
Jefferson County



Will of Allen Grafton

   Jefferson County, Mississippi

Submitted by James H. Dempsey

Jefferson Co., Mississippi
Chancery Clerk's Office
Book A, Page 131.
Copied by James H. Dempsey
January 30, 1995

In the name of God Amen this Twenty sixth Day of April one thousand Eight hundred and Nine
I , Allen Grafton of Jefferson County and Territory of the Mississippi Being frail of Body But of Perfect Mind and Memory thanks Be to Almighty God and Calling to Remembrance the uncertain State of this transitory Life and that all flesh must apeit(?) unto Death when it shall please God to Call I do
Make Constitute ordain and Declare this My Last will and Testament in Manners and form following Revoking and annulling By these presents all and Every Testament and testaments will and wills Heretofore Made by me or Declared Either by word or writing and this is to be taken only for My Last will and Testament first of all I give up My Soul to God who give it Secondly I order My Body to be Decently Buried all funeral Charges paid and all Other Just Debts and Demands and I Do hereby
Nominate Constitute ordain and appoint Israel Coalman & James Jones to be any __?__ in full power and authority as law will allow to order act and proceed in all my affairs as my Self Could or Might Do when in being Now for the Settling of My Temporal affairs I now do leave and bequeath to my best Beloved Augnis Grafton an equal share with my Children of all my property both personal and real and my Children to have an equal share one with another My Will is that my property shall be kept together until my youngest Child comes of Age.

In Witness of this being my last will and Testament There unto set my hand and Seal in presence of

Hugh Matthews Allen Grafton
Stewart Grafton

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Allen Grafton's Will Proved

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