
Jefferson County



Will of Samuel Scott

[From the Documents of Samuel Scott 1840]

Champ Terry

To Receipt for Record the 4th November 1840

Samuel Scott

This Indenture made and entered into the fourth day of November 1840 between Champ Terry of the County of Jefferson State of Mississippi of the one part and Samuel Scott of the other part witnessed that the Champ Terry for and in consideration of the Sum of Thirty Thousand dollars to him in hand paid at and before the sealing and delivery of these presents that receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge hat granted bargained and sold and by these presents doth grant bargain and sold unto the said Samuel Scott and his heirs all. That tract of land lying in said county on the waters of the North Spring of Coles Creek containing about Thirteen Hundred acres from and North of said creek, East by ….(?) of N. W. Trimble South and west by Lands of Louisa Harper. Also another tract of land Known as the Tan Yard tract containing about Five hundred and fifty acres bounded North by Lands of George Terry East by Lands of Daniel Seller South by Lands of John M Whitney West by the Corporation of Fayette, also to town. ….(?) in the town of Fayette ….(?) “¾” as laid off by Jas. Collier all being in Jefferson County, Mississippi. Also, the following Negros Slaves to wit, Philip, Theodore, Armstead, Tom, Jack, Tony, Litle John, Monroe, Edmund, York, Robt, Patrick, Cyrus, Young, Jim, Jim Pickens, Lewis, Bill, John Bond, Maria and two children, Hannah and one child, Jinney, Jane and one child, Ann, Milley, Old Lucy, Rhody, Betty, Big Lucy, Martha and child, Nancy and Son, Phillis, Mary and 2 children, Margary and one child, Clara and Florida. One hundred head of cattle, one hundred and fifty head of hogs, twenty one horses and mules, eight yoke of oxen, with one waggon and one cart. The said property all being in Jefferson County, Mississippi. To have and to hold the said tract of land with their appurtenances and said Negro Slaves and their incua…..(?) and the said stock and the said farming utensils. Above named to the Said Samuel Scott and to his heirs forever for the uses and… Trust hereafter named To Wit Whereas the said Champ Terry on the tenth day of October 1840 executed his two ….( ?) promissory notes of that date to William Terry of Carrol County, Mississippi-- the ….(?) for the Sum of Fifteen thousand dollars payable on the first day of January 1841.………(?)

The following named Negros and excepted from the deed of trust given by me Samuel Scott for the benefit of Wm. Terry to wit Louis, Nancy & child that said Louis, Nancy and child having conveyed to R. Williams for a valuable consideration Champ Terry.

This is a gift of a slave from Samuel Scott to his daughter

Book G288

Sam Scott

To Deed & Gift Filed for Record 13th January 1850

Mary E. James

Jefferson County, Miss. Dec 27th 1847

Know all men by these presents that for the natural love and affection I have for my Daughter May Eliza James. I have this day given & by these presents do give release and deliver unto my said Daughter Mary a certain Negro Girl named Nancy aged about 18 & of brown complexion. I will further warrant and forever defend the title of said Negro to her, Mary E. James her heirs and assigns forever against the claims of all or any person or persons claiming or to claim under by or through me in any way whatever, given under my hand and seal this day and date first above written.

Samuel Scott (sealed)

Natchez, Dec 25th 1847

Received of Sam Scott nine hundred dollars as payment n for Negro girl Nancy aged 18 years warranted sound & healthy in body and mind and a slave for life and title good against the claim of all persons whatever, Given under my hand this day and date above written.

John D. James

The Last Will and Testament of Samuel Scott

(Will Book “B” Page 64)

(He listed families together as well as at which plantation they lived.)

First: We, Samuel Scot and Madora A Scott my wife have set apart and given by law of gift to my Daughter Sarah H. Dangerfield the Fort Hill Plantation, which she now resides on containing seven hundred acres more or less. Also sixteen Negroes now and said place all of the mules on said place 16 in number. Cattle, oxen, sheep, hogs, one horse, Tom. All which will move fully show by deed of gift dated 8th of March 1860. It is also my wish and bequest to Florence and Elizabeth Fagle to leave certain Negroes now on Fort Hill Plantation to wit, Denis & Cealy and her 3 children. Iven and his two children and Mary Owen also 5 other Negroes on Mount Vernon Plantation -- Namely Henry, Tennessee, Peter, Sally, & her child. Also to Sarah H. Dangerfield Washington & Eviline slaves on Poplar Hill.

Secondly: I have given to my deceased son H. F. Scott & his heirs all that I intend giving him or them that is the Stampley Hill Place and all of the Negroes on said place, mules, oxen, cattle, horses, hogs, sheep, farming utensils. Household & kitchen furniture which will move fully show by reference to deed of gift recorded in Fayette, at the clerks office.

Thirdly: We Samuel Scott and Madora A Scott, my wife have given by deed of gift to S. P. Scott, my son, the Green Wood Place which he now resides on containing 500 acres 32 Negroes, 16 mules, oxen, cattle, hogs & horse. Farming utensils House Hold & Kitchen Furniture. Deed of gift dated 1st day of March 1860.

Fifthly: We, Samuel Scott and Madora A Scott my wife, have set apart and given by deeds of gift dated 8th day of March 1860 to my son William T. Scott the following Property to wit the Montgomery Place containing seven hundred acres more or less. Also 25 Negroes 24 mules 4 yoke oxen, cattle, hogs, Farming utensils, House Hold and kitchen Furniture. All on said place, which will move fully show by reference to deed of gift.

Sixthly: We Samuel Scott and Madora A Scott have set apart and given by deed of gift dated 8 day of March 1860. To my son, John H. W. Scott, the following describes property namely the Mount Vernon Plantation containing 780 acres more or less with twenty nine Negroes on said place and 78 mules 6 yoke oxen, 40 head cattle, hogs, farming utensils, household and kitchen furniture which is all named in said deed.

Seventhly: I give and bequeath to my wife Madora A Scot the following named slaves now on Poplar Hill, namely Jack, Lee, Big Harriet, Eliza, Edmund, Martha, Buckston, Ann the cook, Abe, July, Sepico, Phil, Lotty, Charley, Kate, Vic which with the five slaves & Poplar Hill Plantation I gave her previous to our marriage, will make her portions equal to some of my children.

Eighthly: I give an bequeath to my son, John W. Scott, the following named slaves now on Poplar Hill Place namely, Big Adam, Fanny, Dave, Josh, Elijah, Cyrus, Lit Hariet, Lit Adam, Mitch, Alfred, Salloman, Jane, Lit Nace, Archy, Alice, Lit Emaline, Lit Ellen, Lit Maria.

Ninthly: I give & bequeath to my son, Charles D. Scott the following named slaves now on Poplar Hill Plantation namely Big Nace, Ellen, Bil, Gus, Emily, Manda, Alvina, Jackson, Easter, Fielding, Lit Bob, Horace, Lit Ike, Theodore, Ann, Leana, Albert, Beckey, Ben Johnson, Chaney, Toney, Hunt, Big Hester, Big Bob, Big Eliza, should Charles D. Scott die before getting to the age of Twenty-one or should he marry & die without heirs then the two thirds above named slaves be equally divided between Sarah, Put, William & John Scott.

Tenthly, I put in the hands of David Harrison and S. P. Scott twelve Negroes to be hired out & the net proceeds to go to Fanny Hartwell’s benefit while she lives with Hartwell should Hartwell die Fanny should get married again then the slaves may be given over to her. Names of the slaves on Poplar Hill at this time namely Big Ike, Anis, Tolbert, Lit Hester, Batte, Polly, Lit July, Gibson, Jake, Brown, Drucila, York, Laura, I do appoint David Harrison, and S. P. Scott, my executors & guardians of this my last Will & Testimony now I give my soul into the hand of God.

I have written my hand & seal

24th day of July 1861


Document found in the private papers of Samuel Scott filed at the Chancery Clerks Office in Fayette, Jefferson County, Ms. The following is the appraisal of the Samuel Scott Estate.


To Wm. L. Harper, P. K. Montgomery, Thos C. West, Charles E. Duncan & Robt Sillers GREETING: THIS IS TO AUTHORISE YOU or any three of you, Jointly, to appraise the goods, chattels, and personal estate of: SAMUEL SCOTT

Late of Jefferson County, deceased, as far as they shall come to your sight and knowledge, each of you having first taken the oath or affirmation hereto annexed; a certificate whereof you have to return, annexed to an inventory of the said goods, chattels and personal estate by you appraised, in dollars and cents--and in the said inventory you are to set down in a column or columns, opposite to each article, the value thereof.

WITNESS Hon G. W. Shackelford Judge of Probate

Of Jefferson County, this third day of September in the Year of our Lord

One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty two

Issued September 5th A.D. 1862

G. A. Guilmind, Clk.

WE do solemnly swear that we will well and truly, without partiality or prejudice, value and appraise the goods, chattels and personal estate of Samuel Scott deceased, so far as the same shall come to our sight and knowledge, and will in all respects, perform our duty as Appraisers, to the best of our skill and judgment, So Help Us God!

Sworn to subscriber before me this 15th day of December A.D. 1862

P. K. Montgomery
T. C. West
Chas. E. Duncan
W. L. Harper
Robert Sillers G. A. Guilmind, Clerk

To the Honorable Geo W. Shackleford
Judge of the Probate Court of
Jefferson County, State of Mississippi

The undersigned appraisers appointed by this honorable court at the last September term thereof to appraise the goods, chattels and personal estate of Samuel Scott late of said county deceased, by leave respectfully to report that pursuant to and by virtue of the warrant of this court to them directed, and this oath thereon endorsed they in conjunction with David Harrison Executor of said deceased gave notice in writing to Louis Dangerfield and his wife Sarah, Mrs. Fanny Hartwell, S. P. Scott, William and Jno Scott all of whom are interested in the administration of said decedent that would on the 18th Day of Dec 1862 meet at the residence of said decedent and proceed in the performance of these duties which said notice with said warrant oath is hereto …..(?) That on the day last aforesaid these appraisers did meet at the place aforesaid at the house of ten oclock AM and did then and the value and appraise the goods chattels and person al estate of said decedent so far as the same were shown to them by said Executor or otherwise came to their sight or knowledge, which will fully appear to your honor by reference to the foregoing schedule containing each article nith the value thereto attached.

Accounting in all to the sum of $146,782. All of which is hereby certified under our hands and seals and respectfully submitted this 23rd day of December 1862

T. C. West

P. K. Montgomery

Robert Sillers

C. E. Duncan

W. S. Harper


18th Dec. 1862

A true and perfect inventory and appraisement of the goods Chattels and personal estate of Samuel Scott deceased

Phillip M valued at 1200.00

Letty F “ 1000.00

Charley Boy “ 600.00

Kate Girl “ 500.00

Rodgers Infant “ 100.00

York M “ 1200.00

Laura F “ 1200.00

Ben Johnson M “ 2000.00

Chaney F “ 1000.00

Ann Frazier F “ 1000.00

LuAna Girl “ 250.00

Bob Girault M “ 400.00

Eliza F 250.00

Abram M “ 1200.00

July F “ 850.00

Cipio Boy “ 250.00

Tenn Girl “ 150.00

Drucilla F “ 1000.00

Enas Boy “ 200.00

Adam M “ 500.00

Fanny F “ 350.00

David M “ 1250.00

Joshua M “ 1200.00

Simon M “ 1250.00

Michael Boy “ 600.00

Little Adam Boy “ 750.00

Harriet Girl “ 1000.00

Elijah M Value at 1250.00

Elizah F “ 1100.00

Solomon M “ 1150.00

Jane F “ 1000.00

Nace Boy “ 600.00

Archie Boy “ 550.00

Alice Girl “ 400.00

Emiline Girl “ 300.00

Ellen Girl “ 250.00

Mariah Girl “ 200.00

Nace M “ 250.00

Ellen F “ 150.00

Isabella F “ 1100.00

Gustavus F “ 450.00

Emily Girl “ 250.00

Amanda Girl “ 1000.00

Alvina Girl “ 150.00

Isaac M “ 900.00

Anis F “ 800.00

Hester F “ 1000.00

Tolbut M “ 1000.00

Batt M “ 750.00

Polly Girl “ 600.00

July Girl “ 350.00

Gibson Boy “ 250.00

Mattheu Infant “ 125.00

Albert M “ 1250.00

Beckey F “ 1000.00

Edmund M “ 1200.00

Martha F “ 250.00

Albert M “ 1250.00

Tony M “ 1250.00

Jack Lee M “ 500.00

Harriet F “ 300.00

Tony Hunt M Value at 1100.00

Hester Hunt F “ 300.00

Jackson M “ 1350.00

Easter F “ 1000.00

Fielding Boy “ 600.00

Bob Boy “ 400.00

Horace Boy “ 300.00

Isaac Boy “ 200.00

Theodore Boy “ 150.00

Alfred M “ 1350.00

Ann Cook F “ 1000.00

Brown M “ 1200.00

97 hd. Cattle at $18 1746.00

67 hd. Hogs $ 5.52 Meat Hogs $15 1115.00

85 hd. Sheep $5.32 Mules $200 6825.00

1 Roan Horses $100.10 Yoke Oxen $100 1100.00

3 Large Wagons $150. 1 Small Wagon $60 510.00

1 Cart $25 27 Plows $10 295.00

4 Bull (?) plows $5 7 Hanssons $7 69.00

7 spades $2.50 6 Grubbing hoes $1.50 26.50

2 Road scrapers $5.27 Weeding hoes $1. 37.00

5 Wedges $7.13 (?)$3 16 Axes $3. 92.00

22 pr.chain ? $2. 1 (?) wagon $25. 69.00

1 lott blk. Smith tools $100. Lott(?) $50. 150.00

1 oat cradle $5. 2 whip saws $1 7.00

1 grind stone $2. 1 lott cotton $8000. 8002.00

1 Buggy & Hamp(?) $75. 1 saddle horse $125 200.00

TOTAL VALUE: $73,368.50

Document found in the papers of the Estate of Samuel Scott.

Poplar Hill Plantation, Fayette, Jefferson County, MS

April 13th 1869

Received of G. L. Butler the sum of One Thousand and Fifty dollars and Seventy Eight cents, in full for our interest in and Share of the crop of cotton raised during the year 1868.
Washington Bone (his mark) X
Solomon Starks (his mark) X
Elijah Knight (his mark) X
Mitchell Knight (his mark) X
Tolbut Starks (his mark) X
Thornton Buckner (his mark) X
Joshua Knight (his mark) X
Isaiah Carothers (his mark) X
Charley Cenny (his mark) X
Harriet Knight (his mark) X
Hester Starks (his mark) X
Balt Starks (his mark) X
Starks ( his mark) X (first name missing)
Letty Ceeny (his mark) X
Fielding Dulany (his mark) X

Signed in the presence of :
Haynard Shaw (his mark) X
Buckstan Gradsain (his mark) X

Submitted and Researched by A. M. Stewart

Phille Seeney

PHILLE SEENEY was born about 1828 in Maryland apparently as a slave and was sold to Samuel Scott of Poplar Hill, Jefferson County, Mississippi. He was wed to Lettie Holland in 1840 (at age 12) by his owner. They had at least two children: Charles (March 16,1852) and Roger (March 30,1862).
On August 23,1863 he joined Company B of the 58th Regiment of U.S. Colored Troops being formed in Natchez, Mississippi. Originally this unit was called the 6th Mississippi Infantry (African Descent). This unit mainly acted as guards for posts between Natchez and Vicksburg.
He was honorably discharged on April 30,1866 and died two months later in Natchez.

Contributed by: Ann Allen Geoghegan

Date Treatment Amount Due ($)
09-04-1860 To Extracting Tooth for Neg. Susan 1
09-19-1860 To extracting Tooth for Neg. WIlliam 1
10-12-1860 Examining Neg. Night & Nancy (L.V.) 20
10-20-1860 Medicine & Prescription for Thom
01-18-1863 Examining Med & Pres for Neg. Jeff (grh) 10
02-18-1863 Medicine & Pres for Neg. Mariah 2
02-18-1863 Examining Med & pres for Neg. Mary (misc) 2
02-19-1863 Visits Med. & Pres. for Neg. Mary 3
02-20-1863 Visits Med. & Pres. for Neg. Mary 3
02-25-1863 Visits. Med & Pres for 3 Neg Sam, Harry & C 5
02-26-1863 Visits. Med & Pres for Neg Sam, Harry & C 5
07-28-1863 Visit Med. & Pres for Neg. Emiline 3
07-29-1863 Visit Med. & Pres for Neg. Emiline 3
07-30-1863 Visit Med & Pres for Neg. Emiline 6
07-30-1863 Extracting of 2 teeth for Neg. Susan 2
07-31-1863 2 Visits, Med. & Pres for Neg. Emiline 6
07-31-1863 Visits Med. & Pres for 6 other Negroes 6
08-01-1863 2 Visits Med & Pres for Neg. Emiline 6
08-01-1863 2 Visits Med & Pres for Six Negroes 6
08-02-1863 2 Visits, Med. & Pres. for Emiline 6
08-03-1863 2 Visits Med. & Pres for Emiline & 2 others 8
08-05-1863 Visit Med. & Pres. for Neg. Night 3
08-06-1863 2 Visits Med. & Pres. for Neg. Night 6
08-09-1863 2 Visits Med. & Pres. for Neg. Night & 2 children 8
08-10-1863 Visit Med. & Pres for Nancy & 2 children 4
08-11-1863 Visit Med & Pres for Nancy & 4 others 5
08-12-1863 Visit Med. & Pres for Nancy & 5 others 5
08-13-1863 To Med & Pres for 7 Negroes 7
08-14-1863 Med & Pres for 6 Negroes 6
08-15-1863 Med & Pres for 6 Negroes 6
08-16-1863 Visit Med. & Pres for 6 Negroes 9
08-21-1863 Extracting tooth for Nancy 1
08-22-1863 Visit Med & Pres for Nancy & children 5
08-23-1863 Visit Med & Pres for Nancys 2 children 5
08-24-1863 Visiti Med & Pres for Nancys 2 children 5
09-06-1863 Visit Med & Pres for Nancys child 3
09-07-1863 Visit Med & Pres for Nancy child 3
02-27-1864 Visit Vag. Examing & Pres for Black Nancy 10
07-16-1864 Extracting Tooth for Neg Girl 1
09-09-1864 Visit Med & Pres for Emiline 3
09-30-1864 Med & Pres for Nancy 2

Samuel Scott & wife

To Deed of Gift Filed for Record the 5th day of May, A.D. 1862

Samuel P. Scott

This indenture made and entered into this first day of March, A.D. 1860 between Samuel Scott and Medora A Scott his wife Parties of the first party and Samuel P. Scott of the second part all of the County of Jefferson, and State of Mississippi. Witnesseth, that for and in consideration of the love and affection, which said parties of the first part bear towards said party of the second part, said parties of the first part hereby give to said Samuel P. Scott the following property and upon the following conditions Five Hundred acres of land, situated in said county being the same tract purchased by Samuel Scott, from Thomas Reed as Commissioner for the Southern District Chancery Court, sitting at Natchez as will appear by the deed of said commissioner recorded in Book H. pages 267 & 268. And will also appear from the deed of William Holmes and wife to said Scott. Recorded in Book H page 269 of the Record of Deeds in said county and bounded as follows, Beginning at a black gum and Hickory marked. I.M.G. on the side of Coles Creek and running thence N. 89o (degrees) W. 92 chains to a sweet gum and post 45 links from the gum marked I.M.G. thence N. 1(degree) E. 42 chains to a white ash, bearing N 11(degree) W 17 links from corner Thence N. 89 (degree) W 14 chins 60 links to a post in a field formerly belonging to James Payne thence N 0 (degree), W. 13 chains, to a post on the line of the fence--thence along the meanders of said Creek to the place of beginning said tract being in Township 9 of range 1 West of Said County also the following slaves to wit: Thornton, Ann Ailsey, and their three child Jenkins, Augusta and Butler, Isaac, and Margaret his wife as their two children Lila and John, Anderson and his wife Easter, and their children Coleman, Hanson, Makala, Ben and Nancy, Hubbard and his wife Elizabeth, and their child Jim Moses and his wife Maria, Bob and his wife Letty, Toney, Charley, Dick, Cyrus, Amanda and her infant child named Martha, Emma and Fred. 16 mules, 4 yoke of oxen, about 40 head of cattle, 50 head of hogs, all of the farming utensils on the places and all of the household and kitchen furniture, said Samuel P Scott being now in possession of the above mentioned property both real and personal. Provided and upon these conditions, that if said Samuel P. Scott should die without having married or in case he should marry and die without issue at the time of his death and should have none born in the lawful time after his death, then in case either of the events about mentioned should happen, all of the before mentioned property both real and personal shall revert to the said Samuel Scott or his estate, Provided, that if the said Samuel P. Scott should die without issue at his death, or born afterwards leaving his wife surviving then his said wife, shall tale one third of tall the before mentioned property to her in her own right.

Witness our hands and seals this first day of March, A. D. 1860

Sam. Scott

Medora A. Scott

State of Mississippi
County of Jefferson
Personally appeared before the undersigned the within named Samuel Scott who, acknowledge that he signed, sealed and delivered the within deed of gift on the day and year therein witness, and for the purposes therein specified as his voluntary act and deed appeared the witness, Madora A Scott, who on a private examination by me separate and apart from her said husband. Acknowledged that she signed sealed and delivered the within deed of gift, on the day and year therein written and for the purposes therein specified as her voluntary act and deed freely and voluntarily without any fear threat or compulsion of her said husband. Given under my hand and seal of office at Fayette the Eighth day of March A.D. 1860

G. A. Gilminot, Clerk of the Probate Court of said County

Samuel Scott Filed for record the tenth day
Conveyance To of March A.D. 1860

Medora A Dubs

This indenture made this eleventh day of February in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and sixty by and between Samuel Scott of the County of Jefferson in the State of Mississippi of the one part and Medora A Dubs of the City of Natchez, County of Adams and State aforesaid of the Second part. Witnesseth, that the said party of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar to him in hand paid by the said party of the second part the receipt whereas hereby acknowledged and the said party of the second part her heirs, executors and administrators forever released and discharged therefore, and in further consideration of a marriage intended to be had and solemnized between said parties of the first and second parts, hath granted, bargained, sold, conveyed, confirmed, and delivered and by the presents doth grant bargain, sell, convey, confirm, and delivered unto the said party of the second part her heirs and assigns forever the following described tract and parcel of land situated lying and being in Jefferson County aforesaid and bounded as follows to wit on the north by lands of L.E. W. Harding, east by lands of William L. Harper, South by lands of Charles West and West by lands of Charles West and William L. Harper containing at the least fifteen hundred acres and being the sum tract of land now (?) by said party of the first part as a plantation and occupied by him as a homestead, together with all and singular the appurtenances, privileges and advantages whatsoever unto the said above mentioned and described premises appertaining or belonging, and also all the estate rights, title, property claim and demands whatsoever of the said party of the first part of in and to the sum and every part through with the appurtenances and also the following described Slaves for life to wit: Joe 25 years of age, Thornton 22, Maria 16, Edwin 16, Little Ben 15, Tom 23, Caroline 26, Sally 22, Bob Crowder 38, and Betsy 35 years of age. To have and to hold the above granted bargained and described premises with the appurtenances, and the said Slaves onto the said party of the second part, her heirs and assigns for their proper use, benefit, and behalf forever, and the said party of the first part for himself, his heirs executors and administrators doth Covenant, grant, promise and agree to and with the said party of the second part her heirs and assigns that the said premises hereby granted and the said slaves are free and discharged from all encumbrances whatsoever, whereby the title to said premises and Slaves may or can in any manner be defeated. And the said party pf the first part for himself his heirs executors and administrators doth hereby covenant and agree to and with the said party of the second part her heirs and assigns the above described and granted premises and Slaves to warrant to them and against the claims of all persons whosoever lawfully or equitably claiming or to claim same or any part thereof to forever defend above written.

Samuel Scott

State of Mississippi
Adams County
I personally appeared before me, Richard A. Inger, Clerk of the Probate Court of said County the within named Samuel Scott and acknowledged that he signed, sealed and delivered the within conveyance on the day and year therein mentioned as his own act and deed.
Given under my hand and the seal of said Court at the City of Natchez the 13th day of February AD eighteen hundred and sixty.

Richard A. Inger

Court Records


Court Cases