
Jefferson County



Fayette Chronicle, 1908

Published every Friday Morning

Published by Schober Printery - Geo. V. D. Schober, Proprietor
B. C. Knapp, Editor & Proprietor

Mississippi State Archives - Newspaper Microfilm - Roll #A654
Abstracted by: Lynna Kay Shuffield, P. O. Box 16604, Houston, Texas 77222-6604

3 Jan 1908, Vol. XLI, No. 14

In Memorial - Another veteran who wore the gray has left us to join our comrades in the great beyond, and this noble character must not leave us without some notice of his life and tribute of love to his memory. F. J. Chamberlain was born June 18, 1839 and died December 9, 1907 at his home at Cannonsburg. Survivors: wife, son and brother. Member of the Jefferson Artillery having lost an arm at the Battle of Shiloah. [Lengthy article]

Married - Miss Bama Noble, teacher of the public school in Harriston and Mr. Willie Byrd, a young farmer of Stonington, surprised both families and friends by a quiet marriage at the parsonage in Lorman on Christmas Day by Rev. W. D. Dominick. The couple will reside in Harriston and the event will not interfere with the present school term.

Birth - A son born to Chancellor & Mrs. J. S. Hicks

Birth - A son born to Mr. & Mrs. L. B. Campbell

Petition for Pardon - Lee Booker sentenced on March 5, 1907 to serve 7-years for burglary.

Killed - While returning home near Roxie, James Temple and J. C. Campbell were waylaid and Campbell killed and Temple shot through the arm. Campbell was shot in the stomach and his head almost blown off. Campbell was out on bond, having killed a young man named Grover last May. Temple was his main witness in the case.

10 Jan 1908, Vol. XLI, No. 15

Daughter Kills Her Father - Lula Richardson Hartfield, daughter of John Richardson of Sumrall, traveled 30-miles from Sumrall to Purvis to surrender herself and to answer for the killing of her father, which she claims was done in order to save her mother and herself from bodily harm. Richardson became enraged at his daughter for having married Hartfield and compelled her to return to his roof. He proceeded to abuse the girl and his wife. He went into his yard to get a stick with which to chastise the women. Upon his return, he was met at the door by his daughter who had procured the family shotgun. She warned him not to come in with the stick but he continued to advance. She fired but aimed at the floor to frighten him. Still he came on. This time she fired to kill. The charge entered the man's stomach, producing death in a few hours.

Pardoned by the Governor - Oscar Franklin, a young man who was sentenced from Lincoln Co. in 1904 to serve a life sentence for murder in connection with the famous white-capping cases was pardoned by the governor. Two others, Sam and David Posey, who were found guilty at the same time, the former charged with white-capping and the latter with manslaughter, were also given a pardon. Sam Posey was serving a 10-year sentence while David A. Posey was under a 25-year sentence.

Shot by Brother - Miss Alta Haney, daughter of a prominent lumber dealer of Columbus, was accidentally shot by her 12-year old brother. The unfortunate young lady was standing in front of her mirror arranging her hair and her brother was experimenting with his rifle when the gun discharged, the ball entering the young lady's neck.

Dead - Capt. C. D. Kelly, age 78, one of the oldest and most highly honored citizens of Winona is dead. He was an old "forty-niner" having been one of those to try his fortune in California at the time of the great gold craze there. He was for a long time mayor of Winona.

Accidental Shooting - At the home of Sam Sulton of Grenada Co., his little girl had an arm shot off by a shotgun in the hands of her father.

Dead - Col. Benjamin Franklin Johns, age 78, died suddenly at Gloster. He was a native of Amite Co., where he resided through life. At the beginning of the Civil War, he went out as Captain of the Amite Rifles and served throughout the war.

In Memorium - Ferdinand Jefferson Chamberlain, age 70, died Dec. ____, 1907 at _____. [Lengthy article with some illegible or missing print]. He was a husband, father and brother. He was a veteran of the beloved "Lost Cause" having lost his right arm at Shiloh.

17 Jan 1908, Vol. XLI, No. 16

No abstracts

24 Jan 1908, Vol. XLI, No. 17

No abstracts

31 Jan 1908, Vol. XLI, No. 18

Dr. L. R. Harrison and his bride returned home Tuesday evening.

In Memoriam - Mrs. Gabriella J. Tilden died peacefully without struggle or groan at 8 a.m. on Jan. 25, 1908 at the home of her daughter, Miss Belle L. Tilden, 810 Dauphine St., Mobile, AL. Mrs. Tilden, age 91 years, 6 months, was a former resident of Jefferson Co. Her remains were brought over to Port Gibson and interred in the family square Tuesday, Jan. 28th from the Methodist Church. She outlived all of her children except Miss Belle L. Tilden and Mr. E. R. Jones but is survived by a number of grandchildren and great-grandchildren, some of whom attended her funeral. [lengthy article]

7 Feb 1908, Vol. XLI, No. 19

Copiah County Cyclone - Hazlehurst - At least 12 people killed including Ben Martin, a farmer, his wife, brother and four children as were several negroes. Bob Middletown was trapped beneath the debris of his home and killed and one of the lady members of his family had her back broken. One or two others at that locality were also killed.

Again Behind Bars - Joe Williams, former vice-president of a negro bank at Hattiesburg, twice tried for the murder of Cashier Ed Howell, of the same institution, and who was out on bond awaiting a third trial, is again behind bars on the charge of forgery.

Trial - Jim Jamison, negro, who made a murderous attack on Ernest Ray, a young white man at Canton last November, was convicted last week of assault with intent to murder and sentenced to 10-years in the penitentiary.

Obituary - The year 1907 just passed has been a marked one amongst us at Union Church. Four of our oldest people passed away during this year: Mrs. E. A. Galbreath, Mrs. John Farris, John Torrey and last of all A. H. Carnes. Each one was over 80-years old. Mr. Carnes was born Aug. 22, 1829 and died Dec. 6, 1907. He was married to Miss Elizabeth McDonald on Nov. 29, 1855. He was the father of 10 children, of whom only three are now living. His wife and seven children passed away. His last years were spent in the home of his son, C. C. Carnes. [lengthy article]

Abney-Gordon Wedding - Wednesday morning at 8 a.m. in the Methodist Church, Miss Florence Gordon and R. R. Abney were married by Rev. R. L. Campbell, brother-in-law of the bride. The bride entered on the arm of her father, J. J. Jordon. [lengthy article]

14 Feb 1908, Vol. XLI, No. 20

Letter from Capt. J. W. Broughton who is aboard a battleship now stationed at Manilla, Philippine Islands. [lengthy article]

Trial - Dave Anderson, negro who killed Sam Libowitz, the Jew merchant at Cannonsburg, 2-years ago, and sentenced to hang at his first trial, but was granted a new trial by the Supreme Court, was tried here Tuesday. He was found guilty as charged and sentenced to life in the penitentiary.

Death - Mrs. E. N. Noland, died Sunday morning at home, Spring Hill Plantation, near Rodney after only a few days illness.

In Memoriam - R. A. Prichard, son of Thos. Prichard, was born Dec. 1, 1834 near Sumter, SC died Jan. 29, 1908, near Union Church, MS. He received his education at Sumpterville, SC and removed to Georgia and was married in 1858 to Jeruslia Stephens. When the Civil War broke out he joined the army and saw 4-years service and was seriously wounded at the Battle of Point Hudson. [lengthy article]

Killed - C. T. Smithson of Kosciusko accidentally shot and killed himself in trying to kill rats. He crawled under his house for the purpose of shooting rats and a pistol shot was heard followed by his groans. When his body was dragged out, it was found the bullet had penetrated his temple.

21 Feb 1908, Vol. XLI, No. 21

Birth - A girl to Mr. & Mrs. William McRevy last Saturday night

Death - William A. Towns, age 77, of Union Church died at his home last Saturday morning. He contracted LeGrippe sometime since about 10-days ago developed pneumonia. He was a native of Georgia. He was buried at the Union Church Cemetery. Survivors: Mrs. Towns (nee Miss Harriet Ross of Kosciusko) and several sons and daughters, Mrs. C. S. Fairly of Fayette; Dr. S. R. Towns of Union Church and several grandchildren [lengthy article]

28 Feb 1908, Vol. XLI, No. 22

Bethesda Dots - We were grieved to learn of the death of Mrs. Dunn last week.

Russum News - John Roy McCaa, age 12, son of Mr. & Mrs. Robert McCaa, who died at the home of his parents in Columbus, MS after 14-days illness were brought here and interred in the family burying ground Sunday at 11 am. [lengthy article]

Killing - Jim Queen killed Jerome Hamilton last Saturday night on the Harper place about 3-miles from Fayette. Both parties were playing "craps" with several other negroes and a dispute arose which led up to the killing. Queen came to town Sunday morning and surrendered to Sheriff Gillis and is now in jail.

Negro Kills White Man - A difficult between two negroes on the Natchez and Harriston train which arrives at Fayette at 8:20 p.m. occurred last Saturday night. The white flagman, Robert Yaretzski, was told of the trouble and went into the negro coach to stop the disturbance. A young negro, Charley Moore, who was raised in Fayette, was exhibiting a pistol and Yaretzski told him to give it up and the negro replied that he "would die and go to hell first," and fired on the flagman without further provocation. Other negroes in the car grabbed him and succeeded in getting the pistol but the murderer escaped, badly wounded, it is believed, by a knife in the hands of one of the negroes who attempted his capture. Yaretzski was taken to Natchez where he died Monday morning. If found, he will probably grace the end of a rope whether at the hands of the law or Judge Lunch depends on who first gets hold of him. Any negroes discovered harboring him would probably have their ideas of good citizenship improved by a hundred aashes on the bare skin.

6 Mar 1908, Vol. XLI, No. 23

Killed While Hunting - New Orleans Picayune, Feb. 27 - Douglas Starke Bisland, Alderman from the Third Ward, Secretary and Treasurer of the Mallory Grocery Co., formerly Secretary of the Prentiss Club and President in 1905 was accidentally killed while hunting near Stanton Station, 11-miles north of Natchez. He was accompanied by a 14-year old negro boy, Johnnie Watson, known as "Coots" when about 600-yards from the station he sent Coots back for a cigar. The negro rested his own gun against a barbed wire fence and said he would get some cartridges for himself at the same time as he was about out of ammunition. After the boy left, Mr. Bisland walked down by the fence to a place where the wire strands sagged and passed through the fence. He attempted to pull his gun over the lower strand, holding to the muzzle. The trigger hung and the cartridge in the right barrel was exploded, the charge of bird-shot passing through his heart. He leaves a wife and three young children. [lengthy article]

Red Lick Dots - We have just heard of the death of Scott Killingsworth, who dropped dead in his heard. His wife has our sympathy.

Married - J. Weatherly Chamberlain of Shreveport, but a native of St. Joseph, was married Wednesday to Miss Lola Forest Riddick at the home of the bride's parents in Suffolk, VA. Tensas Gazette [lengthy article]

Anniversary - Judge & Mrs. Jeff Truly attended a reception at the home of Judge & Mrs. Claude Pintard of Natchez on Monday evening in celebration of the 50th anniversary of their marriage.

Married - Tom Geoghegan, second son of Hon. W. M. Geoghegan and Miss Annie Brown, daughter of J. F. Brown, were married Wednesday evening at 6:30 p.m. at the home of the bride's parents about 5-miles west of Fayette by Rev. D. Scarborough.

Married - Aubrey Martin of Stampley and Miss Linnie Gilbert of McNair were married on Monday at 2:00 p.m. by Capt. D. S. Farrar, J.P. at the home of Mrs. Locia Dennis, near Stampley.

Death - Scott Killingsworth, age 46, of Red Lick, died very suddenly of hemorrhage. He had been in ill health since last fall but his sudden death was unexpected and a shock. Survivors: His wife (nee Miss Mattie Wade), several brothers and sisters. Interment was Tuesday afternoon at the Brick Church. [lengthy article]

12 Mar 1908, Vol. XLI, No. 24

Divorce - Mrs. Evelyn Nesbit Thaw has filed for divorce from Harry K. Thaw. The petition alleges insanity of Thaw who is at the Matteawan Asylum.

Married - Joseph B. Toler of Rodney and Miss Eula May Owen of Utica were married last Sunday evening at 9:00 p.m. at the Guilminot Hotel by Rev. D. Scarborough. [lengthy article]

Memorial - A. H. Carnes

Death - Miss M. Agnes Wade, age 86 years and 6-months, died last Thursday morning, 5th inst., at the home of Dr. & Mrs. Davidson in Red Lick. She was born in South Carolina having come to this county with her brothers, the late Dr. Pat Wade and Hon. J. Rives Wade. Her death was the result of LeGrippe contracted several weeks ago. She was buried Friday at the Brick Church Cemetery. [lengthy article]

Red Lick - Birth - A son, Edwin Allen Cogan, born to Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Cogan on Sunday night

Death - The funeral of George P. Slay, who died Feb. 25 at Orange, Texas, took place at Lorman, MS on Feb. 27. Mr. Slay, age 38, left Lorman a few days ago for Orange in the best of health and was soon stricken with pneumonia and measles. Survivors: mother, one brother and two children.

20 Mar 1908, Vol. XLI, No. 25

Shooting - Homer Bowman, age 15, shot his father, Willis Bowman, twice with a rifle, following a severe thrashing the elder Bowman had given the boy while in a drunken condition. Bowman went into the kitchen at his home near Brookhaven, where his wife was preparing breakfast, threw all the breakfast and practically everything else out the window, seized a plow line and whipped his boy unmercifully. As soon as he let the boy go, the youth grabbed a 22-caliber rifle and shot his father twice, once through the lung and the other penetrating near the ear.

Lynching - Because of a series of warehouse fires, four negroes, Dave Poe, Tim Ransom and the Jenkins brothers, were taken from a deputy sheriff near Van Cleave and lynched. The negroes confessed they had set fire to a number of warehouses.

Suicide - Yesterday morning our town was surprised that Penn Costley had killed himself. He was a member of the firm of Costley & Noble, conducting a meat market on Main St., and was at his place of business as usually yesterday morning waiting on customers. Between 8:00 am and 8:30 a.m., all employees of the place had been dispatched on various errands, delivering orders, etc., and there was a lull in business, John W. Noble, Jr., his partner, who did not give any of his personal attention to the business, passed the door of the market and was attracted inside by the telephone ringing. He answered the call and went to find who the telephone hadn't been answered promptly. He went to a little room in the rear of the market and upon opening the door discovered his partner weltering in blood. The authorities were notified and a Coroner's jury's verdict was a self-inflected gunshot from a pump-gun. The shell penetrated his head just above and between the eyes. A note to his little brother, Floyd Costley, who lived with him, was found in his pocket, telling him to go to Eddiceton and live with his brother Johnnie Costley. We are told he owed several small accounts which he was unable to meet and this seemed to prey on his mind and produced a melancholia. Interment was made at the Cogan burial grounds near Harriston this morning at 10:00 a.m. [lengthy article]

Rodney Dots - Mrs. J. L. Burkley has gone to Little Springs, MS, to see her new granddaughter, Miss Jacob, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Peyton Jacob.

Wedding Announcement - August H. Lehmann and Miss Vivienen Inez Farr will be married on the evening of Wednesday, April 8th at Hamburg.

27 Mar 1908, Vol. XLI, No. 26

Trial - Mrs. Nancy Odom plead guilty to manslaughter and was fined $500. She was charged with killing her brother, John Rich. The family involved in the case is one of the most prominent in Perry Co. and the fatal quarrel grew out of a dispute over the ownership of the hereditary estate. Mrs. Odom claimed the right to use a creek. Her brother, forbade her to do so. They met at the branch. Mrs. Odom says her brother attacked her with a bludgeon. She brought forth a shotgun and killed her brother.

Death - Capt. E. C. Leech, who was perhaps the oldest native-born citizen of Lowndes Co., died at Columbus. He was born about 7-miles from Columbus 80-years ago and practically lived all his life within the borders of Lowndes Co.

Delinquent Poll Tax List for 1907

Rodney Town - DeCamp, Edgar

Lorman Letter - Our community was shocked on Tuesday evening to learn of D. B. Wade's sudden death. Interred at the family burying grounds at "Prospect Hill" near Tillman station on Wednesday afternoon. [lengthy article]

Married - Jas. C. Gilbert and Miss Minnie Freeman were married last Sunday afternoon at the home of Hon. C. E. Hicks, he performing the ceremony.

Red Lick Dots - Neighbors of Mrs. William Cogan sympathize deeply with her on account of the recent death of her sister.

Death - Dunbar B. Wade died on Tuesday night, 25th inst., one of Jefferson Co.'s best and most useful citizens, at his home near Lorman. He had been in ill health and the nature of his recent attack was acute indigestion. Mr. Wade passed his 66th birthday on the 18th inst., and died in the fullness of life. He enlisted in the Jefferson Artillery, Capt. Put Darden's Battery and served bravely and faithfully throughout the war. He was a civil engineer by profession and served as county surveyor for a number of terms. Over 43-years ago, he was married to his cousin, Miss Martha Reeves Wade, daughter of Dr. Walter Wade. He is survived by his wife and eight sons and daughters. Interment was at "Prospect Hill" cemetery, the family burying grounds on Wednesday afternoon. [lengthy article]

Union Church Dots - John Galbreath of near Harriston was buried here Tuesday of last week.

Union Church Dots - We regret to report the death of Tom Edwin's 7-month old baby, which was buried here on Wednesday last week. The little one was sick only a short time.

Obituary - Mrs. Emily Marion Noland "fell asleep" on Feb. 9, 1908, at her home on Spring Hill Plantation, near Rodney, Jefferson Co., MS. Interment was in the family burying ground near the home. She was born Sept. 9, 1822 and was the daughter of the late George R. Dent, Esq., who was one of the earliest settlers of Jefferson Co., MS. Mr. Dent had four children: Emily Dent, Warren R. Dent, Mary Dent and George Dent, the later losing his life in Coles Creek when a child. On May 19, 1841, she was married to the late Dr. G. G. Noland who died in 1879. They had seven children, five daughters and two sons, all of whom survive her except the sons who died in infancy. [very lengthy article]

3 Apr 1908, Vol. XLI, No. 27

Lawsuit - In a damage suit of Josh Ostein on account of the death of his son, Arthur Ostein, who was killed at Jackson by a train on the Gulf & Ship Island Railroad, the jury returned a verdict of $8,500. The amount sued for was $30,000.

Delinquent Poll Tax List for 1907

In Memoriam - At an early hour Thursday morning, March 19th, Mrs. Sophira Emily Rowland died at the home of Mr. & Mrs. C. E. Robertson. Mrs. Rowland spend the last years of her life with her daughter, Mrs. Kate Robertson and nearly 3-years prior to her death, had been perfectly helpless, from a partial stroke of paralysis. She was also under the special care of her granddaughter, Mrs. Susie Aldrich. She had five sons. She was born on Feb. 24, 1829 and died March 19, 1908. She was twice married. Her first husband, Samuel Stampley, from this union were three children of whom only one is now living, Mrs. Bedford of Texas. Her second husband, Solomon Rowland, from this union were ten children of whom six survive. Her children and grandchildren number over 70. She was buried in McNair. [very lengthy article]

Birth - Daughter born to Mr. & Mrs. C. C. Schober Monday evening. She was named Susie Morrison Schober in honor of her maternal grandmother.

Death - Thomas Barker at Red Lick, MS on April 2nd at 12:55 a.m. Mr. Barker made his home with Capt. W. H. Spencer.

10 Apr 1908, Vol. XLI, No. 28

Bond - J. T. Lowe is out on bond while pending trial for the murder of Percy M. Houston at Tunica. The dead man left a wife and three daughters.

Death - Mrs. Marx Netter died last Friday morning at her home in Port Gibson. Her death was not expected. She was born Miss Rosa Abrams of Natchez and was Married to Mr. Netter about 2-years ago and had lived at Fayette for about 6-months.

Death - Oxford, MS, Apr 4 - Gresham Bates died suddenly of apoplexy on the University of Mississippi athletic field this morning. He was 20-years old and a student of the University last session, but had been teaching school this winter. He was interred at St. Peter's Cemetery on Sunday. [lengthy article]

Death - The baby daughter, Fannie B. Aby, of Mr. & Mrs. S. F. Aby died last Sunday at Natchez from measles followed by pneumonia. She was about 1-year old.

Rodney Dots - Mr. E. Higgins, representative of the Southwestern Lumber & Box Factory was accidently drowned last Friday evening while floating timber in the Frasier swamp. His body was recovered Saturday morning and was buried in the Rodney cemetery.

17 Apr 1908, Vol. XLI, No. 29

Memorial - A handsome monument has be erected in memory of the late Col. J. L. Powers on the family lot in Greenwood Cemetery, Jackson, MS by the Odd Fellows and newspapermen of Mississippi. He had been a Mason for over 30-years and they too erected a monument at the grave. [lengthy article]

Death - Capt. E. P. Thompson, Confederate journalist and one of the most prominent men of Eastern Mississippi, died suddenly at Aberdeen. He was born in Mississippi in 1839. He enlisted at Okolona in the Confederate Army in May 1861 with the 11th Mississippi Regiment.

Red Lick Dots - Daughter born to Mr. & Mrs. Bulard Wade on April 12, 1908.

Lawsuit - Mrs. Berry, mother of Fred Berry, who was killed by a "live wire" while working as a lineman in Hattiesburg on Aug. 31, 1907 has brought a lawsuit against the City of Hattiesburg, the Hattiesburg Traction Co., the Cumberland Telephone Co. and the Home Telephone Co.

Pete Collins Captured - After having eluded capture for nearly a decade, Pete Collins, indicted for the murder of a negro constable, Duncan Walton, in 1899, was captured last Friday about 3-miles west of Waterproof, Tensas Parish, LA. After killing the negro constable, Collins escaped to Cataloula Parish where he worked for a planter, T. B. Nugent for nearly 8-years while living with a paramour, Mary Langston. About 14-months ago, Collins tired of Mary and eloped with her daughter, settling in Tensas Parish. [very lengthy article]

Marriage - Texarkana Courier, Apr 12 - William Burch and Miss Iva Humphreys which occurred at Dallas. The groom is an attache of the Texarkana National Bank and the bride is a very charming young lady in the society of Jackson, MS. The marriage took place at the home of a relative in Dallas. Texarkana

Supplement - 17 Apr 1908

Union Church Dots - Daughter born to Mr. & Mrs. Ira King on April 1st.

24 Apr 1908, Vol. XLI, No. 30

Death - Senator E. H. Moore died at his home in Cleveland. He was an influential member of the state legislature and was from one of the most distinguished families of Bolivar Co., and a member of the bar.

Lawsuit - In the suit of Mrs. Laura Hyde of Laurel vs. the Home Insurance Co., for $2,000 policy on the life of her son, J. G. Hyde, who committed suicide about a year ago, the jury returned a verdict in favor of Mrs. Hyde. The verdict was based on expert testimony which tended to prove the act was planned and executed by an insane man.

Killing - Dave Duncan shot and killed Babe Cooper, a peaceable farmer living near Pontotoc. Cooper was to have been married the very day he was killed. Duncan is said to have been drunk and Cooper started to assist him to remount. Duncan pulled his pistol and shot Cooper through the heart, killing him instantly.

Death - While cleaning his shotgun on the front porch of his home, Robert Mathis of Crystal Springs, accidently shot and killed himself.

Death - Mrs. R. W. Millsaps, wife of Mississippi's prominent capitalist and philanthropist, Maj. R. W. Millsaps, of Jackson died in that city Tuesday.

Killing - Branch Archer, white, was killed at Port Gibson Tuesday by a hireling negro named Cohen. The negro escaped and a large posse has been hunting him. Cohen is described as a one-eyed Mexican coon of ginger bread hue and speaks English brokenly.

Divorce Citation - Susie Aldridge, Plaintiff vs. Harry Aldridge, Defendant

Divorce Citation - Joe Edwards, Plaintiff vs. Henrietta Edwards, Defendant

1 May 1908, Vol. XLI, No. 31

"Tornado Sweeps This Section - 19 Deaths in Jefferson County" - Last Friday morning, about 8 o'clock a cyclone visited the western part of Jefferson Co. The dead are all negroes from the Church Hill Community in District Four. [No names of the dead are listed] [very lengthy article]

Birth - Son born to Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Arnold on Tuesday, 21st inst.

Death - Saturday morning, April 25, the little baby son of Mr. & Mrs. L. B. Campbell, Lemuel Baldwin Campbell, Jr., died at their home in Fayette, after only a few months of life having been born Jan. 2nd this year. Interment at the City Cemetery on Sunday morning. [lengthy article]

Death - Friday morning last, the 13-month old son of Mr. & Mrs. Luther Case, Howell Case, died at their home in Fayette. Baby Howell was the last of twins born to Mr. & Mrs. Case, the little daughter having died only three or four months old. Interment in the City Cemetery on Saturday morning. [lengthy article]

Union Church Dots - Death of little Harriett Oberschmidt, the youngest child of Rev. & Mrs. Chas. Oberschmidt of Ellisville.

8 May 1908, Vol. XLI, No. 32

Death - Dr. R. W. Owens, age 68, one of the oldest and most highly respected citizens of Tunica Co., died at Tunica.

Reward - Fugitive John Joseph, negro, slayer of Branch T. Archer at Port Gibson now $1,250.

Reward - For the murders of John O. Black who was killed at Noxapater on Jan. 5th now $100.

Reverse & Remand - Monday evening Justice Mayes of the State Supreme Court handed down an opinion that saves Allen Green, a Jefferson Co., negro, who was convicted of killing his wife in Aug 1907. [lengthy article]

Died in Jail - Dave Anderson, a negro prisoner in the Jefferson Co. jail died Tuesday morning of typhoid fever. Anderson was charged with killing a merchant named Libowitz at Cannonsburg in the fall of 1906, and had twice been for his life. The first trial resulted in a verdict of guilty and a death sentence but the Supreme Court reversed and remanded the case; a second trial resulted in another verdict of guilty and a life term in the penitentiary and this verdict was affirmed by the Supreme Court. Owing to other prisoners in the jail, the jail has been thoroughly fumigated. [lengthy article]

In Memoriam - Last Friday, May 1, 1908, Jewel Bailey, the 12-year old daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Walter Bailey died at their home of appendicitis, having been sick only a few days. [lengthy article]

Married - Louis Dill of Franklin Co. and Miss Louanna Knapp were married on Wednesday evening, May 6th, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. & Mrs. E. M. Knapp of near Perth.

Death - C. W. Cummings was summoned to Alabama last week by a telephone message from Mrs. Cummings announcing the death of their baby, which had been seriously ill. The little one's remains were buried at Huntsville, AL. [lengthy article]

Death - Infant son of Mr. & Mrs. L. B. Campbell died at their home in Fayette on Saturday night. [lengthy article]

Death - Annie Elnora Kinstley, the infant daughter of Mr. & Mrs. B. F. Kinstley died at their home in Harriston on Wednesday, April 29, 1908 and was buried at the Chamberlain grave yard near there.

Union Church Dots - Mrs. Rebecca M. Bowen died on May 1st. Her sister, Mrs. Fannie Millsaps has watched her for months. Maj. R. M. Millsaps of Jackson and Mrs. L. B. Johnson of Harriston, the brother and sister of Mrs. Bowen and other relatives attended the funeral [lengthy article]

15 May 1908, Vol. XLI, No. 33

Death - John Joseph, a negro who murdered Branch Archer, a white planter, at Port Gibson, was run down and killed in a swamp near the mouth of Bayou Pierre. Joseph refused to surrender and was shot dead by three members of a posse.

Death - Mrs. Louis Wright, residing near Shuqualak, died of cocain poisoning, supposed to have been used by a dentist in filing her teeth.

Death - Walker N. Riviere, guest of Capt. J. D. Frazier and family was drowned in Dowds Creek, near Rodney last Monday. Mr. Riviere was on horseback riding with Master Dent Frasier and attempted to ford Dowds Creek which is always very deep with backwater from the Mississippi River. His companion insisted that he should not attempt to cross the ford, but he persisted and met his death. The body was recovered by citizens of Rodney and was taken to New Orleans where Mr. Riviere's parents reside for interment. Capt. Frasier, Miss Julie Frasier and E. B. Ross accompanied the remains.

Death - Frank Clement Gordon, baby son of Mr. & Mrs. J. J. Gordon died last Sunday afternoon at the home in Fayette. The child was just a few days more than 8-months old. The remains were taken to Jackson on Monday morning and buried in Greenwood Cemetery. Mrs. Gordon and little son James Gordon remained in that city to visit her parents. [lengthy article]

Death - Mable McCalip, little daughter of Dr. & Mrs. Davis McCalip of Yazoo City died. Mrs. O. S. Gillis and John W. Noble left Tuesday for Yazoo City to be with their sister, Mrs. McCalip. [lengthy article]

McNair News - Miss Lizzie Robertson, age 84, died at the home of her brother, Rev. Ira B. Robertson on Tuesday night, having been an invalid for several years. [lengthy article]

22 May 1908, Vol. XLI, No. 34

Death - Joseph Johnson Watts, Jr., age 5-months, the son of Dr. & Mrs. J. J. Watts, died at Chamberlain's Sanitarium, in Natchez at 11:00 p.m. last Friday morning, the 15th inst. The remains were brought there and buried Saturday morning. The child had been in delicate health throughout its life. [lengthy article]

29 May 1908, Vol. XLI, No. 35

Biographical Sketch - David Hunt by his son, Dunbar Hunt, Nov. 14, 1906 [very lengthy article (3 full columns) that abounds in family genealogy back to the 1600s] - David Hunt, son of Jonathan Hunt and was born on Oct. 22, 1779 on a farm near Ringoes, Hunterdon Co., NJ, not far from Trenton. He died on May 18, 1861 on the Woodlawn Plantation, the family residence, 7-miles from Rodney, Jefferson Co., MS at the age of 81 years, 6 months, 26 days and was buried at the family burial ground on Calviton Plantation, adjoining "Woodlawn." He was borne to this resting place by eight of his faithful slaves. His first wife, Mary Calvit, was the daughter of Thomas Calvit. His second wife, Ann Ferguson, was the daughter of Jane Dunbar Ferguson. Ann was born at Oakley Grove Plantation, 11-miles from Natchez, Adams Co., then the Mississippi Territory on April 22, 1797 and died at Woodlawn on Nov. 8, 1874 at the age of 77 years, 6 months and 17 days. David Hunt was a descendant of Ralph Hunt, the line being Ralph, Edward (2), Jonathan I., Jonathan II, Jonathan III (whose wife was a Stout), David.

Tragedy at Bookhaven - Two Families Engage in Bloody Conflict - Three Men Killed - One of the bloodiest tragedies in the history of Lincoln Co. occurred 8-miles southwest of Brookhaven, resulting in the death of Wm. Hilton, Tom Hilton and Tom Nation. The trouble arose over a negro employed by the Hiltons. Several weeks ago the negro thrashed Benson Nation, son of Tom Nation whose farm adjoins that of Hilton. Nation sent word to Hilton to drive the negro from the neighborhood. Hilton refused. [very lengthy article]

Death - J. O. Davidson, cashier of the Bank of Woodville, suicided by drinking carbolic acid on Monday. It is alleged that Davidson had speculated in cotton and had lost his wad, but the bank is not affected.

Red Lick Dots - Percy Ross, formerly of this place, who served 4-years aboard the battleship, USS CHICAGO, was married at Heber, CA to Miss Frieda Graras of that town on May 10, 1908.

5 June 1908, Vol. XLI, No. 36

Death - Dr. W. F. Stansbury, a dentist of Lexington, was found dead in his room of a supposed attack of heart failure.

Upcoming Marriage - Malcolm G. McNair to Miss Scruggs at Lauderdale, MS on the 10th inst .

12 June 1908, Vol. XLI, No. 37

G. T. Gant of College Hill, Lafayette Co., MS wants to locate his two brothers, J. J. Gant and H. C. Gant, who left Mississippi in 1888 for Limestone Co., Texas. Any information appreciated.

Shooting - J. T. Lowe, a prominent attorney of Clarksdale, MS was shot and wounded by Mrs. Una May Weinstein at Tunica on Wednesday. The woman is a daughter of Percy Houston who was shot and killed in Clarksdale the first of the year by Lowe. The wounded man was taken to Memphis for treatment and the woman was placed under arrest.

Death - Hugh Miller McGinty, son of R. F. McGinty of Fayette was found dead last Friday morning in the store on the Shelburn Plantation in East Carroll Parish, LA. It was discovered he had taken his own life by shooting himself with a revolver. He had been in ill health and was very despondent. T. B. McGinty was notified by telephone of this brother's death and left for Lake Providence and arrived here, via Natchez, with the body Saturday evening. Funeral services were Sunday morning. Survivors: his father, sister, Mrs. T. L. Darden, Jr., and two brothers, T. B. McGinty of Fayette and Newt. McGinty who resides in Old Mexico. He was unmarried. [lengthy article]

Death - Willie Dunbar Whitney died at Marlin, Texas last Thursday evening, June 4th. He had been employed for about 2-years at Sugar Land, Texas and had gone to Marlin for his health, accompanied by a friend, Pete Tyer, formerly of Natchez, who remained with him to the end. His nephew, P. W. Campbell of Carthage, Texas accompanied the remains home, arriving last Sunday morning. Burial was from the home of Mrs. Helen Whitney and interment was at the City Cemetery. Willie was born on Nov. 15, 1874 and was the youngest son of Mrs. Helen S. Whitney and the late Dr. P. K. Whitney. Survivors: his mother, two brothers and seven sisters all of whom, with the exception of J. C. Whitney of Carthage, Texas were at the funeral. [lengthy article]

19 June 1908, Vol. XLI, No. 38

Marriage - Miss Lula Nabors, 42-inches tall, weight 96-pounds and James M. Burnett of Bristol, TN were married at Marietta. Mr. Burnett is 36-inches tall, wight 97-pounds.

Rodney Notes - Herbert Trim, son of Jim Trim, of this place died here Sunday and was buried Monday a.m.

Marriage - Dr. J. C. McNair attended the marriage of his brother, Malcolm McNair at Lauderdale last week.

26 June 1908, Vol. XLI, No. 39

Death - C. C. Miller, a prominent attorney in Mississippi was found dead in bed at Meridian having passed away from heart failure.

Death - Mrs. Cassedy, wife of Judge William P. Cassedy died at their home in Summit last Saturday, the 20th inst.

Russum Notes - J. H. Welborn and Miss Mattie McMurchy were married last Sunday afternoon at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Alex McMurchy.

3 July 1908, Vol. XLI, No. 40

Death - Thomas Dockery West, Jr., only child of Mr. & Mrs. T. D. West of Ibrie Community, died at Chamberlain's Sanitarium in Natchez last Friday afternoon. The remains were brought to Church Hill on Saturday afternoon and buried [lengthy article]

Death - Donice Watts, the 2½-year old daughter of Dr. & Mrs. J. J. Watts died at Chamberlain's Sanitarium early Tuesday morning. Her death was caused by phosphoric poisoning as a result of having chewed the ends off some matches. Interment was made here Tuesday afternoon. [lengthy article]

Married - Tyra Jackson, a prominent timber man and Miss Nita Stampley were married on Tuesday morning.

10 July 1908, Vol. XLI, No. 41

Trial - Walter Toler was convicted at Greenville of the murder of Harry F. Stone with sentence of life imprisonment. Toler shot Stone with a shotgun after the two men spent all day celebrating Stone's birthday. Toler's defense was that he shot Stone by mistake, not knowing who he was, Stone having come to his room after they had separated for the night.

Trial - In the Hall-Mizelle murder trial at Meridian, the jury returned a verdict of not guilt in the case of Mrs. Mizelle and a verdict of guilty in the case of Mr. Hall. Hall and Mrs. Mizelle were charged with the murder of Mr. Mizelle.

Woodlawn Pencilings - Birth of Willie Granger, son of George Granger, Jr. [lengthy article]

Red Lock Dots - Mr. & Mrs. Blount Wade with their new daughter visited Grandma at Cottage Home Sunday. The little one has surely fallen into good hands. Would that all orphans could be so blessed.

In Memoriam - Mrs. Rowena Owens (nee: Bullen) born Sept. 10, 1854, married R. A. Owen in 1872, died June 15, 1908 at her home in Jefferson Co., MS. Survivors: two sons, two daughters and eight grandchildren [lengthy article]

Death - Thomas Dockery West, Jr. died at one o'clock on June 26th, age 10-months, 24-days was buried at the Church Hill Cemetery beside his angel sister and brothers. [lengthy article]

17 July 1908, Vol. XLI, No. 41

Lorman Letter - J. A. Limerick of Rodney died Sunday night. Interment was at the family burying grounds near Alcorn College on Monday afternoon by the Masonic fraternity.

Death - John A. Limberick died last Sunday night at 11 p.m. at his home in Rodney. Survivors: his wife, nee Miss Irene Stuart and five children and nine grandchildren. Burial with full Masonic honors at the Oakland Cemetery Monday morning. [lengthy article]

Mr. & Mrs. J. E. Briggs were in Rodney Monday and Tuesday.

Messrs. W. E. Faloon and Robt. Oakman were in town Wednesday.

Mrs. R. T. Liddell and Miss Carrie Campbell are visiting relatives at Utica.

Mr. A. J. Sanders of Red Lick was in town Monday and called at our office.

Mr. T. R. Shields of Church Hill was here at the farmer’s institute Wednesday.

Miss Jennie Darden of Birmingham, Ala. is visiting Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Killingsworth.

Miss Mabel Levy of New Orleans is the attractive guest of her aunt, Mrs. B. Straas.

Rev. E. M. Stewart and wife left Tuesday morning for a visit to relatives at Crystal Springs.

Little Miss Cecile Fleming of Natchez is the charming guest of Miss Lora Maye Schober.

Misses Hannabel and Hazel Harper left Tuesday morning for a visit to relatives in Fort Worth, Texas.

Mr. H. R. Ihrie of Vicksburg was here Monday on his way to look after his property interests in this county.

Mr. D. R. Fulton, one of the progressive farmers from near Harriston, attended the farmer’s institure here Wednesday.

Mr. Lee Pritchard and little son, Horace, of Union Church, were agreeable callers at our office while in Fayette yesterday.

Rev. E. M. Stewart has again tendered his resignation as Pastor of the Fayette and Pine Ridge Presbyterian churches, effective September 1st.  Mr. Stewart has decided to accept work at LaFayette, La., and to that end will give up his work here.  The congregations of the two churches which he has served so faithfully and so satisfactorily will regret exceedingly to give him up, but we presume that he cannot be prevailed upon to remain again.

Rev. Jno. A. Held, of Natchez, assisted by Rev. D. I. Purser, Jr., will hold a meeting at the Fayette M. E. Church, beginning next Monday, July 20th.  Both are Baptist ministers, and we understand that an organization of that denomination will be effected here. The public is invited to attend all these services.

For Sale—Four thoroughbred Scotch Collie Puppies; all males and beauties; $5.00 each. Write L. B. Johnson, Harriston, Miss.

For rent—new house, recently built by C. D. Culley, on North Main Street.  Terms $12.50 per month. Apply to A. L. McBride, Harriston, Miss. Contributed by Annette Bowen

24 July 1908, Vol. XLI, No. 43

Biographical Sketch - John Aldridge Limerick - He died on July 12, 1908 at his home in Rodney, MS and burial at the Oakland College Cemetery adjoining the grounds of the Alcorn A&M College by the Masonic fraternity. He was born on Dec. 15, 1833 at Tuscambia, AL and was 74-years old. His father was Thomas Limerick of Colerain, Ireland and his mother was Elizabeth Williams of Virginia and was one of nine children. His father moved from Tuscambia, AL to New Orleans, LA, in business with his brother George Limerick who remained in Tuscambia. The second wife of his father was Ann Aldrich of Tuscambia. He moved to Rodney in 1857 and embarked in the drug business. He was exempt from military service in the Confederate Army owing to the loss of one eye. He never owned a slave in his life and his father owned only one, his children's nurse, Frances who was freed in 1843 upon condition she would go to Liberia as a missionary, which she did. When a grown woman she married a missionary and their son was sent back from Liberia, through Mr. Limerick's step-mother and educated at Tuskegee Institute. One May 7, 1861, he was married to Miss Irene Stuart, the second daughter of Moreau Stuart, a planter of Jefferson Co., MS at the home of her widowed mother in Rodney. Their children: Mrs. McRae of Vicksburg, whose son is Limerick McRae; Dr. Limerick, deceased of Vicksburg; John A. Limerick, Jr. of Natchez who has three children; Mrs. Robt. Lee Beck of Shubuta who has two children; Dr. Victor Limerick of New York City; and Mrs. Dunbar Holder of Fayette who has one child. [very lengthy article]

Death - Miss Verona Rowland, daughter of Steve Rowland, was born at McNair on Sept. 5, 1880 died last Sunday night July 19, 1908. [lengthy article]

Marriage - Miss Priscilla Oakman and Walter E. Falloon were married last Thursday evening, July 16th at the home of Mr. & Mrs. A. J. Melgon.

Death - Cullen Burks, Sr., died at his home near Stonington last Saturday night. [lengthy article]

Supplement - 24 July 1908, Vol. XLI, No. 43

McNair News - Sheriff Gillis and posse searched for Willie Sorsby who killed the P. O. Inspector Fitzgerald at Clinton. No trace of him could be found.

31 July 1908, Vol. XLI, No. 44

Death - C. P. Burks died at his home near Stonington, MS on Saturday evening, July 18, 1908. [lengthy article]

7 Aug 1908, Vol. XLI, No. 45

Body Found - On the banks of the Yazoo Canal at Vicksburg what is believed to be the remains of Lex Brame, Jr. who disappeared almost a year ago. [lengthy article]

Death - Zack Hunnycutt, station operator, while sleeping on the edge of the station platform at Kewanee, a short distance from Meridian, was struck by a train and instantly killed. [lengthy article]

Jim Queen to Hang - After deliberating a short while, the jury brought in a verdict of guilty as charged in the indictment against James Queen who was charged with the murder of James Hamilton. Evidence showed Queen wanted to boss a 'crap game' and because Hamilton disagreed with him, a little provocation shot and killed him. This verdict ultimately means hanging, though the judge has not passed the sentence of death on him.

Red Lick Dots - George Dishroon of Port Gibson died.

L. S. Terry Shot and Killed by Marshal Davenport - Last Saturday about 6:20 p.m., L. S. Terry was shot three times by City Marshall J. O. Davenport and died a few moments later. The tragedy occurred on the sidewalk in front of the Fayette Hardware Co. Terry and his son-in-law, Mark Brown, had been in town together all afternoon, and during that time, Brown became involved in an altercation with Pat Jenkins, where all were in the courthouse yard. The parties were separated but met later at the Hardware Store and the difficulty between Brown and Jenkins was about to be renewed when Marshal Davenport placed Brown under arrest and started with him up the street. What happened next is not clear, some stating Terry struck Davenport and knocked him down and both Brown and Terry jumped on him, others state Terry grabbed Davenport to protest against Brown's arrest when a scuffle happened and all three fell to the sidewalk. Terry was carried to the offices of Dr. Harrison & Dr. Lewis across the street where he died in a few minutes. Davenport walked to the Sheriff's Office and surrendered. Terry leaves a wife and several children, two being married daughters. The grand jury found no indictment against Marshall Davenport. [lengthy article]

Circuit Court - Americus Liddell and Annie O'Quinn, unlawful cohabitation - thrown out

14 Aug 1908, Vol. XLI, No. 46

Hanging - George Toombs, colored, after having been three times respited, was hanged at Waynesboro in the presence of upward of 1,000 people. [lengthy article]

Missing - Judge Lex Brame of Jackson, uncle of Lex Brame, Jr., who mysteriously disappeared in Vicksburg, Aug. 8, 1907, will take legal steps to secure the life insurance of Lex. It is presumed the young lawyer was murdered and his body disposed of. [lengthy article]

Marriage - H. Robert Weidig of Foster, Adams Co., MS and Miss Jessie Mae Hornsby, the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Hornsby, were married on Thursday, Aug. 6, 1908 at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Thos. D. West, 10-miles from Fayette. After the ceremony, the bride's sister, Mrs. T. D. West, served refreshments.

21 Aug 1908, Vol. XLI, No. 47

Attack - John Goolsby, a prominent farmer residing near Oxford, while in a fit of anger, knocked his wife down with a heavy scantling , poured coal oil over her prostrate body and then set fire to her clothes. She was rescued by neighbors, who extinguished the flames.

Death - Ben L. Jones, age 57, president of the First National Bank of Greenwood, principal owner of a large wholesale grocery store there and a levee commissioner, dropped dead at Rhea Springs, near Chattanooga, TN, where he had gone for his health.

Reward - For the capture of Sam Pendleton, negro, wanted in Tunica Co. for the murder of James G. Conlon.

Birth - Son to Mr. & Mrs. J. E. Griffing born on Friday evening, August 7th.

21 Aug 1908, Vol. XLI, No. 47

Death - At Columbus, 22 wrought iron weights, each about 1½-foot thick and weighing 50-pounds, the striking weights of the massive clock on the courthouse, crashed through the floor beneath the clock and fell about 100-feet striking and instantly killing Dr. A. C. Halbert and injuring several others.

Death - Joseph "Joe" Edward Noble died last Monday morning at Harriston. He was the youngest son of John W. Noble of Harriston and was born in Franklin Co. about 22-years ago. Survivors: his father, brothers Felix Noble and John Noble of Fayette and four sisters, Mrs. Gillis of Fayette, Mrs. Waters and Mrs. Byrd of Harriston and Mrs. McCalip of Yazoo City. Interment at Fayette Cemetery. [lengthy article]

McNair News - Mrs. Octavia Robertson, wife of Rev. Ira Robertson, died Friday morning at her home in McNair. Survivors: her only child, Mrs. E. Baldwin and her three daughters of New Orleans.

Union Church Dots - Son born to Mr. & Mrs. M. L. Stroud.

28 Aug 1908, Vol. XLI, No. 48

Issue missing - Not found on Microfilm

4 Sept. 1908, Vol. XLI, No. 49

Charged - Robert Montgomery, colored, charged with the murder of Sheriff Douglass of Jefferson Co., was arrested at Chicago with the aid of Frank Walker, colored, a detective from Mississippi. Montgomery is alleged to have murdered the sheriff and robbed him of a gold watch and automatic pistol in 1907.

Birth - Son born to Mr. & Mrs. Carroll T. Culley at their home in Greenville last week.

Death - James Franklin McCaleb died at his home in Fayette Monday evening at 8:05 p.m. He had been sick for 2-years. He was born on Jan. 24, 1864 and died Aug. 31, 1908. He was married to Miss Daisy Jenkins. Survivors: his wife, and three sons, Victor McCaleb, Gerald McCaleb and Norman McCaleb, his mother Mrs. Mary McCaleb, one brother W. D. McCaleb of Harriston and a sister, Mrs. Wm. McRevy of Fayette. [lengthy article]

In Memoriam Resolution - Miss Verona Rowland, death July 19, 1908, by the Committee from the Presbyterian Ladies Aid Society. [lengthy article]

Death - Gordon Terrell, of Grand Gulf, Claiborne Co., MS, baby, died Friday evening, Aug. 28thh at 8:00 p.m. He was with his mother, visiting her sister, his aunt, Mrs. H. H. Fault. He died from cholera infantum. Interment in the Fayette Cemetery on Saturday afternoon. [lengthy article]

Death - Humphreys Stampley, son of Cicero Stampley on Wednesday. Funeral was at Old Salem Baptist Church yesterday.

11 Sept. 1908, Vol. XLI, No. 50

Death - John W. Noble, Sr., of Harrison died last Friday morning at 9:30 a.m. at the home of his son, Felix R. Noble in Fayette. He was born in Franklin Co., MS in 1847. He was married to Miss Mary Davis of Lincoln Co. in 1865 and they had eight children, all of whom survived except the oldest and the youngest. Mrs. Noble died in 1899. About 7-years ago, he married Miss Bunchie Bowie of Union Church who died 2-years later. He was Mayor of Harriston until a few weeks ago until his health became so poor that he resigned. His surviving children: Felix Noble, John Noble (Jr.), Mrs. O. S. Gillis of Fayette, Mrs. Watson and Mrs. Byrd of Harriston, and Mrs. Davis McCalip of Yazoo City. Interment at the Fayette Cemetery [lengthy article]

Death - Mrs. Addie Farrar, wife of Capt. D. S. Farrar, died last night (Thur.) in Vicksburg where she was taken on Wednesday to a sanitarium for treatment. [lengthy article]

Death - Capt. A. J. Cameron died at his home in Hermanville on Monday of heart disease.

Marriage - J. Oscar Adams, a farmer of Franklin Co. and Miss Lucie Adair were married Sept. 6, 1908 at the home of the bride's brother, J. W. Adair. Miss Adair is a well known teacher of public schools in both Franklin and Jefferson counties. [lengthy article]

18 Sept. 1908, Vol. XLI, No. 51

Lorman Letter - Miss Adele Dent, daughter of T. W. Dent died suddenly at the home of John Paul in Rodney last Friday. The cause of death was brain fever. Interment in the Rodney Cemetery.

Birth - Son born to Mr. & Mrs. W. H. Howard last Friday morning the 11th inst.

Obituary - Mrs. Addie Farrar wife of Capt. D. S. Farrar. Survivors: her husband, and four sons, Dan Farrar, Robert Farrar, Caleb Farrar and Ralph Farrar. [lengthy article]

25 Sept. 1908, Vol. XLI, No. 52

Lynching Investigation - Judge Roane, in his charge to the grand jury, instructed the jury to investigate the lynching of Nelse Patton at Oxford, that the law made no distinction in the killing with malice aforethought, whether the man deserved death or not, only the arm of the law could inflict the death penalty.

Negroes Kill Murder - Yazoo City, MS, Sept. 22 - Negroes Sunday shot and killed Charles Jones, a member of their own race, who Saturday killed a white man and two negroes at Eden Station, MS. The negroes found Jones at his residence and shot him as he was trying to escape. They also have made threats of lynching the person who sold Jones the cocaine, which is believed to have caused his murderous outbreak.

Our Birthday - With this number THE CHRONICLE completes its 42nd year. There is some doubt who was its found, the files having been lost, carried off or destroyed by different owners. F. H. Culley who came to Fayette from Kentucky about 35-years ago, probably owned the paper longer than any other. He sold to his son, C. D. Culley in the early 1890s who in turn sold it to Mrs. H. S.
Whitney in 1893. The paper under Mrs. Whitney's ownership was conducted by her son, P. K. Whitney until 1903, when it was leased to Geo. V. D. Schober, owner of the Schober Printery, who conducted the two establishments jointly until February of this year when both his interest and Mrs. Whitney's were purchased by the present owner, B. C. Knapp.

Birth - Son, William T. Fairly, Jr. was born to Mr. & Mrs. W. T. Fairly in Vicksburg last Sunday.

2 Oct. 1908, Vol. XLII, No. 1

Acquitted - Lena Richards, age 17, of Sumrall, was acquired at Purvis on the charge of murdering her father. The tragedy occurred last December. The father, Jack Richardson, came home in a quarrelsome state. The neighbors took him away from home but he returned later in the night and tried to enter the home. His daughter, Lena, seized a double-barrel shotgun and warned him to stay away. On his approach, she fired. [Note article uses surname RICHARDS and RICHARDSON]

Execution - Ned Bowles and Jim Bulison, both colored, were legally executed at Charleston, MS, for murder. The hanging was witnessed by 5,000 people.

Death - Mrs. Ida Dent, wife of W. A. Dent, died last Saturday at 11:00 a.m. at their home near Fayette. She was the eldest daughter of the late Covington Dent a citizen of this county in antebellum days. Survivors: two brothers and two sisters, Forrest Dent and Mrs. Whitfield Rowland of Fayette; Mrs. F. L. White of Washington, DC and Frank Dent of Maryland. She was married to W. A. Dent in 1891. Interment at Bell Grove Cemetery. [lengthy article]

Murder - On Tuesday, Post Office Inspector Charles Fitzgerald was shot in cold blood by Deputy Post Master Will Sorsby at Clinton, MS. Fitzgerald had discovered a shortage of funds at Sorsby's Post Office. According to reports, Sorsby wanted time to make good the shortage and asked Fitzgerald not to report it. When Fitzgerald said he would report the shortage, Sorsby took out a
pistol, pressed it against Fitzgerald's side and fired one shot and fled. He died about 10:00 p.m. Fitzgerald's brother, E. A. Fitzgerald was a Postal Clerk for the "Little J" and is now a business manger of the Vicksburg Herald newspaper. [lengthy article]

Article: Night Riders in Jefferson County

Supplemental - 2 Oct. 1908, Vol. XLII, No. 1

Union Church Dots - Son born to Mr. & Mrs. Meredith Varnado on Sept. 26th.

Russum Notes - Bruce McCaa and Dave McCaa have returned from Atlanta, GA where they were called due to the death of their sister, Mrs. Minnie McCaa Fuller who died after a few hours of sickness. [lengthy article]

9 Oct. 1908, Vol. XLII, No. 2

Death - Post Office Inspector Chas. Fitzgerald of Jackson shot and killed by W. A. Sorsby at Clinton [lengthy article]

Death - Aunt Fannie Barrett, age 104, colored, died at Decatur. She joined the white Baptist Church years ago and always retained her membership therein.

Killing - In a battle with a monkey wrench and a sledge hammer, Lon Davenport killed Jack Robinson at Greenville. Robinson struck Davenport with a monkey wrench. Davenport picked up a sledge hammer and killed Robinson with one blow.

Death - Funeral for Mrs. M. J. Case of Adams Co. occurred from St. Mary's Cathedral in Natchez on Thursday the 1st inst. Mrs. Case was the step-mother of P. J. Case and M. V. Case, both of Fayette.

Supplement - 9 Oct. 1908, Vol. XLII, No. 2

Marriage - Cards are out announcing the approaching marriage of Victor Flourney Erwin to Miss Margaret Preston McNeily, daughter of Capt. J. S. McNeily, veteran newspaper editor.

McBride Jottings - Son born to Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Foster Sunday morning, Oct. 4th.

McBride Jottings - Daughter born to Mr. & Mrs. M. C. McCalip last Sunday.

16 Oct. 1908, Vol. XLII, No. 3

No abstracts

23 Oct. 1908, Vol. XLII, No. 4

Marriage - Thomas J. Bingham, (of Newton Co. and a conductor on the Natchez, Red River & Texas Railroad) and Miss Jennie May Torrey were married at 8:45 p.m. last Tuesday at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Florence McLaurin. [lengthy article]

Supplemental - 23 Oct. 1908, Vol. XLII, No. 4

Leedo Locals - Neil Currie, son of Mr. & Mrs. Fleet Currie died Thursday night
from a burn received in the afternoon.

30 Oct. 1908, Vol. XLII, No. 5

Union Church Dots - Son born to Mr. & Mrs. S. T. McCallum on Oct. 24th.

6 Nov. 1908, Vol. XLII, No. 6

Union Church Dots - Miss Carrie Davis of Nannye married Walter King of McComblast Sunday.

Union Church Dots - Approaching marriage of Mrs. Emma G. Wood, formerly of this place and now of St. Petersburg, FL to Mr. Marshall.

Marriage Miss Ellie Segrest married Edward Davis at the residence of Mr. & Mrs. L. O. Segrest on Oct. 29th. [lengthy article]

Birth - Son born to Hon. & Mrs. L. L. Posey last Sunday.

Marriage - James M. Collins and Mis Olivia Gertude Mabins of Elizabeth, IN were married last Wednesday evening at the home of the groom's brother, J. D. Collins, Jr. in Vicksburg.

13 Nov. 1908, Vol. XLII, No. 7

Assault - Eliza May Hauser, age 15, was criminally assaulted and beaten by Henry Leidy, negro at Biloxi on Tuesday. Leidy was arrested but was taken from the jail by a mob and lynched, the fate that is almost certain to be meted out to any rapist.

Death - Judge S. S. Calhoun of the Mississippi Supreme Court died at his home on State St. in Jackson, MS at 10:00 p.m. Tuesday night. He was born in Brandenburg, KY in 1838 and came to Mississippi when an infant. He graduated from the Cumberland University in Tennessee. [lengthy article]

Death - E. H. Reber was called to Jackson on Tuesday by the announcement of the death of his brother, Sam Reber who was shot about 3-weeks ago.

20 Nov. 1908, Vol. XLII, No. 8

Death - Judge Solomon Saladen Calhoon, age 70, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court died suddenly Tuesday night. He was born Jan. 2, 1838 in Brandenburg, Meade Co., KY and was the son of George Calhoon and Louise Brandenburg and was of Scotch-Irish descent. [lengthy article]

Death - Ramsey Wharton, Mayor of this city [Jackson, MS] died due to acute indigestion [lengthy article]

Fletcher Succeeds Calhoon - Attorney General Robert Virgil Fletcher will succeed the late Hon. S. S. Calhoon as Associate Justice of the Mississippi Supreme Court. [lengthy article]

Union Church Dots - Son born to Dr. & Mrs. S. R. Towns on Nov. 17th.

McNair News - Son of Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Jones died on Friday.

27 Nov. 1908, Vol. XLII, No. 9

Death - Whitfield H. Rowland, who lived near Fayette, fell dead last Friday afternoon in the office of Butler-Kyser Oil & Fertilizer co., where he had gone to attend to some cotton ginning transaction. Mr. Rowland was in good health up to the time of his death. Survivors: wife and one little daughter. Interment at Bell Grove Cemetery last Saturday

Marriage - Guy Carleton Freeman, second son of Mrs. Mattie Freeman of Fayette to Miss Annie Baldwin McDougall of Port Gibson on the 12th inst. [lengthy article]

Arrest - Sheriff O. S. Gillis arrest W. W. McCaa, age about 65, of Lorman Community and brought him to Fayette to jail, charged with criminal assault on Mrs. Nixon who had been his housekeeper. The woman who makes the charge had been an inmate of his home in the capacity of housekeeper less than a fortnight, and is said to have come from Memphis. She has one small child. [lengthy article]

Supplement - 27 Nov. 1908, Vol. XLII, No. 9

Death - Co. A, First Mississippi (Withers' Light Artillery) Caton, MS, Nov. 20, 1908 - Lieut. John G. Patrick died at the State Hospital in Vicksburg, MS on Sept. 25, 1908 from congestion of the brain and was buried on Sept. 27, 1908. He was an old man, had outlived all his own blood. [lengthy article]

Death - W. T. Hammond, age 65, who for many years resided in Harriston and conducted a hotel, general store and was Post Master there for several years died on Nov. 21, 1908 at the home of his daughter, Mrs. W. A. Craft in Greenville, MS. [lengthy article]

4 Dec 1908, Vol. XLII, No. 10

Death - John G. Gill, turnkey for the Jackson City Prison, suicided by shooting Wednesday, leaving a note saying he had failed in his endeavor to live the life of a gentleman.

Trial - The preliminary trial of W. W. McCaa last Saturday resulted in his being completely exonerated by the court. Mrs. Nixon who swore out the complaint told a story that was improbable and there was no corroborative testimony. [lengthy article]

Death - Miss Lillie Logan, sister of Hon. J. S. Logan, died at her father's home last Monday evening. Funeral was at Port Gibson on Tuesday. [lengthy article]

11 Dec. 1908, Vol. XLII, No. 11

Death - Becoming overheated while fighting forest fires, Alson Crosby, age about 70, a farmer living near Bay Springs, fell into the fire and was burned to death.

Death - Hon. J. L. McCaskell, chancellor for the 2nd District, died Sunday morning and was buried that afternoon at Brandon. Gov. Noel at once appointed State Senator Sam Whitman, of the 3rd District to the unexpired term.

18 Dec. 1908, Vol. XLII, No. 12

Trial - Dr. Tom Birdson, who killed Dr. A. P. Pitts at Hazelhurst a little more than a week ago, plead guilty in Copiah Co. Circuit Court on Tuesday and was sentenced to a life term in the penitentiary. Friends of Birdson also signed an agreement not to attempt to secure a pardon for him.

In Memoriam - Hazel Harrison, the only daughter of Dr. L. R. Harrison died last Friday. Interment beside her mother and sister who preceded her. [very lengthy article]

25 Dec. 1908, Vol. XLII, No. 13

Death - Hon. John T. Senter, editor of the Columbus Commercial and ex-president
of the Mississippi Press Assoc. died at a sanitarium in Birmingham, AL last

African American


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