May 5, 1840
Submitted by Pat Still SHERIFF'S SALE: By virtue of sundry executions to me directed from the Circuit Court of Marshall County, in favor of Samuel B. Harper and others, I will expose to sell at the Court House, in the town of Holly Springs--on the 18th day of May next, one section of land, section 18, town 3, range 1, west, levied on as the property of John T. and Thomas Hunt. Sale in lawful hours. L. M'Crosky, Sheriff, By deputy W. Epps, Dep'ty. April 21,---5---3t prs fee $3.50. SHERIFF'S SALE: By virtue of four executions in my hands in favor of E.H. Whitfield, and one in favor of Walker & Atkinson, I will sell for cash at the Court House door in Holly Springs on the Third Monday of May next the west half of Lot Number 17, on section 5, of range 2 and town 4,west, levied on as the property of Ziba L. Gower. L. M'Crosky, Sh'ff. April 21---5---3t---prs. fee $3.50 $25 REWARD: Runaway from the subscriber on Sunday evening last, a negro boy named Ben, aged 20 or 21---5 feet 10 or 11 inches high of slender make, dark complexion. Previous to my owning him he belonged to Mr. John McKee near Hudsonville where he lived for some time, his father resides at Mr. Caraway's near Legrange, on Wolf river, where he has likely gone, he may attempt crossing the river at Memphis, Randolph or Mills Point. The above reward will be given if put in any jail so that I can get him, and a liberal allowance in addition for delivering him to me here. WM. R. HARLEY, Holly Springs, april28, 1840---6--3t Memphis Enquirer will publish three times and forward account. TO PRINTERS AND EDITORS: THE YAZOO BANNER OFFICE is offered for sale. Having determined to go into other business, the proprietors offer this very valuable establishment for sale, upon the best terms, if application is made immediately. It is with one exception the most profitable weekly, Printing Office in the State, and has an increasing patronage of the most lucrative character. Its advertising columns, for the past two years, will evidence its immense revenue. This is perhaps the most fertile Cotton region in the State and this is no doubt one of the richest Counties in Mississippi and in a few years will ship more cotton than any county in the State. the patronage which the office has enjoyed must continue for several years, as the laws of the late Legislature, instead of shortening the time of the payments of debts has so arranged it as to require that property shall be advertised now twice, when it was for the ********* and hence to extend the time of paying debts. As it were a useless waste of time for us to include a lengthy description of the advantages to be derived from a purchase of **********, purchasers can best judge for themselves by calling upon either of the *********** and examining the same in ********. B. & S. L. CORWINE, Proprietor's of Banner. By Owin Dillard, living 20 miles northwest of Pontotoc, one bay horse ten years old, fifteen hands high, appraised to sixty dollars. Also one yellow sorrel horse, a blaze face, 7 years old, 17 hands high, appraised to $100. Also, one bay mare mule 5 years old, 14 hands high, appraised to $100. By John Usrey, living 25 miles north of Pontotoc, one sorrel mule, 12 years old, 13 hands high, right eye out, white spot on his near shoulder, appraised to $45. By A.H. Forgeson living one mile and a half south of Alberson, one black pony mare, 8 or 9 years old, with a spot on the forehead, a brand on the left shoulder not understood, a long heavy tail, in foal, appraised to $25. By A. Pane living near Elastown, one roan horse with a star in his face, both hind feet white, ten years old, low in flesh, and a sore on his back, appraised to $35. By James White, living 15 miles west of Pontotoc, one brown bay mare, 15 1/2 hands high, switch tail, both rear pastern joints white, branded on the right what is supposed an Indian brand, C.H. on the near shoulder, appraised to $25. By Tickler, living 5 miles east of Collings' mill, one bay horse poney, 7 or 8 years old, roached main, with a short tail, both ears split, star in the forehead, and some saddle marks, appraised to $25. STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, Tippah County, John N. Wilie vs. John Williams & Jonathan Stone--attachment levied for $380. The attachment in the above stated case, having been returned into the Circuit Clerks office of said county. Notice is hereby given that unless the defendants in said case, shall appear, give special bail and plead on or before the next term of our Circuit Court of said county to be held at the Court House in the town of Ripley on the 5th Monday after the 4th Monday in April, 1840. Otherwise judgment will be entered and the estate attachment will be entered and the attachment will be sold. Witness Hardy W. Stricklin, Clerk of said Court at office in Ripley, 30th day of March, 1840. Hardy Stricklin, Clerk, April 14th,1840. STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, Monroe County, Circuit Court, Feb.1840--Benj. F. Coopwood, vs. John H. Lawson--Ordered by the Court that publication be made six successive weeks in the Holly Springs Banner a newspaper printed at Holly Springs in said State, notifying the defendant of the pendency of this suit, and unless he enters his appearance at the next term of this Court and plead, answer or demur that judgment, final will be had and the property so attached will be sold to satisfy the plaintiff demand. Issued 11th March 1840. S. H. BUCKINGHAM, Clk. March 31 Sheriff's Sale – On the third Monday, of May next, I will sell at the Court House in Holly Springs, for cash, the following tracts of land and town lots to wit: 140 acres, a part of the west half of section 4 town 2 range 3 west, the property of Joseph Kennedy and Alfred Younger, to satisfy an execution in favor of Wingate, Gaskill & Knox. The south east quarter of section 34, town 2 range 2 west, the property of Thos. S. Wells, to satisfy an execution in favor of John Brown. Northeast quarter of section 5 town 4 range 3, the property of Abijah Best, to satisfy 3 executions in favor of Robert McCravan, and others. The north east quarter of section 26, the property of Burwell Benton, to satisfy sundry executions of Wm. R. Hardy and others, also lots number 19 and 40, and a block containing 28 in the town of Hudsonville, a part of section 33, town 2 range 2 west, levied, on as the property of John J. Wells to satisfy sundry executions in favor of Park & Graham & others. Alf. Simpson, Dep. for L. McCrosky, Sh'ff. ALEX B. BRADFORD, Attorney at Law, Will practice in the Circuit Court of Marshall and the adjoining counties, in the Chancery Court at Oxford, in the Federal Court at Pontotoc, and the high Court of Errors and appeals at Jackson. March 23, 1939. LAW PARTNERSHIP, JAS. RUCKS & WILLIAM YERGER--Have formed a partnership in the practice of law. They will attend to all business intrusted to them in the High Court of Errors and Appeals--the Superior Court of Chancery, and the Federal Court in the city of Jackson--and one or the other of them will also attend the Circuit Court of Hinds and Madison Counties, held at Canton and Raymond. Their office is the same heretofore occupied by Hays and Yerger. city of Jackson, Jan 27, 1840. The Mississippian, Vicksburg, Whig, Holly Springs Banner, Raymond Times and Canton Whig Advocate will insert the above three months and forward their accounts to this office-- Southern Sun. STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, Tippah County, John H. Moss vs. Benjamin M. Laughlin, attached for $1006.36, Thomas and James P. Peters summoned as Garnashees. The attachment having been returned into the office of the Circuit Court Clerk of said county. Notice is hereby given that unless the said defendant shall appear give special bail, and plead on or before the next term of said court to be held for said county at the Court House in the town Ripley, on the 5th Monday after the 4th Monday in April1840. Otherwise judgment will be entered and the estate attachment will be sold. Witness Hardy W. Stricklin, Clerk of said Court office in Ripley 30th day of March 1840. More Shooting--A man by the name of Albert G. Moon, shot a man in Memphis, last Wednesday named Hamilton Bussey. Moon has made his escape. We are more surprised at his escape when the crime was committed in the most public part of the town and in the presence of so many of its citizens. WHIG MEETING. At a meeting of the Whigs held in Holly Springs on Monday, the 4th instant, Dr. J. Pitman was called to the Chair, and Dr. Curtis appointed Secretary. On motion, the Chair was authorized to appoint a committee of seven persons to prepare and present to a future meeting a preamble and resolutions declaring the principles by which we will be governed in the election now pending. Committee--Col. P.W. Lucas, Col. B. Hill, H.W. Walter, Esq., W. Finley, Esq., Col. H. Harris, Dr. Davis and Dr. Pitman. Mr. Lucas being called upon to explain the object of the meeting, addressed the meeting in an eloquent and forcible manner. Resolved. That the Conservative be requested to publish the proceedings of this meeting, and give notice to the Whigs of the County that a general meeting of the Whigs be called on Monday, the 18th day of May. Resolved, That a committee of seven be appointed to distribute notices of said meeting, whereupon, the following gentlemen were appointed, viz: W.B. Means, J.T. Barrett, W.G. Irvin, R.J. Holbrook, W.B. Spinks, T. Dalton, and Maj. Dye. Adjourned. John Pitman, Chm'n. J.S. Curtis, Sec. At a meeting of the citizens of Holly Springs, on the 2nd of May, at the Court House, on motion of Dr. Curtis, Mr. B.W. Walthall, Maj. James W. Hill, and Mr. Charles Niles were called to preside, and George West appointed Secretary. James C. Alderson, Esq., explained the object of the meeting by reading the following preamble and resolution. Whereas, we the citizens of Holly Springs have great reason to believe that a number of our citizens of whom we should have expected submission to the laws of our State, and to have joined with the good people of this town in preserving the laws and institutions of our country inviolate, are now in total disregard of all law, and the morals of our town and vicinity, selling liquors by retail, some openly, in defiance of law, while others evade the law by disguising themselves, and preventing the operation of the laws against them. Resolved, as the sense of this meeting, that the authorities of this town are hereby called upon to enforce the laws against all persons whom they have reason to believe have been, or are guilty of any violation of the laws of this State, made to suppress the odious vices of tippling and gaming; and that we hereby pledge ourselves to use all lawful means in our power to sustain the proper authorities in the discharge of their duties, and that all persons who may know of any violations of the aforementioned laws, are hereby called upon to discharge a solemn duty to their country, themselves and families in giving information of such violations to the proper authorities. Which preamble and resolutions, after some very appropriate remarks form the Hon. F.W. Huling and Roger Barton, Esq. were adopted unanimously, a motion having been made to ascertain the voice of the meeting by a division, instead of by the ayes and noes. On motion of Dr. Pitman, Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be signed by the Chairman and countersigned by the Secretary--that each of the newspapers in Holly Springs be furnished with a copy, with a request that they publish the same in their respective papers; and that each Magistrate and Constable in town be furnished with a paper containing these proceedings. And so motion of Dr. Curtis, the meeting adjourned. JAMES W. HILL, B.W. WALTHALL, CHARLES NILES, CHM'N, George West, Sec'ry NOTICE. Administrators Sale of Land. In pursuance of an order made by the Honorable Probate Court of Pontotoc County, directing the undersigned, Administrator of James A. Blanton, dec., to sell all the real estate belongings to the estate of said Jas. A. Blanton, dec. I will sell at the Court House in the town of Pontotoc, on Monday the 8th day of June, next, the following section of land on credit of twelve months, viz. section 31, town 8, range 7, East of the base meridian of the Chickasaw Cession. The purchaser giving bond with approved security, for the purchase money. WM. B. KIMBELL, Adm'r of JAS. A. BLANTON, Dec. THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI. Yallobusha County. Yallobusha Circuit Court, Sept. Term, A.D. 1839, Samuel W. Carrington versus Alabama M. Carrington --Petition for Divorce. In this case it being made appear to the satisfaction of the Court that a subpoena had regularly issued as directed by law to the defendant, commanding her appearance at this term of the Circuit Court at the Court House, in the town of Coffeeville, to plead answer or demur, to the petitioner's petition, and all other matters and things done in the premises, as required by the act of assembly in such case made and provided; and it further appearing to the to the satisfaction of the Court that the defendant is a non-resident of this State, it is therefore ordered by the Court, that publication be made in the Holly Springs Banner, a newspaper printed in the town of Holly Springs, in the State of Mississippi, for three months successively, notifying the defendant of the pendency of this petition, and that unless she be and personally appear at the next term of the Circuit Court, to be holden in and for the county and State aforesaid, at the Court House thereof, in the town of Coffeeville, Yallobusha county, Mississippi, on the second Monday of March, A.D. 1840, to answer, plead or demur to petitioner's petition, otherwise the same will be taken for confessed, and accordingly set for hearing. A true copy from the minutes of said Courts. JOHN BROWN, Clk. His Excellency, Patrick Noble, Governor of South Carolina, died at his residence in Abbeville, on the 7th of last month after a short illness. He was in his 53d year. To the People of the State of Mississippi – I present myself as a candidate for State Treasurer, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the death of Mr. Williams. It is common with candidates for public favor, to submit to the people an exposition of their political principles. The duties of the State Treasurer are plainly prescribed by law, and a faithful compliance with the law is all that is required of him. I therefore cannot see the reason of his political principles should be the test of his qualification for this office. It then only remains for me to pledge myself, if elected, to devote my energies and abilities to the accomplishment of the end contemplated by the Legislature – a faithful compliance with the law. James M. Downs, Jackson. Sheriff's Sale – On the third Monday of May next, I will sell for cash, at the Court House in Holly Springs, 2 lots east of William's tavern in Holly Springs, the property of Martin Tally, to satisfy Byrd Hill, debts and cost. L. M. Crosky, Sh'ff by Alf. Simpson, Dep. CITY ELECTIONS. Wm. Ragan, Sen. was on yesterday elected City Magistrate, and Saml. M. Carson, elected Constable. TRIBUTE. At a meeting of the members of the Holly Springs Bar, held at the Court House on Thursday April 30th, 1840, on motion, Alexander M. Clayton, Esq., was called to the Chair, and James C. Alderson appointed Secretary. Whereupon, the object of the meeting was explained from the Chair, when George A. Wilson, Esq., having made a few appropriate remarks, offered the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted. Resolved. That we deeply regret the sudden and calamitous event which has deprived us of our esteemed and valued friend and associate, Solomon B. Isaacs, Esq., in whose death the community have suffered the loss of a worthy member, the State a valued and faithful officer, and his friends and relatives a bereavement which will be long and deeply mourned. Resolved. That we feelingly sympathize with the relations of the deceased in their irreparable loss of one whose virtues and warm affections rendered him deserving of the higher attachments from friends and relatives. Resolved. That we will wear the usual badge of mourning for the space of thirty days as a token of our regard and a tribute to the memory of the deceased. Resolved. That the members of the Bar will attend the funeral of the deceased in a body at 4 o'clock this afternoon. On motion of Mr. Finley. Resolved. That George A. Wilson, Esq., be requested to have these proceedings entered on the minutes of the Circuit Court of this county at the next term. Resolved. That the foregoing resolutions be signed by the Chairman and Secretary and be published in the newspapers of this town. NOTICE. On the first Monday in June next, I will sell at the Court House in Holly Springs, lots number 92 and 93, and 22 feet front and 40 feet back, the south east corner of lot number 7, in the town of Holly Springs, the property of John C. Hudson, to satisfy E.J. Potts, President of the Board of Police, and others. ALSO, Section 1, town 2, range 2, west, the property of Wm. V. Taylor, to satisfy James A. Knox's debt and cost. ALF. SIMPSON, Dept. for L. McCROSKY, Sh'ff. NOTICE. On the first Monday in May next, I will sell at the Court House in Holly Springs, FOUR NEGROES, the property of Thomas Hunt to satisfy two venditioni exponases in favor of Jacob Hill and John S. Topp. ALSO, at the same time and place, two negroes, the property of F.C. & S. Holland, to satisfy an execution in favor of Dabney Minor. ALF. SIMPSON, Dep. for L. McCROSKY, Sh'ff. NOTICE, On the first Monday next, I will sell for cash at the Court House in Holly Springs all the right, title, claim, and interest which James H. Southern has in and to lot No. 1 & 102 in the town of Mount Pleasant, also a part of block No. 24 and 26, to satisfy an execution in favor of J. Heaslett. ALF. SIMPSON, for LEVI McCROSKEY, Sh'ff SHERIFF'S SALE. On the third Monday in May next, I will sell at the Court House in Holly Springs, the South-west quarter of section 20, Town 3, Range 1, west, the property of James D. Webb to satisfy an execution in favor of William Ayres. ALF SIMPSON, Dep. for L. McCROSKY, Sh'ff HOLLY SPRINGS, May 5. SHOCKING MURDER. It becomes our painful duty to record a transaction, heart-rending in the extreme, which happened in our city on the afternoon of Wednesday last, 29th ult., upon the body of Solomon B. Isaacs, Esq., States Attorney for this district. It appears the deceased was attacked while in his office, by a young man by the name of Thomas Westbrook, who inflicted two mortal wounds upon him with a Bowie knife, and he died instantly. We forbear giving further particulars, as the affair will undergo a due process of law, we presume at the next term of the Circuit Court. After a careful examination of witnesses the prisoner was committed for final trial. |
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