
Jefferson County



N. L. Bouldin, Surgeon

   Jefferson County, Mississippi

Submitted by Anabec

From the Fayette Chronicle, March 18, 1892

In 1825 Dr. N. L. Bouldin, a Surgeon in the United States Navy who was a graduate of the Philadelphia Medical College, came to Rodney in Jefferson County with a view to the practice of his profession. His success was phenomenal as he at once rushed into a successful and extensive practice, but the means he employed was so novel that some of the old Doctors who had retired from the death dealing profession, denounced him as a quack for he cured all manner of diseases, especially chills and fevers by administering small doses of a fine white powder which was unknown to the druggist as it could not be found in the pharmecoposite of that day. The only explanation that could be given was the magical effect it had on various diseases common to the country. "He came, He saw" and the disease fled before him. The charm lay in the fine white powder which has of late years been freely administered not only by the professional but by the laity - this fine white powder was only quinine.

From Fayette Chronicle, March 18, 1892

"When quinine was first introduced into Mississippi it sold for $25.00 per ounce, now it is worth only 75 cents per ounce. It is a universal remedy - though people do say it not only produces deafness, but affects the brain and causes a general derangement of the system. The doctors may decide that question but remember that quinine was introduced in 1825 by Dr. Nathaniel L. Bouldin." (Pharmacopoeia by W.A. Watkins - New Orleans, February 20, 1892)

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