
Jefferson County



Biographies from 1904 Expo Edition

   Fayette Chronicle

Jefferson County, Mississippi

 T. P. Blackwell

The success of a telephone system which is satisfactory to its subscribers depends largely on its management.. For this reason the success and good service of the Fayette Exchange is due to Mr. T. P. Blackwell. He as born December 14. 1880, at Forest, Miss., and attended the public schools of Vicksburg. He began the telephone business as “trouble man” with the Cumberland Telephone and Telegraph Company at Brookhaven in 1900, and has been employed by this corporation since. For a time he was manager of the Exchange at Forest, Miss., leaving there to accept a position in the Nashville Telephone shops. Mr. Blackwell

Came to Fayette April 15, 1902, to take charge or the local exchange as manager. He is considered one of the best in the State and stands high with his company and in his community. He married Miss Ada Hudson of Caseyville, Lincoln County, February 9, 1902.

J. E. Briggs

Mr. J. E. Briggs is a native Virginian, having been born in Scottsville, Va., June 18, 1865. For eight years he was engaged in the jewelry business in Bessemer, Ala., and in 1900 came to Fayette, where he has established an up-to-date jewelry store. He is a graduate optician and thoroughly conversant with the business in which he is engaged. Mr. Briggs is very popular with his townsmen and in 1904 was elected mayor of his adopted town. In 1890 he married Miss Minnie E. Schober of Rodney.

John W. Broughton

Mr. J. W. Broughton, Commander of J. S. Whitney Camp, U. C. V., was born in Rodney, Miss., June 13, 1847, and save for about twelve years spent In New Orleans, has been living in his native State all of his life. At the age of fifteen he entered the Confederate army and served for eighteen months, receiving an honorable parole at the close of the war. Mr. Broughton’s life has been given about equally to the farming and mercantile pursuits. He left Oakland College School to enter the army. To Mr. Broughton more than to any other one man is due the credit of having persevered in raising funds for the erection of a Confederate Monument on the public square in Fayette, for which the contract has been let. The local chapter of Sons of Confederate Veterans is named in his honor.

L. W. Carradine

Mr. L. W. Carradine was born in Adams county, Miss. January 22, 1838. his father, William Rapalje Carradine, being one of the old settlers of this section of Mississippi. After receiving his education at the University of Virginia and Yale College, Mr. Carradine enlisted in 1861 in the Ninth Mississippi Regiment for service in the Confederate Army. Though ill health prevented him from engaging in active service, Mr. Carradine’s loyalty to the “lost cause” was proven by a service in the purchasing and disbursing departments of the government. After the war he engaged in planting in Louisiana and moved to Fayette in 1874. His popularity is evidenced by the official positions he has held. Lie was elected superintendent of education in 1882, and In 1884 was elected sheriff of Jefferson county and served five terms. He then engaged in the drug business and success has attended him. Mr. Carradine is a gentleman of the old school and his friends are many.

L. A. Cato

Mr. Cato was born in Franklin county. Miss. on the 25th of May, 1863. He received his education at the Union Church High School and as a boy was employed as clerk in a store, and was promoted to bookkeeper. In September, 1889, he opened a mercantile business at. Russum, Miss, which he conducted until 1894, when he opened a store at Union Church, his present home. He has met with marked success and has the confidence and friendship of all who know him. Mr. Cato is one of the county’s most enterprising citizens and is one of the directors of the Fayette Oil Mill and trustee of the Union Church High School. Mr. Cato, besides conducting a successful mercantile business, has an up-to-date public gin, fitted up with all of the latest conveniences.

W. R. Easterling

To no one man is due more credit for the number of improvements in Fayette than to W. R. Easterling. Though a young man, having been born in Copiah county January 3, 1976, he has accomplished a great deal. His education was received at a preparatory school in Bellbuckle, Tenn. And at Vanderbilt University. He read law in Summit and began practice in 1898. Mr. Easterling was elected mayor of Fayette for three terms, and resigned during the third term. During his incumbency the system of water- works and electric lights was installed, in addition to a number of other improvements which reflect credit on the town and testify to his fitness as an officer. He is the junior member of the firm of Corban & Easterling.

C. S. Fairly, City Marshall, Fayette

The lawbreakers of Fayette have learned to know and fear Mr. C. S. Fairly. As City Marshal he is absolutely fearless and his continuous service in this position since 1894 is proof of the satisfaction which his incumbency has given. He was born In Jefferson County, January 5, 1859. and after receiving a common school education, followed the mercantile business for two years. For one year he taught school after which he engaged in planting for himself and his manager, Stewart Bros. and Co., near Lake Providence, La. Mr. Fairly was married to Miss Lou B. Towns, of Brookhaven, January 7, 1880, and five children are the result of the union. He moved to Fayette in the summer of 1894. He will doubtless hold his office as long as he desires to.

Mr. L. H. Freeman

The subject of this sketch was born near Fayette, February 28, 1876, and has resided in the county all his life. His educational opportunities were limited, but his energy and enterprise were not, and to these two qualities are due the success he has achieved as a merchant since opening business in Fayette in 1898. Mr. Freeman is a very popular young man and enjoys the esteem of the community.

Dr. L. R. Harrison

county is Dr. L. R. Harrison. He was born in Fayette October 9, 1859, and attended Suanee University. He after wards graduated at the Kentucky School of Medicine at Louisville, Ky., and began practice in 1894. Dr. Harrison has a large and remunerative practice, and is a stockholder in the Jefferson County Bank and the Fayette Oil Works. He is a past master of his Masonic lodge, a past noble grand of the Odd Fellows and a past chancellor commander of the Knights of Pythias.

J. S. Hicks

The senior member of the law firm of Hicks and Shelton, attorneys for the Board of Supervisors of Jefferson county, was born in Fayette, Jan 29, 1858, and received his schooling in the public schools of Jefferson County. At the age of 18 he received a low-grade certificate to teach in the public schools, and for five years was a public school teacher. For one year he was principal of the Fayette Female Academy, afterwards being appointed County Superintendent of Education, in which capacity he served two terms. Was elected Representative to the Legislature for the term beginning January 1, 1888, and re-elected for the session of 1892. Mr. Hicks then removed to Bolivar County, and was elected to represent that county in the Legislature for the session of 1896. After eight years as a citizen of Bolivar county, his health failed and he returned to Jefferson and was elected to represent the District of Claiborne and Jefferson counties in the present Legislature. He has practiced his profession continuously since 1885, and is one of the leaders of the West Mississippi Bar.

Dunbar Holder

This gentleman is a son of Col. W. D. Holder, and was born in Memphis, Tenn., September 3, 1874. He is at present cashier of the Jefferson County Bank and has reached this position in the banking world by his integrity and knowledge of the business. When a boy, he entered the First National Bank of Jackson, Miss., and later occupied a position as bookkeeper in the Shelby County Savings Bank, at Memphis, Tenn. From 1896 to 1900 he was Deputy State Auditor under his father, and in 1901 he came to Fayette to accept a position in the institution of which he was made cashier on January 1, 1904. Mr. Holder enjoys the esteem and confidence of the business people of Jefferson county, and his rapid rise in the banking world is a testimonial to his fitness.

H. R. Ihrie

This gentleman was born in Pittsboro. N. C., May 24, 1873, and attended Trinity College at Durham, N. C. He, subsequently, took the law course in the University of his native State, and, after graduating, practiced his profession in Georgia, North Carolina and Texas. In 1899 he located in Jefferson county and engaged in farming and stock raising. Mr. Ihrie is a large raiser of registered Hereford cattle and Poland China hogs and is the owner of a stock and poultry farm In Meridian, Miss.

A. H. Lehmann

Mr. A. H. Lehmann was born in Franklin County, August 4, 1881 and after attending the public schools, took a course in bookkeeping at Draughan Business College, Little Rock, Ark. from which school he graduated. For two years he was a bookkeeper in Hamburg and accepted his present position with B. Straas, in October, 1903. Mr. Lehmann is one of Fayette's most popular young men.

Dr. W. H. H. Lewis

Dr. Lewis is a native of Wilkinson county, Mississippi, and moved to Fayette in 1898. He was born in Woodville, June 1, 1868, and attended the schools of his natal town. After three years’ experience as a drug clerk he studied medicine at Tulane University, graduating in 1889. For a time he practiced in Louisiana.

While Dr. Lewis is a general practitioner, he has made a specialty of rectal diseases and his reputation as a rectal specialist is well known. He is also interested in electro-therapeutics and has all of the modern equipment necessary for this branch of the profession, his office in Fayette being equipped with static, X-ray and other electrical appliances. Dr. Lewis is one of the most popular men in Jefferson county and is abreast of the times, both in his profession and progressiveness.

J. H. McBride

Though an Ohioan by birth, the above named gentleman came to Mississippi when two years of age, and after receiving a common school education, began his business career as a clerk. By dint of energy and economy Mr. McBride accumulated enough to start a business for himself, which he did in 1903. He served as treasurer of Jefferson county for four years, his term of service expiring in 1904. Besides his mercantile interests he is interested as a stockholder in the oil mill and a stockholder and director of the Jefferson County Bank. Mr. McBride is identified with the Masons, Odd Fellows and Pythians.

B. J. Moore

Mr. Moore was born In New Orleans and attended the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Mississippi for two years. In 1894 he began the oil mill business and has devoted himself to that business since. In 1901 Mr. Moore became the manager of the Jefferson Gin and Oil Mill, and under his management the plant has been enlarged and the volume of business increased. Last season a fertilizer plant was added and a well equipped machine shop will be installed. The success of the establishment is largely due to his energy and acquaintance with the business and Mr. Moore is in the front rank of Jefferson County’s wide-awake citizens.

August Rietze

The subject of this sketch was born in Louisville, Ky., May. 12, 1852, and received his early education at Oakland College, Claiborne county. For a number of years he operated saw mills and at the establishment of the Rodney Oil Mill was made superintendent, a position which he still holds, and his thoroughness in the know! edge of the business has been one of the large factors in the successful operation of the plant. Mr. Rietze Is an up-to-date business man and takes an interest in local and county affairs.

E B. Ross

The local manager of the Estate of W. J. Martin, at Rodney, Mr. E. B. Ross, is a native of Jefferson county. having been born in the county August 29, 1867. He received a commercial education at Lexington, Ky., and tot a year after his graduation held a position as bookkeeper in Concordia parish, Louisiana. In October, 1893, he returned to Jefferson county, and located in Rodney, where he has since resided. Mr. Ross is one of the most popular and enterprising men In his section of the county.

W. B. Scott

One of Fayette's most popular and efficient salesmen is Mr. W. B. Scott, who was born in McComb City, Miss. November 5, 1879. After leaving school he went to Natchez, Miss., and for two years held a position with J. L. Young and Company of that place. In May 1902, he accepted his present position with B. Straas and by his pleasing manners has made a host of friends in his adopted town.

T. M. Shelton

The Junior member of the firm of Hicks & Shelton, attorneys for the Board of Supervisors of Jefferson county, was born in Copiah county May 26, 1872. After attending the public schools of Copiah and, the High School at Union Church, Jefferson county, he studied at the A. and M. College at Starkville Miss. For sixteen months he read law at Valparaiso, Ind. Mr. Shelton graduated in law from Kent College of Law, Chicago, and the University of Mississippi entering into active practice in December, 1899, at Fayette, with Hon. J. S. Logan. In January, 1 the present firm was started. In 1901 Mr. Shelton was elected State Senator from the Counties of Jefferson and Claiborne to fill a vacancy caused by the death of Hon. W. D. Torrey.

R. M. Smith

One of the well known citizens of Jefferson County is Mr. R. M. Smith. He is a native of the county and was born January 19, 1862. He attended Jefferson College and for fourteen years, traveled for the Woods-Chickasaw Manufacturing Company of Memphis, Tenn. Mr. Smith is now devoting his attention to stock raising and besides being the owner of large numbers of cattle, horses, sheep and hogs, he has one of the greatest packs of registered foxhounds in the South. He is prominently connected with the Masons, I.O.O.F., K. of H. and W.O.W.

B. Straas

The proprietor of one of the largest and busiest stores in Jefferson county, Mr. B. Straas is a Bavarian by birth, having been born in Germany August 16, 1857. In 1871 he came to Rodney and started life as a day laborer, after which he entered the mercantile business and attended night schools. Removing to Fayette in 1882, Mr. Straas entered the employ of S. Hirsch and, by saving, was able to start in business for himself in 1892. He has always shown a progressive spirit and can be found in the vanguard of any undertaking which means the up-building of his adopted town, He is a stockholder in a number of enterprises and was one of the organizers of the oil mill.

J. E. Torrey

The subject of this sketch is one of the leading lawyers of Western Mississippi, and enjoys a large and lucrative practice. He was born in Jefferson county, December 23, 1871, and took a two years’ course at the University of Mississippi. He later returned to his Alma Mater to take a law course, graduating in 1898. Mr. Torrey began the practice of his profession in Fayette, and in 1903 was elected Superintendent of Education of Jefferson county. He is a stock holder In the Jefferson County Bank and prominent in Masonic and Pythian fraternities.

Dr. J. J. Watts

Knowledge of a profession is the essential of success in the practice of that profession, and when the latest mechanical apparatus is combined with that knowledge it is easy to understand how a lucrative practice can be builded up. Dr. J. J. Watts possesses all of the qualities of a successful practitioner and with an up-to-date office, has established himself in Jefferson county. Born in Copiah county, October 3, 1871, he received a common school education, and after practicing dentistry In Brookhaven for six years, he moved to Fayette in October, 1901. He married a member of a prominent Mississippi family and has three children.

C. W. Whitney, Jr.

One of the prominent druggists in this section of Mississippi is the subject of this sketch. Mr. Whitney is a member of one of the oldest and most prominent families in the State, and was born in Jefferson county, April 21, 1870. He attended the high school at his home and in 1895 opened a drug store in Fayette. He has been signally successful in the business world and today enjoys a large and profitable business. Mr. Whitney’s knowledge of his chosen profession is testified to by the fact that be was president of the State Board of Pharmaceutical Examiners for eight years, and the high esteem in which he is held by his fellow citizens is further evidenced by his having been elected a member of the State Legislature by a large majority last year.

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