
Jefferson County



Lurline Harper Wedding Gifts

   Jefferson County, Mississippi

December 20, 1894, Wedding at "Secluseval"

Wedding Gifts of Robert Paine and Lurline Hewit Harper Linfield with names of those giving gifts

December 20, 1894, Wedding held at family home, "Secluseval", Jefferson County, Mississippi

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Wedding List

P.K. Whitney-Majolicu vases
W.D. Whitney-Majolicu jar, Aileen Gordon-perfume stand,
Rebekah Carradine-sugar shell
Dr. Carradine-after dinner coffee cups,
Emma Caradine -nut shells,
Mrs. Darden and Emiline-After dinner coffee cups
James Harper-Xmas forks and XXXX-1/2 d.
Somers Harper-marble clock
Bartlett Somers-XXXXXX fruit plates
Mr. and Mrs. T.D. McNair-Silver cake stand
Mr. and Mrs. M.C. Harper-silver jewel stand
John Kells-Jewel lined sugar shells
Miss Armstong-Sugar shell and butter knife
Mrs. Will Lorney-Silver gravy laddle
Miss Alice Coulson-Silver Puff Box
Mrs. James Murray-Silver form butter knife and sugar shell
Mrs. James McClure-Silver and glass berry bowl
Mrs. Leanard-Gold lined pie knife

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Miss Louise Leanard-Fruit Plate
Dr. and Mrs. Stewart-Majolica Vase
Grandmother Coulson-gold locket and chain
Capt. Pedine (?)-Berry spoon and smoking stand
Mr. and Mrs. Quin-Flower stands
Mr. and Mrs. Will McNair-after dinner coffee cups
Miss Dockery-Set Bohemian Tumblers
Dr. and Mrs. McNair-Silver butter dish
Miss Pintured (?)- Dainy flower jug
Frankenbush and Borland-Gold lined berry shell
Mr. and Mrs. C.S. Coffey-Souvenir spoons from Natchez
Miss Briscoe-Majolica flower bowl
Mr. and Mrs. Dud Stewart-Majolica jar
S.J. Cole-Pearl handle fruit knives
Miss Kruass-Rose jars
Della Whitney-flower basket
Mrs. C.W. Whitney-Manicure Set
Mr. and Mrs. Liddell Gill-Clock and candlabra
Mr. and Mrs. E.N. Coffey-Silver pickle stand
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Corothers-gold lined coffee spoons
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones-after dinner coffee cups
Clyde Culley-Silver cake basket
Miss Rivers Harrison-silver smoking set
Mr. and Mrs. James Latham-a handsome guild lamp
Miss McCormack-olive plates
Mrs. Amanda Coulson-Evening cape
Misses Linfield-Silk quilt
Miss Terry Demask-napkins
Mrs. Foreman-velvet ring
Mrs. Chilsohm and Coulson-Damask table covers
Hunt Torrey-Silver frame and photo
Mrs. Richwood -perfume case
(bottom is cut off)

Family Research

First Families