December 14, 1839
Submitted by Jean Hancock HOLLY SPRINGS BANNER: Holly Springs, December 14. We are compelled from urgent necessity to call upon our friends and patrons, and particularly those at a distance, to liquidate our various accounts; it is now near the close of the year, and we hope our friends will avail themselves of the earliest opportunity and remit. The circulation of the "Saturday Courier" published in Philadelphia by Messrs. Makin and Holden, is now the largest in the world, having a list of 34,000 subscribers. Dr. Dyot's case - The Court refused to discharge the Prisoner. The case will probably go before the Supreme Court. The old gentleman of the Richmond Enquirer (Thomas Ritchie) is talked of as candidate for Governor. If he should be elected who many not aspire to the sovereignty of the Old Dominion. Texas – The sale of lots took place at the city of Austin, the new seat of Government of this Republic, on the 7th of November. Congress convened on the same day. The sexton of the city of Houston reports the interment of sixty-seven persons, from the 1st to the 24th Oct. having died of the yellow fever. The Governor General of the Canadas is resolved to carry into effect the union of the colonies without regarding the opinions of any person. His resolutions were laid before the Special Council, and unanimously adopted, and sent to Upper Canada. The following is incomplete but is interesting reading as to the "tone of the times". He has taken up the line of march for Washington and declares most roundly that he will not be "choked off." Mr. Calhoun has taken a circuit in the South, and is wending his way to the Capitol. His friends here assert that he will take an early and high start upon the currency question. He is to be the Othello, and Benton the Iago, in the new drama which is to be enacted before the nation at this session. The curtain, you will find, will soon be drawn up so the audience will do well to be early in attendance."--- "If his friends (Mr. Clay's) do "endeavor" to obtain for him the nomination, " and should succeed, we see no way of electing him without a change, and a very great change, taking place in the minds of the people all over the country." We copy the above extract from the Cincinnati Republican, a Harrison paper. It is passingly strange that after what we have experienced by divisions, cisms, &c. in the Whig ranks, men are found reckless enough to endeavor to push forward the claims of Gen. Harrison to the Presidency, when they much certainly know (if they know anything of the position of the Whig party) that he could not, under any circumstances, obtain a vote South of the Potomac River. More than two-thirds of the Harrisburg Convention are represented by Mr. Clay's friends---For more than three years the Patriots of the nation have looked to Henry Clay as their only chance to avert the impending storm which threatens to immolate our country. If the paper from which we take the above extract means to insinuate that there is any settled prejudice in the minds of the Whigs of the South to Mr. Clay, or that they have to undergo any change to reconcile their support of him, it very much mistakes our feelings, and hazards the assertion.--- The Cincinnati Republican may speak for the Harrison district of Ohio and other North-Western States; but we beg leave to remark that Gen. Harrison is never known in the deliberations of any of our Whig meetings at the South. It is folly and indeed suicidal to attempt again to divide the Whig forces in such precarious times when the very salvation of our common country is at______ THE CHALLENGE: The owner of Boston has challenged the owner of the hitherto invincible Wagner to a race of four miles for $15,000 or $30,000, one third forfeit. --- The race to be run over some central course to be agreed upon. Here's a chance for rare sport. WESTERN HELP: The author of "A New Home" said she once had a damsel living with her who used to put her head in at the door, with ---"Miss Glavers, did you holler? I thought I heered a yell." COMMUNICATIONS: For the Banner. We the undersigned, commissioners for the Counties of Lafayette and Panola Mississippi for superintending the cleaning out of the Tallahatchie river from the mouth of Tippah down to the mouth of Cold Water. Report that we have performed that arduous task and have had the leaning timber cut from the banks and logs and snags in the stream cut into short lengths down below watermark and we have no hesitation in saying Flatboats with full freights, with a rise of four feet above low water mark, (which is only common winters water) can descend the river in safety, and steamboats ascend at least as high as Wyatt, and perhaps to the mouth of Tippah. Although much has been done, much more can be done to advantage if an appropriation can be had from the state legislature, the work already done being by individual subscriptions. J. A. Sneed, Wm. Killegrew, S. W. Evans, A. Peterson. December 7th 1839. NOTICE: Suggestion of the insolvency of the estate of I. F. Wright deceased having been made at the Oct. term of the Probate Court of Panola county, in pursuance of the statute, the undersigned were appointed commissioners to receive and examine all claims against said estate. For which purpose they will sit at Bellemont on the first Saturdays in January, February and March next. Claims not presented within the time required by law will be debarred. W. H. Galbraith, Geo. Shewford, R. J. Jones. Dec. 7th 1839, No. –39—3-t. TO PRINTERS: (Incomplete) E. White & W. M. Hager respectfully inform the Printers of the United States to whom they have been individually known as established Letter Founders, that they have now formed a copartnership in said business, and by a long experience, they hope to be able to give satisfaction to all who may favor them with their orders. The introduction of machinery in place of the tedious and unhealthy process of casing type by hand; a desideratum by the European founders, was by American ingenuity, and a heavy expenditure of time and money on the part of our senior partner, first successfully accomplished---extensive use of machine cast letter has fully tested and established its superiority in every particular over those cast by the old process. NOTICE: On Monday the 16th day of December next I will sell for cash at the Court House in Holly Springs a part of Lot No 11, situated in the town of Holly Springs fronting South 117 feet Running back north 241 feet Levied on as the property of George R. Craft to satisfy eight Executions in favor of Isaac A. Herron and others all against Needham Kennedy with George D. Young and the said George R. Craft securities. H. Ferrell, Dep. for L. McCrosky, Sheriff. Nov. 16th 1839, no 38---2 w. Prs. Fee. $5. LATE ARRIVALS, TOBACCO: 10 BOXES best James River Tobacco just received and for sale by BRUNSON, CHEATHAM & Co. OSNABURGS. TEN THOUSAND yards Richmond Osnaburgs for sale low by BRUNSON, CHEATHAM & Co. NOTICE: Chulahoma, Marshall Co. STOLEN from the stable of the subscriber, on the night of the 5th instant, a dark brown horse, about 14 hands high, with a blaze in his face, the back part of his wither has just got cured up from a hurt, has shoes on his fore feet, his hind hoofs a good deal broken any person taking up delivering said horse to me, shall be thankfully rewarded for their trouble; any confirmation will be thankfully received. Information will be directed to Chulahoma, Wm. L. Lee, July 6—15—tf A CARD: The subscribers beg leave to inform the friends and customers of the late R. C. Williams, Esq. and the public generally that they have purchased the stock on hand, and are constantly adding to it a general supply of Groceries, Rope and Bagging, Boots, Shoes, and Negro Clothing, to which they ask the attention of Planters. They will be happy to receive and forward Cotton and other produce, and will make liberal advances on all such consigned to their friend Eustis Prescott & Co. of N. York, or Prescott, Jones & Co. of New Orleans. N. B. - We will remove in a few days to the new brick ware-house adjoining Trigg & Chester. F. T. Prescott & Co. Memphis, Nov. 15—39-3t. The Somerville Reporter Lagrange Whig Holly Springs Banner, and Dresden Patriot will please insert the above to the amount of $5 each. NOTICE: Is hereby given to all interested in the estates of B. J. Curtis and A. H. Evans Deceased, that I shall present my account as administrator to the honorable Probate Court on the 4th, Monday in January for final settlement and allowance. J. B. Curtis, Adm'r. November 27th 1839.---39—5t. G. A. Wilson. F. S. Early - Wilson and Early. Attorneys At Law. Will practice Law in the Courts of the 8th Judicial district, and the counties of Tippah and Tishamingo. The business committed to their care will be attended to promptly. Office in the small brick building on the east side of the street leading south from the Union House. 30, 1839.—11—tf COFFEE: 3 Tierces Rio and 10 Bags Havana Coffee, received and for sale by BRUNSON, CHEATHAM & Co. SUGAR: Just received 20 barrels N. O. Sugar put up expressly for Family use; 10 do (ditto) Boston refined; Loaf ditto. And for sale low by BRUNSON, CHEATHAM & Co. |
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