Friday morning, December 2, 1870
The Reporter

Robbed – We learn that on Tuesday last, an old man, named Lackey, of Tippah county, was robbed of $2000 in greenbacks and $200 in gold. He had been to Holly Springs during the day, and had sold his cotton. About dusk, he started home, and when about two miles east of the city, was accosted by five men, knocked down, stripped of his clothing, and robbed. There is no clue to the robbers.

Board Supervisors – The Board of Supervisors of Marshall county will meet at the Court House in Holly Springs, on Monday, Dec. 12th, for the purpose of hearing appeals from the decision of the Assessors. All persons thinking their property too highly assessed, will do well to make a note of this and be on hand.

Masonic – Stated Meeting of Holly Springs, Lodge No. 35, on Monday night, Dec. 5th. Election of officers and business of great importance will come up. Let there be a full attendance. By order of the Worshipful Master. Willis H. Bishop, Secretary.

Cotton – During the month of November, 1870, 3886 bales of cotton were shipped from the Holly Springs Depot, as follows: To New Orleans, 1771; to Memphis, 1176; to New York, 870; to Cincinnnati, 69. Had transportation been furnished, the shipment would have reached nearly 6000 bales.

For Rent – The plantation of the late, H. H. Means, containing two hundred acres of good valley land; with usual improvements, is offered for rent for 1871. For terms, &c., apply to W. A. Roberts, or Jas. M. Anderson, Administrator, Holly Springs, Miss.

Persecuted – A laughable scene occurred before our Grand Jury last week. A negro member (who has been appointed to office by the Radicals), objected to some trifling matter, and in the course of his learned remarks, said he didn't want to put such things on the book, for the parties “would be persecuted by the District Attorney to no effect.” Up jumped the Attorney, and, with threatening finger pointed at the negro, said: “I want you to take that back, sir; take it back sir; I give you to understand that I persecute nobody.” Peace was restored by the information being given that the negro meant to say that the District Attorney would “prosecute”, etc.

Public Meeting – The citizens of Police District No. 1, are requested to meet at Chulahoma, on Saturday, Dec. 10th, for the purpose of locating a School House in said District. W. H. Young, School Director

Installation – Providence permitting, the Rev. Jno. N. Craig will be installed Pastor of the Presbyterian Church, in Holly Springs, on Sunday next, Dec. 4th. Revs. Reid, Cater and Davidson are expected to conduct the services. Preaching may be expected on Saturday night, Sabbath morning and night. Night services begin precisely at 7¼; day services at 11 a.m.

R. R. Bridge – We desire to call the attention of the Railroad authorities, or of our city authorities, if it be their business, to be present condition of the bridge crossing the track on Salem street, near Bethlehem Academy. “A stitch in time” will save nine. Planks are rotting, and a little attention now will save trouble and expense.

The Mails – The irregularities of the mails are provoking. For the past ten days, it has not been uncommon for the route agent to carry the mails past this place, to be returned in a day or two. Often the north mail comes from the south, and the south from the north. Is this state of affairs to continue during the winter?

Removed – The Post Office has been removed to the brick building across the street from the old stand, in the room formerly occupied, one door north of Fort & Craft's. Our friends, Quiggins and Mason, can be found in the front room, with the latest news, stationery, periodicals, etc., by Mason, and groceries, candies, cigars, tobaccos, etc., by Quiggins.

Large – During the past ten days, we have received some of the largest turnips we ever saw. Mr. T. W. Edmondson brought us one that weighed 5 pounds. He raised on his place near town many bushels, the average weight of the turnips being over 4 pounds. Major M. H. Harper exhibited us one that weighed 6 pounds. Col. A. Q. Withers has carried off the palm. On Friday last, he brought one to our office weighing 9½ pounds, and measuring 30 inches around, and 10 inches through. Who can excel it?

Tribute of Respect – At a regular meeting of C. T. Bond Lodge No. 239, held at Hickory Flat, Benton county, Miss., Tuesday, Nov. 12th, 1870, the undersigned committee submitted the following Report, which was unanimously adopted: Wheareas, It hath pleased our Heavenly Father to take from us our beloved friend and brother, J. M. Cooper, who died Nov. 4th, 1870; therefore, Resolved, That by the death of Bro. Cooper, the fraternity is deprived of one of its brightest and most useful members; - of a brother who was noted for his uprightness, correct dealings, honesty and integrity of character, and one whose example might be initiated by all, and whose great kindness of heart will long be remembered with feelings of affection. Resolved, That on behalf of this lodge we would tender to this community, and the friends and relatives who have been called to part with him, our cordial sympathy, and would cite them to remember, he died in the Christian's hope, and that our loss is his gain. Resolved, That we ever cherish, sacred to his memory, feelings of the tenderest emotion, and an admiration for his many noble virtues, and those traits of character which pointed him out as a true man, and faithful brother. Resolved, That we wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days, and that these proceedings be published in the Holly Springs REPORTER and Nashville Banner of Peace, and that a copy be furnished to the family of the deceased. Jas. B. Potts, M. V. Johnson, C. S. Aston, Committee.

A Good Day's Work – We have just heard of an extraordinarily good day's work, that was done by, or rather befell, a friend of ours living in Marshall county, in the forks of Tippah and Tallahatchie. One morning last spring, at sunrise, he was congratulating himself, on a handsome colt that had been born to him at daylight. Before breakfast, he went out with his gun, and killed a turkey gobbler that weighed 28 pounds. About eight o'clock, he hitched up his team, and carried a load of corn and wheat to mill. He started back about an hour by sun, with a supply of bread-stuffs, and killed seven squirrels on the road. Arriving at home, he saw a favorite hen walking proudly about the yard with 24 newly-hatched chickens. Going into the house, he was informed that he was the happy father of twins, a bouncing boy and girl. Tom had a day of good luck. Who can beat it?

Marriages – During November, 1870, licenses to marry were granted to the following parties, by the Circuit Clerk of Marshall county, to-wit: W. B. Smith and Caroline Smith (2nd), J. A. Isom and Ann Eliza Mahon (5th), B. Call and Sarah E. Harrington (8th), Wm. M. Glidewell and Martha Jane Harrison (14th), Edmond D. High and Algia A. Lumsden (16th), S. F. McCauly and Betsy Cooper (17th), Wm. Stone and M. C. Smith (17th), John Schnenner and Elizabeth Kipple (21st), W. J. B. Wooten and Francis P. Stephenson (21st), J. L. Smith and S. R. Smith (23), J. C. Dougan and T. P. Sides, (23rd), L. H. Hall and Mattie C. Pool (23rd), T. L. Nichols and Lona Gray Stevens (25th), H. H. Hooker and E. J. Mitchell (27th), Robert L. Sanders and Mattie W. Childress (29th), Thomas Sullivan and Mary Jane Beeson (20th), Wm. H. Stevens and Lucy B. Arnold (30th), Matthew Wiggins and M. A. Pearce (30th).

Lively Stealing – For a year and more, some light-fingered gentry have been busy plying their vocation in the town of Watson, Marshall county. Almost every night, money and small articles were missed from the stores of W. E. Futrel and Jno. D. Williams. Numerous efforts to detect the thieves were made, but all in vain, until Monday night, of last week. At that time, a negro, known as Ingram's Jake, was arrested in Futrel's store, where he had concealed himself. Jake turned state's evidence, and implicated three other negroes, Taylor Tyler, Bob Shipp and George Moss, the latter porter in the store, and regarded as honest and trustworthy. Mr. N. P. Turley, Mr. Futrel's clerk, arrested Taylor on Tuesday morning, Bob on Wednesday morning, and George near Memphis on Thursday. Taylor, Bob and George were brought to Holly Springs on Friday last, and lodged in jail. Some money and many articles of value were recovered. The negro George had made false keys for two smoke houses and two stores in Watson, and, with his accomplices, had conducted a paying business for upwards of a year.

Married – On Wednesday evening, Nov. 23rd, 1870, at the residence of C. C. Stephenson, 8 miles southwest of Holly Springs, by Rev. E. D. Miller, Mr. W. J. B. Wooten and Miss Frances P. Stephenson, both of Marshall. Attendants: Hanibal Jones and Miss Adelaide Stephenson; G. W. Stephenson and Miss Ellen Suggs; J. O. McIvy, and Miss Sue Walls; Henry Yarbrough and Amanda Benton; all of Marshall.

In Marshall county, Nov. 16th, 1870, by Rev. C. H. Ford, Mr. W. M. Glidewell and Martha Jane Harrison.

In Marshall county, Nov. 17th, 1870, by Rev. J. W. Stein, Edmond D. High and A. A. Lumsden.

In Marshall county, Nov. 24, 1870, by Rev. B. F. Wells, Mr. J. L. Smith and S. R. Smith.

In Marshall county, Nov. 24th, 1870, by Rev. B. F. Wells, L. H. Hall and Mattie C. Pool.

Ku Klux – In our last issue, we stated that the Grand Jury, at its late session, “thoroughly sifted the Ku Klux question” that “upwards of fifty witnesses, white and black were examined” and nothing was developed, except that the Ku Klux has been, and is, a myth, existing in the hearts of mean men, to frighten ignorant and superstitious negroes. Our contemporary of the North Mississippi, in answering a local in the South, to the effect that “witnesses were summoned for the purpose of testifying in regard to the Ku Klux”, states that it has information from a person “who has the best chance in the world to know” that not a “single witness was summoned for that purpose, and endeavors to create the impression, by this equivocation, that the Ku Klux question did not come before the Grand Jury. We go further than in our last issue, and state that nearly every witness for the Grand Jury was interrogated in regard to the K. K. and men riding about the country in masks, and not one ever saw, or had reason to believe, that there exists, or ________ in our county, such an organization as the K. K., or that men travel, or ever traveled, in costumes, masks, etc., frightening people, or committing outrages. The question was asked over a hundred times, of white and black, witnesses, and K. K. rests today where it originated, in the imaginations of dishonest adventurers and corrupt politicians, and in the thick skulls of superstitious negroes.

Right Rev. W. M. Green Bishop of the Diocese of Mississippi, will hold divine services in Christ Church, Holly Springs, tomorrow morning and night, and on Sunday morning, at 11. The holy right of Confirmation will be administered on Sunday morning.

Ku Klux Again – On last Tuesday morning, it was rumored that there were real, live Ku Klux, and they were preparing to make a raid on our city. Low whispers were spoken, and heads were ominously put together. So serious had affairs become, that we thought of calling out the militia. It seems that the excitement was caused by fancy black and red posters, stuck all over the city, on fences, boards, etc. The simple word “Piso's”, in letters a foot long, and redder than blood, was on the poster. We thought “Piso's” company of Ku Klux was coming to capture our poor city. We sat up Tuesday night, expecting to be “gobbled up” before morning. Bright and early on Wednesday, we slipped around to see if Capt. Piso had added to his Proclamation. The simple word “Cure” in longer, redder letters, was there. We were mystified more than ever. What could it mean? On Thursday morning, we actually “smiled again” so great was our relief. All over the city, under the words, “Piso's cure, were cards, reading: Piso's cure for Consumption, warranted to give satisfaction, at Athey's Drug Store.” The mystery was solved, and Radicals and negroes can breathe easier. All rumors of the K. K. originate, like ghost stories, from trilling causes. We expect to see a long account of the anticipated and dreaded raid, published in Forney's Chronicle, or Greely's Tribune, written by some scared to death adventurer, or related by some man with uneasy conscience, who took the train, and made for the north, when he heard “Piso's” Ku Klux were “on the rampage”.

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