April 13, 1839
Submitted by Deb Haines On Tuesday evening last, by the Rev. A. Foster, John R. Wilson, Esq., to Miss Emily Burton, daughter of Dr. P. P. Burton, all of this place. The State of Mississippi, Lafayette County – To all persons interested in the real estate of Thomas Sims, Deceased – Greeting: You are hereby cited to be, and appear before the Probate Court of Lafayette County, at the Court House in Oxford, on the second Monday in June next, then and there to show cause, if any they can, why an order should not be made, to sell the following described Land, in Lafayette County, being a part of Section 29, Township 7, Range 4, West. Beginning at the South east corner of said section running North 20 Poles to a bunch of Alder-bushes on the bank of a Pond. Thence with the meanders of said pond, to where it enters into Tobatubby Creek. Thence down and with the meanders of said Creek to a forked white oak, marked T. S. Thence West, 47 and 5 1-10 poles to a stake, with Hickory, slippery Elm and white oak pointers. Thence South 217 poles to a stake with black-jack pointers in the south line of said section. Thence East 145 5-10 poles to the beginning, containing 200 acres. Witness the Hon. James E. Shegog, Judge of the Probate Court of said County the second Monday in April, A. D. 1839. Issued April 8th, 1839. Wm. Smither, Clerk. |
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