March 9, 1839
Submitted by Nancy Smith WHIG MEETING: The Whigs of Marshall County are requested to meet at the Court House, in Holly Springs, on Saturday next, for the purpose of selecting candidates to be run upon the Republican Whig ticket for the Legislature. Mr. Clay's Speech–its effect: The masterly effort of this distinguished Statesman, upon the subject of abolition, will be read with intense interest by every citizen of the South–by every lover and advocate of southern institutions. The just views of Mr. Clay upon this exciting, and when excited, dangerous subject, will meet with a warm and cordial response from the bosom of every Southern man: and while his high order of talent, splendid oratory, and disbinguished public services, command admiration and respect; the signal benefit which must result to the whole Union and particularly to the South, from this effort to subdue and overthrow, for years to come, every attempt which may be made to interfere in our domestic institutions, merits, and will receive, the approbation to which it is so richly entitled. The allusions of Mr. Clay to political abolition deserve the attentive consideration of every individual. We have ever deprecated its introduction into the political struggles of our country for party purposes, and political effect; and have regarded those who have attempted thus to use it, as being much more blinded by party zeal, more operated upon by party subserviency, than influenced by love of country, a desire to secure the permanency and statility of our institutions, and to promote the prosperity and happiness of our citizens. For such uses and purposes the subject of abolition has been introduced by many, even in the South, in regard to, and in connection with, the character and political pretensions of Henry Clay. The..... DOCTOR HESTER, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, &c., OFFICE NEAR TO, AND SOUTH OF, THE ANTON HOUSE, Holly Springs, Jan. 18, 1839. MERCANTILE PENMANSHIP, TAUGHT by the subscriber.—For particulars enquire at the Marshall Inn. J. CHANEY. Feb 23–tf. J. HART, PORTRAIT PAINTER, HAS taken rooms at the Marshall Inn, and is now prepared to execute full sized or MINIATURE PORTRAITS. Gentlemen and Ladies are respectfully invited to call and examine his paintings. Those wishing their Portraits taken, would do well to call soon, as his stay in this place will be but short. Feb 1—3—tf NOTICE. ALL those indebted to the firm of Craft & Ross, for the year 1838, are requested to come forward and make payment, either by note or cash, the latter would be preferred—call and see me next door to the Union House. G. R. CRAFT. March 9, 1838.—S—tf ATTENTION MILITIA. THE Commanding officers of each company, composing the first Battalion of the fiftieth Regiment of the Mississippi Militia, are hereby required to parade their respective companies in the town of Waterford on the first Saturday in April next, at the hour of 10 o'clock, A.M., armed and equipt as the law directs, Commissioned officers are required to attend the day previous, for the purpose of drilling. Those of the second Battalion, will parade their respective companies on the second Saturday, in the same month in the town of Hudsonville, in like manner and attend Drill the day previous. THORNTON DAVIS, Commander of 1st Battalion; W.D.L.F. Craig, Commander of 2nd Battalion; March 9, 1838.—8—3t NOTICE. All those indebted to us, either by note or account, are earnestly requested to come forward and settle the same immediately, by cash, as longer indulgence will not be given. Apply to John C. Hill for settlement, who will at all times be found at the post office. JOHN C. HILL & Co. Jan. 18, 1839 Nl-tf. MISSING. The right hand half of a $50 note on the U. S. Branch Bank at Mobile, (illegible) No. 2542, and the right hand half of a $20 note of the Bank of the Mississippi and Alabama Rail Road Company, payable at the Gerard Bank, Philadelphia, letter A. No. 309. The above half notes were enclosed by the undersigned in a letter which was mailed at the Post Office at Wyatt, Mi., on the 17th May, 1838, addressed to Messrs. JOHN C. FARR & Co. Philadelphia, but have not been received. All persons are cautioned against receiving the above, as application has been made to the Banks for payment. THOS. H. ALLEN. Feb. 1—3----4t MONEY! MONEY!! MONEY!!! ALL those indebted to the firm of Dill, Baugh, & Co., are requested to come forward and settle their accounts either by cash or note, as they are compelled to have the cash; for they owe money, and money they MUST have. Holly Springs money will be taken at 20 per cent. Discount until the 15th of March; after which time River money will be required. DILL, BAUGH, & Co. Jan. 18,–tf. NOTICE. THE partnership heretofore existing between ELI NEELY & P. H. McCUTCHEN & THOMAS W. BELL, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The firm will be hereafter carried on and conducted under the firm and style of NEELY & McCUTCHEN. All persons having claims against said firm, will present them for payment, to Eli Neely & P. H. McCutchen. All who are indebted to said firm, will pay the same to Neely & McCutchen, as they are alone authorized to settle the same. ELI NEELY, P. H. McCUTCHEN, THOS. W. BELL. February 8, 1839. 3t. ATTEND TO THIS NOTICE! All THOSE INDEBTED TO THE SUBSCRIBER ON ACCOUNT FOR THE YEARS 1837-38 WILL DO WELL TO CALL AND SETTLE BEFORE THE FIRST DAY OF March. Holly Springs money will be taken up to that time after which, good money will be required,—Call on the subscriber on the South side of the public square, on Centre street–better known as Yancey and Brown. JOHN BROWN. To All Whom It May Concern – Notice is hereby given that at the October Term of the Probate Court, of Panola county letters of administration were granted to me on the estate of Dr. Isaac F. Wright, dec'd. All persons having claims against said estate, must present them to me within the time prescribed by Law, or the same will be barred. Richard Poston, Administrator. Notice – On Monday, the 4th day of March next, I will sell for cash at the Courthouse, in Holly Springs, a block of land containing nine acres and one-half. Also Lot No. 14, in the town of Hudsonville, levied on as the property of B. W. Munsan, to satisfy an execution in favor of H. H. Means. Also, at the same time and place, I will sell for cash, Lots No. 4 and 9, and a two acre block in Mount Pleasant, levied on as the property of John Hutchins, to satisfy an execution in favor of Burwell Burton, the residue of said property after satisfying B. Burton will be sold as the property of Hugh M'Bride and Abner Currall, to satisfy an execution in favor of Bates and Cavender. Alf Simpson – Dep'ty for L.C. McCrosky – Sheriff. Union Bank of Mississippi - To the Citizens of Marshall County: For the satisfaction of those who have subscribed for stock in the Union Bank, I here give a list of all those who had a perfect title to their property, proposed for stock, to wit: Henry C. Thoreat, Robert B. Jones, Wm. P. Johnson, Wm. Rowland, Harrison Rowland, Stephen Miller, Jeremiah Tucker, Michael Byrd, Wm. W. Hall, John R. Norfleet, Wm. A. Roffe, Wm. Echols, Wm. Dye, E. Furguson, D. E. Brittenham, N. Moody, L. Echals, J. H. Crisp, J. P. Caruthers, A. Moore, Sandy Young, R. T. Crain, S. Kelsy, C. L. Thomas, F. W. Hesling, Wm. Crain, L. Lesure, Green Pryer, B. Benton, Dickerson Rogers, Milton Johnson and John R. McCarroll. The Bank attorneys have passed on the foregoing, and believe they have a perfect title to their property. All the other papers can be found at the office of the Probate Court, and I would advise those who wish to hold their stock, to be as speedy as possible in having their titles made perfect, and forward them to Jackson. Your ob't serv't, Byrd Hill. Literary Institution, at Holly Springs, Mississippi: The present session of this institution commenced on the first Monday in December last, under the management of the following faculty: College Department: Rev. Jos. Travis, A. M., President, Pro tem; Rev. C. Parish, A. M., Professor of Ancient Languages; J. B. Clausel, A. M., Professor of Mathematics and Natural Philosophy; Charles R. Lemanski, Professor of Modern Languages. Preparatory Department: William H. Blake, A. M. Principal; Henry C. Garrett, Assistant Teacher; Jesse Lewellen, Esq. Patron; Thomas A. Falconer, Stewart. Terms – Tuition in the Preparatory Department 3, 4 or 5 dollars per month, [as heretofore,] according to the studies pursued. In the College Department seven dollars per month. College students will be permitted to occupy the new brick dormitories, but must furnish their own beds, furniture and fuel. Room rent $1.50 per month. Boarding with the Stewart $10 per month, washing $2. Parents sending their sons from abroad, are earnestly desired to pay for board and tuition in advance, or cause the money to be deposited with the Patron of the institution, that it may be safely kept, and appropriated in payment of the same. |
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