
Jefferson County



Minutes of the Orphans Court, 1830 - 1834

Title of Record

Contributed by: Janice Rice

August 1821
On application of John Warfield guardian of James Eldridge Sisson by A Montgomery his atty ordered that a citation issued to all persons in any wise interested in the land, and testament of John Sisson deceased to be and appear at the next term of this court to show cause if any they can why a certain tract of land of said deceased containing 161 15/100 acres lying in Jefferson County adjoin land of the heirs of James Norris dec'd, and Eldridge Sisson, Asa Hubbard and John Warfield should not be sold for the benefit of the heirs of John Sisson deceased.

It is further ordered that notice of this order be published for six weeks
successfully in the Port Gibson Correspondent and in the paper published by A Mackneal in the city of Natchez.

October 27, 1830
On application ordered that John Warfield be appointed guardian of the person and estate of James Eldridge Sisson on his entering into bond in the penalty of four thousand dollars, with Samuel Marley and SA Hutchins his securities, bond and oath.

Court Records


Court Cases