October 21, 1870
The Reporter

Removed – Our enterprising merchants, W. H. Martin & Co., have removed to Snyder's Building, east side of the square, two doors south of the REPORTER Building. They have a very large stock of groceries and plantation supplies, etc., in store.

Some Stalk – We have been shown by our friends Levy & Nuttall at their store, a cotton stalk holding 139 bolls, which was grown upon the plantation of Mr. M. D. Anderson, 9 miles south of Holly Springs. Mr. Anderson, we are informed, has gathered 1300 pounds of seed cotton from a half acre and he is hopeful of gathering that much more from the same piece.

Mend our ways – The good book tells us that those who do not mend their ways surely will not gain admittance into the kingdom of Heaven. Our ways all over Marshall County are greatly in need of being mended, and the road overseers will be held responsible for the omission at the next term of our Circuit Court. We are glad to learn that the corporate authorities are taking steps to widen the road near the depot, where the bus has been overturned upon two occasions and precipitated down a steep embankment, both times on account of the narrowness of the way.

DEATH OF A SISTER. – On last Monday after, Sister Ufisine of Bethlehem Academy, departed this life. She had been in feeble health for two years. Her death was quiet and peaceable, and her spirit bade adieu to earth cheered with the consciousness of good performed during a life devoted to the Church, and with the hope of a sure reward hereafter. On Tuesday afternoon, her body was laid to rest in the Academy burial ground. The burial services were beautiful and impressive.

Trespass – We have heard many complaints about the “chestnut hunters” of Holly Springs and vicinity. Instead of satisfying themselves with knocking out the chestnuts, or cutting off the burrs, many of them cut off large limbs and frequently cut down the trees. This is wrong, and the laws make it punishable by fine and imprisonment. A gentleman living near the city informs us that twenty large trees have been cut down on his place, for which he would not have taken three hundred dollars. If the hunters persist in their trespasses, they should be prosecuted.

Died – At the residence of her father, Benj. R. Rook, living near Early Grove, Marshall county, Miss., at 6 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 16th, 1870, Mrs. Martha Emily, wife of Wm. C. McAlexander; age 36 years, 1 month and 18 days. Obituary notice next week.

Near Oak Grove, Marshall county, Miss., on Monday night, Oct. 3rd, 1870, little Willie Inez, infant daughter of W. E. and Mary E. Robertson; aged about nine months. “We loved the sunny-hearted child; We loved the sweet young yet cunning smile of little Willie. And dreamed not, that in one short hour, Could fade and die so sweet in flower, And she from earth would flee. Yet far above you azure dome, Our little Willie finds a home, Forever more. Soon may we meet in Heaven above, The little being we have loved, To purt no more. F. E. B.

Pauperism – Marshall county is more heavily taxed at the present time, to pay the expenses of the paupers of the county, than ever before since the organization of the county. Every Police District and neighborhood has one or more paupers who are a charge to the county. Poor, infirm and cripple people should be provided for, is unable to provide for themselves but we fear that the supervisors are often imposed upon, by parties amply able to take care of themselves. The county has a poor house where the paupers should be sent to be taken care of, instead of permitting them to be boarded all over the county. If every pauper was required to be sent to the poor house the taxes for their support would be reduced by more than fifty percent, as numbers who draw their monthly allowance from the county, would never consent to be taken to the poor house. We know of two cases, and doubtless there are many more where the parties are amply able to take care of themselves, although they are now supported by the county. The two cases we refer to are Lewis Brittenham, negro, and Prophet Jones, negro. Lewis is badly crippled, but has been well educated and has been offered $30 per month to teach a negro school. Prophet Jones is an old man, upwards of 60 years of age, but is stout and able bodied, and is now earning upwards of one dollar per day in the cotton field, and could hire himself out readily for $50 per year and board. These are two isolated cases brought to our knowledge by a friend, who resides in that section of the county, and we have no doubt at least two-thirds of the paupers in the county are equally able to earn a good living. Our taxes are now so onerous that every means possible should be resorted to by which to reduce them, and although we attribute nothing improper to the Board of Supervisors, yet they might, and doubtless are imposed upon, and we urge them to scrutinize every application closely before making an allowance. The really helpless and dependent should be provided for at the expense of the county, but those able to provide for themselves should do so, and not expect a support from those already oppressed by taxation.

Daily Telegraph – We have received the first number of the Jackson Daily Telegraph, published at Jackson, Tenn., by Milligan Bros. & Co., and edited by Col. C. R. Barteau. It is neatly printed, ably edited, and starts under most favorable auspices. We extend cordial greeting to the enterprise. The appearance of a daily in Jackson is an evidence of the flourishing condition of the place, and energy of the publishers.

Lost – On Tuesday, Oct. 4, 1870, between Holly Springs and Mat. J. Coxe's place, 10 miles southwest of Holly Springs, a pair of Saddle bags, containing the owner's name “J. J. Wilkins, Jr.” written on the underside of the flap. The finder will be rewarded by leaving at Sam'l Franks.

Ran Off - 2 Negro boys, named Monroe Johnson and Daniel Malone, - the former, my son, - on Tuesday morning, Sept. 13th. Monroe is eleven years old, well grown, black, two front teeth very broad, and bent towards each other, a scar on the side of one leg below the knee, cut with an axe; had on, when he left, a white pair of cotton pants, with patch on left hip, burnt on edges; osnaburg shirt and brown hat; barefooted. Any person who will return these boys, or arrest and confine them, will receive the thanks of a distressed father, and of the widowed mother of Daniel. Bob Johnson, Negro

Clem Read, Dealer in Groceries and Plantation Supplies, of all kinds, Memphis Street, Next door to Simpson's Corner, Holly Springs, Miss. The undersigned will keep constantly on hand an assortment of articles usually kept in a first class grocery establishment, embracing, Flour, Meal, Bacon, Hams, Lard, Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Cheese, Tobacco, (smoking and chewing), Crackers, Canned Oysters, and Fruits, Nuts, Crockery ware, Snuffs, Buckets, Candles, Lamps, Brooms, Mackerel, Etc., Etc. He respectfully invites the citizens of Holly Springs and Marshall County to give him a call when they need anything in his line. He is confident of giving satisfaction to all who favor him with their orders. His articles are as good and will be sold as cheap as can be obtained in Holly Springs. Clem Read.

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