June 12, 1840
Conservative & Holly Springs Banner
Submitted by Pat Still

MEETING OF THE STOCK HOLDERS. Agreeable to a request of the Directors of the Mississippi Union Bank, a meeting of the Stockholders of said Bank residing in the Ripley District, took place in the town of Ripley, on the 8th day of June, 1840, and on motion it was unanimously voted that Dr. R.R. Thomas take the Chair and that Benjamin Collins act as Secretary. After the objects of the meeting were explained by the Chair, and a communication from the President of the Parent Bank read, it was moved by Gen. James Davis that a committee of three be appointed by the Chair to draw up resolutions expressive of the opinions of this meeting. Whereupon, the following gentlemen were appointed a committee, Gen. James Davis, Benjamin Bradford, and Green K. Hubbard. The committee retired a short time and reported the following resolutions which were read by Gen. Davis, and submitted to the meeting, and on a motion of Benj. Bradford, Esq. were taken up separately and unanimously adopted, except the fifth resolution which was adopted by a considerable majority.. 1st Resolved, That we do not consider ourselves as Stockholders in the Union Bank of Mississippi, as the whole of the present capital exclusively belongs to the State and the Bonds furnished for the benefit of the subscribers for stock have failed to be sold. 2nd Resolved, That we object to the sale of any Bond for the benefit of the subscribers for stock, and do declare to the world we will not consent that our property pledged shall be liable for the payment of any Bond sold, or that may be sold and that we are willing to relinquish all claims for stock to the State. 3rd Resolved, that we view it as an Institution in which the State is alone interested and that the Governor of the State be requested to convene the Legislature forthwith for the purpose of having the action of the people of the State upon the subject. 4th Resolved, That we entertain the opinion that the Bank should be changed into a State Institution with the faith of the State pledged for the redemption of its issues, sufficiently guarded to protect it against the abuse of a Directory or the impolitic attacks of an executive. 5th Resolved, That we view the present effort in the State to prostrate the whole Banking system with a view to the creation of a metallic currency not only impracticable but subversive of the bests interests of the whole people of Mississippi. 6th Resolve, That these resolutions be signed by the Chairman and Secretary, and one copy sent to the Director of the Union Bank, and one to his Excellency Governor McNutt, and that they also be published in the Conservative, printed at Holly springs. R.R THOMAS, Chairman. Benjamin Collins, Sec'ry. June 8th, 1840.

STRAYS. PONTOTOC COUNTY. Taken up by N.W. Dinderage living in the town of Pontotoc, one gray horse 13 hands high, 10 or 11 years old branded on the near shoulder with the letter P; appraised to $35.

Taken up by Turner Harris, living one mile from Chester Post Office, one sorrel horse about 4 years old, a star in his forehead, 14 hands high. appraised to $35.

Taken up by Fredrick W. Ragland living at Otocopotoo, one bay mare with star in her forehead, 15 hands high, 10 or 11 years old shod all round, branded on left shoulder with R.K......---appraised to $30.

Taken up by John Bigler living 3 miles south of Pontotoc, one willow sorrel horse mule supposed to be 4 years old, 12 or 13 hands high--appraised to $50.

Taken up by Jonathan Lewalling, living 10 miles north west of Pontotoc, one chestnut sorrel mare mule, supposed to be eight years old, 12 hands high, marked by the saddle mostly on the right side, some marks of geer on the shoulders--appraised to $40.

Taken up by A.B. See, living 3 or 4 miles south west of Pontotoc, one sorrel horse 9 or 10 years old, 15 and a half hands high, with hind feet white, the right ankle large with a scar on the right leg and a scar on the right side blase face shod all round--appraised to $75. J.P. CARR, RAN'GR. JUNE 12, 1840.

STATE OF MISSISSIPPI. High Court of Errors and Appeals. Ordered by the Court, that the Docket of causes from the Third District (Judge Trotter's) shall be taken up on the 1st Monday in July. The Docket of causes from the Second District (Judge Turner's) on the 3rd Monday in July--and the Docket of causes from the First District (Judge Sharkey's) on the 1st Monday in August. A true copy, R.A. PATRICK, Cl' k, June12. The Courier, Natchez, and the Conservative, Holly Springs will please insert 6 weeks and forward their accounts. Southern Sun.

NOTICE. The subscriber having been appointed Administrator of the estate of Archibald P. Baldwin , late of Pontotoc, deceased, testate with the will annexed, has taken upon himself that trust by giving bonds as the law directs. All persons indebted by note or account are hereby called on to make payment--and all having claims against said estate, are requested to exhibit and file the same within the time prescribed by law, otherwise they will be barred by the statute. (Signed) RICH'D E. ORNE. Pontotoc, June 1st, 1840

MISS. UNION POST NOTES - Will be received at one half for goods only by.... WILL ARTHUR. March 31, 1840.

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