in 1843 to Miss Frances C. BOX, who was born in Alabama and died in 1858, having borne two children: Sarah P., wife of James ROBINSON, and Stephen E. Margaret BEARD, a native of Alabama, became his second wife in 1859. Eugenia, wife of John WEED; Ann Eliza, wife of John McCRACKEN, and Joseph are the extent of their family. Dr. HOLLOWELL was called upon to mourn the loss of his second wife in 1874; she had been an earnest member of the Christian Church for many years.  His first wife was a Methodist and an earnest worker for the cause of Christianity. The Doctor was married in Ash Flat, in June 1875, to Miss E. B. GOODWIN, a native of Tennessee, an estimable lady whose education and general information well qualify her for a minister's wife. She is a member of the Christian Church and an active, zealous worker. Two children are the result of this union: Walter CULLEN, in his thirteenth year, and Hubert CLAYTON, in his eleventh; both bright, active lads, who promise much in the way of comfort to their parents. Dr. HOLLOWELL was ordained a minister of the Christian Church, October 28, 1868, and much of his time and attention has been devoted to expounding the Gospel, and his efforts in saving souls have met with good results. He has always been a staunch Republican in his political views, and he has shown his approval of secret organizations by becoming a member of the A.F. & A. M. (Goodspeed's Northeast Arkansas, 1890, pp. 397-398)

NOTE: Benjamin Farmer Hollowell's paternal grandfather was Edwin HOLLOWELL, son of Silas and Mary COOK HOLLOWELL.

Waterford, Miss. December the 10, 1870. Mr. B. F. HOLLOWELL.

Der Benjamin

your letter of the 20th of October came to hand in due time about that time I wrote to you and Mc both inclosed in one being fearful you did not get my letters. I have waited impatiently for answer so I wished your advice of importance to me have you writen what the matter I stated in my last. I had to move and that I was with out means the time neigh when I have to gave up and none of my children here able to help me. I am of the imprission that I will try the Now portion of AR, and I fear the consequences of a change in climate. Mr. ROGERS and Julia talks something of going with me but I think that is uncertain. I have again thought of SoWest Louisiana. I believe the climate would suite me better yet I am undetermined which of the two to try. Ark has the preference on account of geting land cheap upon the whole it looks vain to go any where for the few days I may live. But while we live we must use effort. R. L. BARDEN left here the first of November he carried off the three yongest children and his wife just ready to be confind and without means one hundred dollars would size his pile. I have a great deal of uneasiness about the children we have not heard from him since he left. I fear they are to suffer thare is but one step between him and heathen if he should come where you are pleas let me know it. The other three are here and have done well this year will have upwards of a hundred dollars a piece and out of debt they talk of going with me thay are good workers and good boys. If they would take my advise if would be better for them. Benjamin this has been an uncommon year it has not raind anough to wet the ground three inches since June untill last knight it snowed to cover the ground and is melting vary fast today which makes it sloppy consequently poor crops not more than half crops we planted for ten bales and gethered five the neighborhood are generally done gathering corn vary scarce and hight was one to one ¼ dollars per bushel we have raisd a bout 300 bushels. John PORTER raisd a fair crop of cotton but little corn you ought to write to Martha. I know she and Julia both have writen to you. Martha health is poor tho up about. Thare has bine a great deal of sickness this fall and a good many deaths none in the HOLLOWELL family except C. B. HOLLOWELL lost two children in one weak one a son 9 years the other a daughter seventeen a lovely girl heard is it part with loved ones died with brain fever. I have bine healthy through the season think I have bine confind to bead but one day. How good the lord has bine to me in preserving my health and strength and action you would be astonished to see me walking I certainly have bine wonderfully favourd by devine merceys. Write on the receipt of this without fail. Allso write to D. J. ROGERS as he is here without any land he would be thankful for any advise you would gave.

Your father. Silas HOLLOWELL.

P.S. Since my last I have bine vain anough to look for you to come.

(Original letter owned by Alice Cox, Byhalia, MS).

NOTE: This letter was written after the date mentioned as the year of the death of Silas (in the B. F. HOLLOWELL biography). We have been unable to locate Silas after the 1860 census, so do not know if he moved to AR or where he went. I did not find him in the 1870 census in Marshall Co. I have a picture of John and Martha HOLLOWELL PORTER. John PORTER was the son of William W. and Charlotte O. PORTER of Marshall Co., and a brother to my gggreat grandparents, Sarah Emily Elizabeth PORTER HOLLOWELL and Hugh Lawson White PORTER, as my grandparents were first cousins.

Willie D. S. HOLLOWELL 4 slaves conveyed by W. J. SIMONS. Received of Willie D. S. HOLLOWELL, the sum of fifteen hundred dollars it being a fair consideration for four negroes, namely Sam about the age of sixty years, Fanny aged thirty-eight, Bedy aged five years, Sarah Malisa aged four years. I Weston J. SIMONS do bind myself, my heirs and assignees forever to warrant and forever defend the title of the above named negroes to Willie D. S. HOLLOWELL his heirs or assignees forever, day and date above mentioned. W. J. SIMONS (seal). Test: Benjamin HOLLOWELL, Silas HOLLOWELL.

The State of Mississippi, Marshall County: Personally appeared before me William RAGAN an acting Justice of the Peace in and for said County, Benjamin HOLLOWELL, one of the subscribing witnesses to the above bill of sale who being first duly sworn deposeth and saith that he saw the above named W. J. SIMONS whose name is subscribed thereunto, sign seal and deliver the same to the above named Wilie D. S. HOLLOWELL, that he this deponent subscribed his name as a witness thereto in the presence of the said W. J. SIMONS and that he saw the other subscribing witness Silas HOLLOWELL sign the same in the presence of W. J. SIMONS and in the presence of each other on the day and year therein named. Given under my hand and seal this the 15th day of February 1842. William RAGAN (Seal) Justice of the Peace. Received and Recorded the 15th day of February A.D. 1842. Gordentia WAITE, Clk.

(Marshall Co., MS Deed Bk___, p. ___).

NOTE: W. J. SIMONS was Weston J. SIMONS who married Edna HOLLOWELL, sister to Silas. Wil(l)ie D. S. HOLLOWELL was also a brother of Edna and Silas.

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