
Jefferson County



James Payne

   Jefferson County, Mississippi

Submitted by Charles Dawkins of Hattiesburg, MS


Jane Wood Payne


James Payne

Above Photos Courtesy of William Tynes, Birmingham, AL

James Payne was born in Culpepper County, Virginia in 1801.

Exactly when he came to the Natchez District is not known, but the earliest record for him shows him to be a Master Mason at Harmony Masonic Lodge in Natchez in 1827 and 1830 and a member in 1831 and 1834.

In 1829-30 he had a store at Payne's Landing on the Mississippi River a few miles from the Maryland Settlement, now known as Church Hill.

He married Jane Caroline Wood on January 30, 1828, and they had ten children. She was the daughter of Col. James Gillam Wood and Martha Young Wood, who migrated to Jefferson County in 1811 from Maryland.

Col. Wood, who provided homes for all of his children, built Oak Grove for the couple in 1829. It still stands today, and it was in the attic of this house where the store ledger from Payne's Landing was found.

In addition to Payne's Landing he also was co-owner of a store in Rodney and was apparently a land speculator. His net worth was estimated to be $133,500 in 1850. Yet when he died his entire estate consisted of one gray horse and one gold watch worth a total of$200, and he was $36,377.96 in debt.

James Payne died June 16, 1853 while visiting Cooper's Wells. His body was transported from there to Rodney and he is buried in the Wood family cemetery on property now part of the Cedars, another home built by Col. Wood, which adjoins Oak Grove.

His tombstone reads, "James Payne, a Virginian, who died 1853 in the 52nd. Year of his age.

Payne's Landing Map


Map section from a map of MS River Plantations compiled and published by John La Tourette, New Orleans, LA; designed and engraved by Peter J. Grassner, 1853

Payne's Landing Ledger
dated 19 Dec 1829 to 24 May 1830

James Payne's store ledger courtesy of Henry Brandt, Council Bluffs, Iowa
Digitally photographed by James Bruce, Council Bluffs Iowa

Click on link to see the image. It will open in a new window. Some of the pages have surnames noted, others are not transcribed.

1 - Skinner
2 - Skinner - Savage - Hinds
3 - Hinds- Cocks (Cox)
4 - Baker - Cocks (Cox)
5 - Cocks (Cox)
6 - Cocks (Cox)
7 - Cocks (Cox) - Shields
8 - Shields - Baker - Hinds - Tucker - Green - Scriber - Steele - Elam - Donaho - Wm Robb Estate - Foster
9 - Foster - Donaho - Cocks (Cox) - Skinner - Wood - Wilson - Wilkerson - Tucker - Scriber
10 - Foster - Wood
11 - Wood - West - Cocks (Cox) - Hinds - Savage
12 - Helm - Savage - Wm Robb Estate - Foster - Wood
13 - Ross - Savage - Tucker - Wilson
14 - Wilson - Wood - Clark - Donaho - Foster - Skinner - Elam - Steele
15 - Tucker - Est. Robt. Turner - Wilson - Skinner - Scott - Foster - Steele - Ross - Rawling - Young
16 - Donaho - Wood - Adams - Tucker - Wilson - Williamson - Green - Foster
17 - Clark - Rawlings - Foster - Helm - Donaho - Elam - Freeman - Payne - Adams
18 - Noble - Thomas - Steele - Helm - Wilkerson - Smith - Rawlings - Wood - Payne - Wm Robb Estate - Tucker
19 - Young - Turner - Wilson - Skinner - Noble - Scriber - Steele
20 - Longacre - Elam - Conklin - Donaho - Wood - Scott - Fitzgerald - Rawlings - Baker - Turner
21 - Green - Foster - Baker - Donaho - Cain - Williams - Foster - Scriber - Shields
22 - Scriber - Elam - Smith - Vincent - Foster - Wood - Donaho - Wilkerson - Adams - Noble - Skinner - Payne - Robert Turner Estate - Scott
23 - Donaho - Cocks (Cox) - Elam - Williamson - Clark - Foster - Green - Wm Robb Estate - Robert Turner Estate - Wilkerson - Wilson - Coleman
24 - Z B Jones Estate - Turner - Skinner - Scriber - Williams - Donaho - Helm
25 - Helm - Donaho - Williamson - Vincent - Rawlings - Elam
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Misc-Scrap found between pages 16 and 17
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Family Research

First Families