
Jefferson County



Biographies & Obituaries

   Jefferson County, Mississippi

Index in left side menu

This Biographies & Obituaries section is for people who lived in, or had connections to Jefferson County. To the left is an index to the Bios & Obits that have been submitted.

If you have biography or obituary that you would like to have posted here, send your information to Jefferson County MSGenWeb.

Anderson, Isiah, Jr.     c1954 - 2015

Anderson, Mrs. Willie Mae     1925 - 1988

Armsted, Robert Jr.     1958 - 2015

As-Sabor, Dr. Ruby Marie White     1952 - 2023

Badon, Lillie Mae Jackson     1947 - 2021

Barland, Andrew     1785 - 1850

Beasley, Daniel     dates unknown

Beaube, Jacque L.     1749 - c1826

Bouldin, N. L.     dates unknown

Brown, Rose Marie     1938 - 2014

Bullen, Claiborne     1860 - 1934

Bullen, Joseph     1750 - 1825

Caswell, Samuel     1794 - 16 Oct 1824

Cole, Solomon     c1760 - 1825

Cruel, Shirley Anderson     1945 - 2012

Curtis, Richard, Jr.     1756 - 1811

Davis, Koury Deon "Big K"     1981 - 1999

Forman, George     dates unknown

Forman Men     dates unknown

Garrett, Isaac     1808 - 1856

Guice, Jacob     died 1852

Harper, William L.     died 1828

Hinds, Thomas     1780 - 1840

Holmes, Ford     1819 - 1889

Hunt Family     various dates

Hunter, Leroy     1960 - 2009

Jackson, Alice Faye     1963 - 2023

Jackson, Bertha     1946 - 2019

Jones, Abbott "Abb"     1936 - 2014

Krauss, Ferdinand     1833 - 1907

Lee, Thomas Sr.     c1788 - 1860

Liddell, James & James, Jr.     various dates

Liddell, Jimerson     1800 - 1856

Limerick, John A.     1833 - 1908

McBride, Robert     born c1818

McElrath, Oscar C., Jr.     1894 - 1924

Montgomery, Frank A.     1830 - 1903

Moore, Willa S.     1948 - 2021

Payne, James     1801 - 1853

Roberson, Joe Berry "Bo"     1936 - 2023

Rogers, Bennie Lee "Daddy Bo"     1936 - 2004

Ross, Cordelia Atchison     1869 - 1895

Ross, Helen Perine Green     1830 - 1900

Ross, Robert Jr.     1891 - 1918

Rowland, Whitfield H.     1858 - 1908

Shaw, Jr. John     dates unknown

Smylie Family     various dates

Thomas, Ella Mae Trevillion     1934 - 2010

Wade, Walter B.     born c1867

Ward, Jareka Necole     1995 - 2006

Watkins, John A.     1808 - 1898

Wood, James G.     1770 - 1845

Vital Records

Bio/Obit Index