
Jefferson County



Will of Martha Smith Truly

Submitted by Barbara Celotto

Jefferson County Ms.
Number 54

Dated this 5th Day of November 1855
A. K. Ford Clerk

Recorded Book F
Pages 413 and 414

The Last Will and Testament of Martha Truly of Jefferson County in the State of Mississippi.

I, Martha Truly Considering the Uncertainty of Human Life and Being Now of Sound Mind and Disposing Memory, Do Make, Publish Ordain and Declare this My Last Will and Testament, Hereby Revoking and Annulling All Other Wills by Me Hereto Before Made.

Item First; it Is My Will and Desire That My Executors Herein after Named, Shall Keep My Slaves, Stock, Furniture, Farming Utensils on My Plantation in Said County of Jefferson to Be Employed and Used to the Best Advantage in Raising Crops and That the Sum of Two Thousand Dollars Now at Interest in the Hands of Dr. B. F. Fox Daniel Smith and Mrs. Adeline Dangerfield, Remain at Interest until All My Debts Are Paid and That the Interest Be Collected When Due and Applied with the Proceeds of the Crop on Said Plantation, to the Payment of My Debts.

Item Second; I Will and Direct That after the Payment of My Debts, the Said Sum of Two Thousand Dollars at Interest in the Hands of Dr. B. F. Fox, Daniel Smith and Mrs. Adeline Daingerfield, Be Collected, and Equally Divided among My Children, Henkle I. Truly, D. Bradford Truly, Philip H. Truly, Sarah A. Fox, and John H. Collier

Item Third; after the Payment of All My Debts as Aforesaid, I Will and Direct That All the Horses, Mules, Oxen, Stock of Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, , Corn , Fodder, Wagons, Ploughs, and All the Farming Utensils, Household, Kitchen Furniture, Except the Bedding and Bed Clothes Be Sold on Such Terms and Credits as My Executers May Deem Best and the Proceeds of Thereof to Be Equally Divided Among, Henkle I. Truly, D. Bradford Truly, Philip H. Truly, Sarah A. Fox, and Richard H. Truly.

Item Fourth; I Will and Direct unto My Two Sons, Henkle I. Truly and Philip H. Truly My Plantation in Said County of Jefferson , Known as and Called "Wantmore", Containing Three Hundred and Twenty Acres More or Less, to Them as Tenants in Common with the Privileges and Appintinancet Hereunto Belong .

Item Fifth; I Give and Devise to My Son Henkle I. Trulymy Negro Slaves, Samson and Lilly.

Item Sixth; I Give and Devise to My Son H. Bradford Truly My Negro Man Slave Rodman.

Item Seventh; I Give and Devise to My Son Philip H. Truly My Negro Woman Slave Cynthia and Her Child Emma.

Item Eight; I Give and Devise to My Daughter Sarah A. Fox My Negro Girl Slave Hannah.

Item Ninth; I Give and Devise to My Son Richard H. Truly My Negro Woman Slave Cinda and Her Four Children, Levi, Wesley, Daniel and Caleb.

Item Tenth; I Give and Devise to My Granddaughter Sarah H. Collier, My Negro Girl Slave Bet and Her Increase.

Item Eleventh; to My Daughter Cora Collier, I Give and Bequeath the Sum of Twenty Dollars, to Be Paid Whenever She Applies for the Same to My Executors.

Item Twelfth; I Give and Bequeath to My Son Richard H. Truly the Sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars out of the Sum of Two Thousand Dollars Which I Loaned Him, the Remaining Five Hundred Dollars Appropriated by Him to the Creation of a Tombstone or Monument over My Grave, and an Enclosment Around the Same.

Item Thirteenth; I Give to My Son Henkel I. Truly My Spectacles.

Item Fourteenth; to My Daughter Sarah A. Fox I Give My Own Portrait, and the Picture of My Little Son.

Item Fifteenth; to My Son D. Bradford Truly I Give the Portrait of His Father.

Item Sixteenth; to My Granddaughter Sarah H. Collier I Give a Small Gold Locket Containing a Miniature Likeness of My Deceased Son Hardin Truly. Also a Set of Table Silver Spoons, with the Letters "M.t." Engraved on Them and Also All My Little Articles.

Item Seventeenth; to My Daughter Sarah A. Fox I Give One Set of Table Silver Spoons, and a Set of Silver Tea Spoons with the Letters "M. T." Engraved on Them.

Item Eighteenth; in the Vent of the Death of Either of My Children Without Issue, I Will and Direct That the Share or Portion Devised to Such Deceased Child, Shall Revert to My Estate and Be Equally Divided among the Remaining Except Cora Collier. And I Further Will and Desire That If Any Children or Others Interested in My Estate Have Any Regard for My Emory, and Any Respect for My Last Wishes, They Will Not Attempt to Set Aside this Will, but Be Satisfied with the Disposition I Have Made of My Little Property.

Item nineteenth; I Hereby Constitute and Appoint My Sons Henkle I Truly and Richard H. Truly Executors of this My Last Will and Testament and Desire That the Court Will Not Require Them to Give Security for the Performance of Their Duties as Such.

In Witness Whereof I the Said Martha Truly Have Hereunto Subscribed My Name, and Affixed My Seal, in Fayette in Said County of Jefferson this the 12th Day of October A. D. 1855

Her Signature

Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the above Named Martha Truly to Be Her Last Will and Testament on this 12th October 1855 in the Presence of Us Who Have Hereunto Subscribed Our Names as Witnesses in the Presence and at the Request of the Testator and in the Presence of Each Other.

Signed Jas. B. Wigginton
G. a Guilmont

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