Friday Morning, Nov. 4, 1870
New P. O. We congratulate our friends in the Tachaleechee neighborhood upon the reestablishment of the Post Office at that place. Eli Buchanan has been appointed Post Master, and we learn that to him mainly are the people of that section indebted for the office. Wanted to rent now or before Christmas a house 4 or 5 rooms. Address P O box 155. State Fair Col. Geo. B. Myers, who attended the State Fair at Jackson last week, speaks in flattering terms of the grand exhibition. He was particularly attracted by the brilliant display of beauty, which was discoverable in the ranks of the Mississippi ladies who thronged the Fairgrounds. Recovering We are gratified to learn that the parties who were seriously injured by being thrown from a wagon, near Holly Springs, last week a full account of which appeared in our last number are all improving. Miss Schuyler, who was very severely injured and has borne her sufferings patiently, is doing well. Well Done A friend at Mt. Pleasant writes to us that our friends at that place intend to increase our list to 100 by the 1st day of January. We trust they may. Which will be the champion box of Marshall county on the first day of January! We already have 62 at Mt. Pleasant, 51 at Byhalia, 68 at Waterford, and 40 each at Red Banks and Chulahoma. Mt. Pleasant says it intends to carry off the palm. Fresh supply of Price's Cream Baking Powder, at Athey's Drug Store. Found On Monday, October 24th, about 11 o'clock, between the REPORTER building and Franklin College, a Lady's Purse. Contains a sum of money. Owner can get by calling at the REPORTER office. - Between Holly Springs and Mrs. W. R. Cox's, 5 miles north, a lady's picture; an ambrotype. Call at the REPORTER office. Court House Grounds During the past week, workmen have been busy thinning out the trees in the Court House yard, and putting up the iron fence. The fence will be completed by the 15th day of November. To know that it will be handsome and substantial, it is only necessary to state that it is being put up by the Messrs. Johnson, Risk & Co., of Memphis, who have no superiors in their line in the South. We venture the assertion that our Court House is the handsomest building in Mississippi. If you want a good cotton press, one that will last your life time, call on D. J. Oliver, agent. Disgraceful The conduct of a few boys at the Methodist Church last Sunday night, was disgraceful. Several stood outside the door, laughing and talking, and running up and down the steps, and annoying the worshipers inside. Just before the services closed, one more daring than his companions, tapped the bell once or twice. Mr. Hamilton, administered a just rebuke, when he declared from the pulpit that their conduct brought disgrace upon themselves and their families. We trust life will never have the occasion to rebuke again the youth of our usually orderly city. Juggeries Another jug factory is being established in Holly Springs. Mr. Schwab has one nearly completed in the spring lot just north of the Square. Our factories make enough jugs to supply not only the State, but almost the entire South. Shipments are daily made to different parts of the country. The Grenada Sentinel of October 15th, contains this notice: We have seen at Lake Bros., and other places in town some of the vest best stoneware that we have examined, and were pleased to learn that it was manufactured in our State. The ware cannot, certainly, be surpassed. It is the manufacture of S. Smyth & Bros., of Holly Springs. Success, say we to our enterprises. One of the greatest attractions at the State Fair were A. Albert's photographs. Fred S. Marrett is receiving daily by express from New Orleans the nicest Fresh Oysters and Fish ever brought to the City. Give him a call at his magnificent Establishment on the west side of the square, if you expect to live and do well. Thanks To the kind ladies who have lately sent beautiful bouquets to our office, we desire to return sincere thanks. Our desk has been covered with fragrant flowers during the past two weeks, sent to us by lady friends of the REPORTER. Even our devil has not been forgotten. A few days ago, he received a bouquet almost as large as himself, accompanied with the following note: To ________ _________, (the prince of devils), for his promptness, efficiency and gallantry in delivering the popular REPORTER to its numerous lady subscribers in Holly Springs. May the future be as bright to him as the blushing beauty of these flowers, is the wish of the boy's friend. To all, we and the devil make our politest bow. May our paper ever deserve the friendship of the fair ladies of the South. Military Officers of militia infantry companies in Marshall county are requested to meet in Holly Springs on Saturday of next week, Nov. 12th. The meeting _______ for Saturday, Oct. 22nd, was necessary postponed. Let there be a full attendance on the 12th. Snider The sight of Snider's bread wagon, and the ringing of his familiar bell, remind us of the good old ante bellum days. Every day S can be seen, driving his bread wagon about our streets, delivering fresh bread, cakes, etc., warm from the oven. We are glad to learn that he intends to keep warm bread at the market house every morning, and at McVey's, opposite Post Office. This will be a great convenience to our citizens. The United States Hotel, Louisville, Ky., is the most convenient to the business part of the city. Religious Hereafter, Sunday morning services at the Presbyterian Church, Holly Springs, will begin at 11 o'clock; evening services at 7½; prayer meeting, Wednesday evening, 7¼; Sabbath School, 9½ Sunday. All these services will begin precisely at the hours mentioned. A very interesting religious meeting has been in progress since Saturday last, in the Methodist Church, Holly Springs. Considerable interest is being manifested, and we trust a glorious revival will result. Honored Holly Springs has been greatly honored during the present week. Morgan, who married the negress, Highgate, and Mollie Wilson, the negress who married the white wretch Lopez in Vicksburg a week or two ago, have showed their handsome faces to admiring friends. Morgan was quite a toast among his radical friends. He was equal to a monkey show to the urchins who crowded the Post Office on Sunday afternoon. One little chap said he would rather see him than a monkey, and didn't have to pay anything either. Peace! Peace! - The way to keep peace is to come forward and settle your indebtedness to Compton & Oliver, before your account is placed in the hands of an attorney. Compton & Oliver. The Circus Nobody will forget that Stone & Murray's Great Circus will give two exhibitions in Holly Springs next Tuesday, Nov. 8th. The Brooklyn Union thus speaks of the exhibitions: The most magnificent circus performances ever given in Brooklyn. A greater variety of first-class performers are centered in this circus than we ever saw before, and their wonderful exhibitions, of skill and intrepidity electrified the immense audience present last evening. W. T. Lewis has removed his Grocery Store to the stand formerly occupied by Turner H. Lane, on the west side of the square. Married In Marshall county, on Wednesday, Oct. 26th, 1870, by Rev. R. A. Neblett, John R. Kemp, of Shreveport, La., and Miss Julia C. Raiford, of Marshall. In Marshall county, on Sunday, Oct. 23d, 1870, by Rev. J. H. Amack, D. S. N. Baxley and Miss Alice Hargis; both of Marshall. In Marshall county, on Saturday, Oct. 22nd, 1870, by J. M. Rook, J. P., John Gregor and Miss Rhoda Ann Williams; both of Marshall. During Court, pay your subscription to the Reporter. Cotton During the month of October, 1870, there were shipped from the Holly Springs Depot, 1781 bales of cotton, as follows: To New Orleans, 733 bales; to Memphis, 686 bales; to New York, 284 bales; to Cincinnati, 78 bales. This is against 2114 bales shipped during the month of October, 1869, as follows: To Memphis, 1085; to New Orleans, 613, to New York, 416. Memphis is losing her vantage ground. Her cotton factors are not as wide awake as they were in 1869. The columns of the REPORTER show the names of the factors who are still vigorously seeking the cotton of North Mississippi, and we are glad to learn that a large quantity is going to them. A liberal advertiser enjoys a liberal trade. Lee and Jackson Persons desiring to see or purchase fine pictures of Lee or Jackson, should call at Henry Cory's Gallery. Henry has the finest ones we have ever seen, and is selling them at a reduction of $3 on the pair. Prizes A very interesting event occurred at Christ Church last Sunday morning. At the commencement of Lent, valuable prizes, consisting of a beautiful picture, and a costly book, were offered to the two members, male and female, who should be most prompt and punctual in attendance for the space of six months. On last Sunday, the picture was presented to Miss Ruth Bonner, a member of Mr. Kinloch Falconer's class, and the book or rather two, for there was a tie, to Master Walter Stith, also a member of Mr. E's class, and Master Bennie Williamson, of Miss Emily Polk's class. The Superintendent delivered the prizes in a most neat and appropriate speech. For over six months, the successful contestants were prompt and punctual in their attendance, never missing a single Sunday. Prizes have been offered to the two, male and female, who are most prompt and punctual in their attendance from Sunday next to Easter Sunday, 1871. Dental From the card in another column, it will be seen that Drs. Laurence and Stepherson, Surgeon Dentists, have formed a co-partnership. Dr. L., will remain in New Orleans until March next, during which time Dr. S. will have charge of his business. Drs. L & S succeed. Dr. Cutler, one of the best known and most scientific Dentists in America. We regret to learn that our _______, courteous and accommodating friend, C. C. Harris, has been removed from the position of Express Agent at Holly Springs. We do not know who succeeds him, but are informed that it is some person who underbid Court. We trust he will make as good an Agent. No person can be more reliable or courteous or obliging than was Court Harris during the time he was the Agent of the Express office in Holly Springs. Personal On Wednesday last our townsmen, Drs. S. P. Cutler and N. R. Laurence, left for New Orleans, the former to resume his duties as Professor in the New Orleans Dental College, and the latter to enter upon a Professorship, which has been tendered him in the same institution. It is not only a deserved compliment to the gentlemen, but is an honor to our city, which is renowned for the intelligence of its population, that two of her citizens should have been chosen as Professors in one of the most celebrated Dental Colleges in America. Assassinated We learn that Gen. W. J. Brantley, of Greensboro, Choctaw county, was assassinated by some unknown person or persons, near Winona, on Wednesday last, about 9 o'clock. Winona is acquiring an unenviable notoriety, on account of its many murders and assassinations. Gen. B. was brother of Mayor Brantley, who was assassinated at a concert in Winona on the night of 16th August last. Gen. B. was on the truest, bravest and noblest officers in the Confederate army. Upon Gen. Walthall's promotion, he succeeded him in command of his celebrated Brigade. We knew him well, and loved him for his many virtues. Marriages During the month of October, 1870, licenses to marry were issued by the Circuit Clerk of Marshall County to the following parties, to-wit: W. W. Wilkins and S. N. Wooten (1st), J. R. Davidson and S. A. Howel (3rd), Wm. D. Matthews and Mollie E. Dupny (3rd), John R. Kemp and Miss Julia C. Raiford (6th), J. A. Cannon and Miss Sallie E. Hart (10th), James V. Atkinson and Miss Callie D. Vernon (11th), M. J. Musgrave and Miss Mattie F. Britton (17th), D. S. N. Baxley and Alice Hargis (18th), John W. Goodwin and Elizabeth Rosa Bailey (20th), John Gregor and Roda Ann Williams (22nd), Samuel E. Spencer and Lucinda Coleman (27th), John P. McGuire and Tabitha Perry (29th). Our Premiums We have heard several ladies who are competing for the handsome Premiums which we have offered for subscribers to the REPORTER. One lady, living in the northern portion of the County, writes us word that the paper is emphatically the lady's friend, and that she intends to get us one hundred new subscribers, and secure the $75 sewing machine. It is subject to her order, and others are subject to the orders of other successful canvassers, as soon as the names are sent to the office. Already subscribers are pouring in, and we would not be surprised if several secured the valuable Premium. Thieves Arrested On Thursday, Oct. 27th, I. C. Levy & Co., purchased two bales of cotton from Wm. Yates, alias Smith, who is one of a gang of cotton thieves who have been plying their avocation, for the past month, in Marshall and adjoining counties. The day after the sale of the cotton, Capt. Houston, of Abbeville, came to Holly Springs, in search of two bales that had been stolen from him a few nights previous, and upon an inspection of the cotton at the depot, he identified his property, which proved to be the same purchased by Levy & Co. Learning that there were several men in company with the party who sold his cotton, he procured the services of Capt. W. Jones, John Duncan and Jas. Nuttal and went immediately in pursuit. On arriving at Cockrum's X Roads, they received information that the party had passed there early that morning. Messrs. Langston and Dyer joined the pursuing party at this point, and they took the road leading North. After going two and a half miles, they came upon the thieves, five in number, in camp upon the road side. The latter drew their repeaters and took shelter, as best they could, behind the trees. After parleying some time with Capt. Houston's party, they agreed, all except Smith, to go back to Cockrum and go before a magistrate, where they refunded the money received for the cotton, and then proposed to go their way, which the magistrate objected to, ordering them to surrender. Old Kesler, chief of the gang, drew his pistol and ordered his men to follow him, Dr. Crockett who was in front of him undertook to halt him, when the old man fired two shots but without effect, Capt. Houston's entire party then opened fire upon him, but the old man made good his escape. His three comrades were secured and brought to Holly Springs, and, being carried before his Honor, Mayor Cooper, were committed to jail in default of 1000 bail for their appearance at the next term of the Circuit Court. The names of the parties arrested are Silas Kesler, Augustus Kesler, and W. J. Tuttle. The wagon and several head of horses in possession of the thieves were brought to Holly Springs and turned over to the officers. Robbery On last Saturday morning, a negro broke into the shanties of our friend, Amzi Howard, on the railroad, 5 miles south of Holly Springs, and stole every article of clothing and provisions belonging to Amzi and the negroes in his employ. Amzi has a contract for furnishing wood to the railroad and the loss falls heavy upon the negroes, who had little, and lost their all. Potatoes, &c. Our friends, A. Q. Withers and R. Hastings have presented as fine specimens of Irish potatoes of the Early Rose variety, second crop. Col. W. planted about 10 weeks ago, and raised about 100 bushels of fine, large potatoes on a little over a quarter acre of ground. Experience has proved that a better crop can be raised in the fall than in the spring; besides, the fall crop will keep through the winter. There is always a ready market for potatoes, at prices that pay infinitely better than cotton. Why will not our planters cease racing themselves to death after the fickle staple, cotton, and devote more time and attention to such certain and necessary articles as wheat, corn, potatoes, etc.! The Depot of Bradfields Female Regulator is at Athey's Drug Store. Deering's Gin House Cotton Press This excellent Press is a new and useful combination of those oldest servants of civilization, namely, the Screw, and the Block Tackle. A sample of this Press can be seen at the Hardware Store of J. B. Mattison, southwest corner of Square. He has one in successful operation on the farm of Mr. Jo. Dean, whose certificate is annexed: After trying the Deering Press, we think it is superior to any press we have ever seen, the first bales pressed ranging as high as 460 lb., and we are satisfied as heavy as 600 lb. can be pressed with ease. It can turn out from 15 to 25 bales in a day. J. E. Dean, C. E. Tucker. Peace. Peace. The way to keep peace, is to come forward and settle your indebtedness to Compton & Oliver, before your account is placed in the hands of an attorney. Compton & Oliver. Office of Superintendent of Agencies, Universal Life Insurance Co., for Mississippi, Holly Springs, November 1, 1870. R. T. Briggs, Esq., Administrator on Wm. Rook's Estate. Dear Sir: Enclosed I hand you check for $1000, in payment of policy issued to Wm. Rook, insured in the company I have the honor and pleasure of representing. I tender to his bereaved mother my heartfelt sympathy, and although deprived of her son's counsel and support in her declining years, it is nevertheless gratifying to me, to be instrumental in conveying to her this, his last to kin of affection and love. I am, Very Resp'y., Yours, Sam'l I. Knight, Supt. Holly Springs, Nov. 1, 1870, Samuel I. Knight, Esq., Supt. Agencies for Universal Life Ins. Co. Dear Sir: You will please accept and convey to the officers of the Universal Life, my thanks for the promptness they have shown in the payment of the thousand dollars insurance on the life of Wm. Rook. Although Billy, young as he was, just blooming into manhood, scarcely launched upon the sea of life, was suddenly taken from our midst, it was not without leaving through his wisdom and forethought, his last mark of affection for his aged mother. Wishing you and your noble company abundant success, I am, Yours, Very Respfly, R. J. Briggs, Adm'r, &c. Died Eight miles northwest of Holly Springs, Miss., Oct. 24th, 1870, Robert Rodgers, son of James M. and Nancy M. McAlexander; aged 7 years, 2 months and 25 days. The death angel has again visited the family circle, and borne upon his dark wings to the shadowy land of rest, one of earth's brightest Jewels. After a severed illness of several days, borne with a fortitude that was the wonder and admiration of all who saw him, our lovely, obedient, affection, and promising little Bud, as he was familiarly called, was carried to the dark and shadowy land of dreamless slumber. Doting parents and kind friends soothed his pillow and watched his every care, a skillful and devoted physician lingered by him until the last pulse had beaten, but no human power could stop the ravage of the dreadful disease. Death set his seal on the fair brow of our little favorite, whilst yet the flowers of childhood, sparkling with the new of hope, were shedding their sweetness around his pathway. The angel band came and plucked the little bud from the garden of the earth, to bloom with perennial beauty in the garden of glory. No more shall his bright face be seen among the troops of his earthly friends; no more shall his sweet voice or merry laugh be heard among his schoolmates. He has crossed the dark river, and joined his little class mate, who so recently went before, and with angel harps and angel tongues they praise their great Deliverer. Near Waterford Marshall Co., Miss., Friday, Oct. 28th, 1870, Sarah Elizabeth Guthrie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Guthrie, aged one month and eleven days. At the residence of his parents, in Holly Springs, at 6½ o'clock a. m., Sunday, October 30th, 1870, Augustine Jovina Pendolo, son of Joseph and Kate Pendolo; aged 1 year, 11 months and 21 days. No language can express our sympathy for the stricken parents, Gus was a lovely, interesting child. He was the sunlight of his parent's home and hearts. God comfort them. |
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