
Jefferson County



Mr. L. Cohn

   Lorman, Mississippi

Jefferson County Capitalist

L. Cohn

On account of his large holdings of real and personal property in Jefferson county, no man in the county has its interests more at heart than Mr. L. Cohn. Any move which has in view the development of the county finds a zealous advocate in him and it is to such men that the people of this section must look for its up-building. He was born in Henlisheim, Alsace, April 18, 1856, and came to America in 1872. For two years he clerked in Rodney and in 1875 started a store in with his two older brothers, Helman and Joseph Cohn. He is now the sole owner of the large establishment of Cohn Brothers. In addition to his mercantile establishment he is the owner of a large ginning plant, at which both round and square bales are pressed. Besides his extensive realty holdings, he is the largest stockholder in the Fayette Oil Mill, president of the Jefferson County Bank, and identified with a number of other industries in the county. It can be truthfully said that Mr. Cohn has made Lorman what it is. He is prominent in Masonic circles and is a past master of Mississippi Lodge No. 56 of Rodney.

Cohn Brothers Store

Ellis Hotel, owned by Mr. L. Cohn (The Lorman Post office was also located here.)

Cohn Bros. Combination Gin Plant, Lorman, Miss.

African American


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