
Jefferson County



Census Index for 1820

   Jefferson County, Mississippi

Transcribed from the 1820 Jefferson County Census

Transcribed by Janice Rice Stevens and proofread by Ann Allen Geoghegan

The complete 1820 Census can be found here

Heads of Households

Isaac Adams
Spencer Adams
William Armstrong
Willis Arnold
Young L Abbott
William Andrews
Robert Andrews
John Ailsworth
Charles Atkins
John Aldridge
***** Bowie, Senr.
John J. Bolls
William Bolls
Thomas Baker
John Batchelor
David Bullen
Abraham Best
Elisha Brazeal
Hiram Baldwin
Levi Breck
James Bolls
Samuel Boggs
Nape? Burkshire
William W. Blanton
John Buren
Jim Bolls
John Newbaker
Benj'n M. Bullen
John ? Builes ?
John Buie
John Bankston
William Brent
Sarah Blanton
Matthew Bolls
George Barns
James Bitsell
Culbert Bowie
John Bowie
Daniel Baldridge
John Bowie
Andrew Bolls
Bernard Bowlin
Neil Bowie
John Bowie Senr.
Archibald Brown
Andrew Barlin
Evansley Burns
Washington Burch
James Bolls
Francis Baldridge
John Baldridge
John Bolls
Miles Barefield
Madison Bruce
M Berkshire
John Brent
John Bolls
Daniel Baker
John Bowie
John Boggs
John Brooks
Samuel Bullen
James Calvit
Charles Cissna
John Con
John Collins
Robert Cole
George Cook
Samuel Clear
Mrs Chrstn Clear
Mrs M Cook
John Cisson
James Cisson
Eldridge Cisson
William Cisson
Henry W. Cheek
John Crossman
Samuel Chambliss
Abraham Clawson
Thomas Clawson
James Cato
Henry Craig
William Coleman
Nathaniel Coleman
Israel Coleman
Stephen Compton
Peter Chambliss
Peter C Chambliss
Samuel Calvit
Thomas Calvit
Mrs Carrol
William Curtis
John Conger
Clark Crow
Archibal Currie
Adam Cloud
Richard Caradine
Parker Caradine
Mrs Jane Cisson
Thomas Collins
Abijah Clark
William Cole
Mrs Annie Chesley
Margaret Cook
Abel Cook
John Currie
Parker Collins
Israel Comeley
Josh Cocks
Robert Cocks
Lewis Cable
James Crow
William Curtis Jnr
George Clear
Charles Crommellin
Richard Coleman
John Calvit
Mrs Sidney Calvit
Jonathan Curtis
James Cowden
Malcomb Currie
Krisman Devine
Walter Davis
Robert Dunbar
Washington Darden
Buckner Darden
Richard Darden
Edward Duggan
George R Dent
Benjamin Dent
John Dohertey
John Delany
Joseph Dunbar
James Dunbar
Isaac Dunbar
Samuel Dunbar
James Donahoo
William L Dent
Roger Dixon
Philip Dixon
John A Davidson
Mrs Darden
James Dennis
Abner Daniels
William L Davis
Mrs Jane Drimgoole
John Dobbs
John Hamberlin
Peter Emrick
Andrew Ellis
Mrs J Ellis
James Ervin
Thomas Harmon
Henry Folkes
James Folkes
John Foster
Abraham Frisby
Daniel Frisby
Robert Ferguson
William Frisby
George Foreman
Thomas Frisby
Andrew B Ferguson
Robert B Farley
William Ferguson
Pleasant Elam
John Ferguson
Thomas Fletcher
Edward Foreman
Mrs P Ferguson
John Folkes
L Galbreath
Malcomb Gilchrist
David Guice
Randall Gibson Jun.
John C Neel (overseer)
James Grafton
Thomas Goodrum
William Gillespie
Randall Gibson Sr.
Rueben Goodrum
Ashael Gardner
John Goodrum
Samuel Goodale

Stephen Griffing
Thomas Grafton
Claudia Gibson
David Gibson
Amos Garkins
William Grayham
William Galbreath
William Gardner
Mrs Elizabeth Green
Elisha Greenlee
Brian Gardner
Nathan Green
Z B Ginnings
William Giles
Burrel Garkins
Thomas M Green
William M Green
C Getzendennar
John Garkins
M Gay
Christian Heckler
Mrs Martha Harper
Stephen Herring
Thomas Heath
Samuel Heckler
David Holt
Thomas Hinds
William Harper
John H Hammers
Richard Harrison
H B Harrison
P B Harrison
John Hill
William Hicks
David Horton
John Hughston
William Herron
Benj Hawkins
James G Harrison
Felix Hughes
William Hill
H Hamilton
Margaret Hynum
Mrs Hamilton
Charles Hopkins
Peter Headrick
L D Hamberlin
Jacob Hill
Young Hill
Jacob Herlong
Jesse Harper
Daniel Huge
Alin? Hufman
Asa Hubbard
Moses Higgins
Edwan Hopkins
William Hawthorn
John Hopkins
Isaa Hamberlin
Peter Hamberlin
John Hawkins
David Hunt
David Hall
Joseph Hawk
Mrs Hammon
Mrs January
William Jordan
John L Irwin
James Jones
Absolam Johnson
Mrs Jeffries
Reason W Irwin
William Ivy
John Isaacs
John Jones
Z B Jones
John C Jonson
Joseph Jones
Thomas Jones
James Kelly
Richard Kelly
William H King
N Killingsworth
James McKay
William Kelly
James Kelly
Archibald Kirkland
Prosper King
Mrs Mary Kelly
William Kelly
William Kension
William Kenton
William W Lloyd
Lawson Lewis
John Kennon
Thomas Lea
Michael Laughman
James Lucket
David G Hall
James McCaa
Willis McDonald
D McDougal
Nathaniel Mimms
Stephen Marble
Earl Marble
Daniel McKey
Thomas A McKey
James L Montgomery
B W McMinter
Robert McRay
A Montgomery
William G*Middleton
G M McDonald
Walter McKey
Isaac McLutche
James McLellen
Davis Montgomery
John G McIntyre
David Mabin
S K Montgomery
Abner Marble
Thomas F McKay
William May
Hugh McRay
Jonathan McDonald
John McPherson
Niel McCacharn
William McAlpine
Daniel McDougal
Daniel McLain
Arel McPherson
Daniel McIntyre
Cowles Mead
William Montgomery
Josiah Montgomery
John Montgomery
Hugh Montgomery
John Mitchel
Herphilius Marble
Daniel Mcalib
James T McGruder
Christopher Metcalf
Hugh Matthews
Thomas Marble
Robert Mcgrue
William Moore
Jeriamah Miller
Thomas Marble
Hugh Mable
Wesley Neilly
Samuel Newman
Martin Nevels
James Norris
Jon Newman Sr
Jon Newman
Ruth Nutt
James Nevels
George Nicholls
Simon Newman
Thomas Noble
King Nicholls
Walker Nash
David Need
Thomas Nevels
Mrs B Newman
John Nell
John C Nell (over)
John Obrian
William Owens
Daniel Overton
Thomas Osteen
Gabriel Osteen
William Osteen
Robert Oliver
Mrs Odom
Parker Odom
Moses Odom
Russel Pucket
James Perry
Henry Porter
Isaac Perkins
John Pickins
Abner Pipes
C M Pennington

William B Prince
William Penrice
John Potter
Baker Philips
James W Philips
Mrs Ruth Platner
John q T Prince
Mrs Jane Prince
Baylis E Prince
Joseph Parmelle
Angus Patterson
Daniel Patterson
Neil Patterson
Mark Philips
Mrs Margaret Pig
Truman Roberts
George Robinson
Jones Robinson
Francis Rozelle
Joseph Ramey
J A B Ross
William Roberts
Isaac Roberts
William Rife
Stephen Riche
Charles Riley
Evan Roblin
Stephen Rowlin
Aaron Roark
Samuel Rainey
Samuel Robb
Isaac Ross
John J W Ross
William Robb
Adam Rum
William Reed
John Rouse
Caleb Reed
Jeremiah Rust
Jacob Shillings
John Shorter
Sexton Shaw
William Scott
David Stampley
Gasper Sinclear
Thompson B Shaw
James Stewart
Thomas Scott
Mrs Margaret Shaw
William Stokes
William Selman
James Shannon
****** Standley
Horace* Sibby???
King Sibby
Jarvis Smith
Isaac Scott
John Stell
Richard Scott
Joel Selman
Simon Scarborough
Richard Spain
John Snodgrass qrt.
Jacob Segrist sr
John Stuart
Jonathan Slye
John H Shanks
Samuel K Sorsby
John J Stampley
Jacob Stampley
Jacob Stampley
Mrs Elizabeth Sims
John Shillings
John Smith
Stephen Senbar
Richard Skinner
Jonath Scarborough
Archi Smith
Daniel Sellers
Watter Sellers
Hugh Slater
Mathew Smiley
John Stampley jun
George Selser jun
George Selser
Josiah Selser
E Shackleford
Mrs Sulivan
William Stampley
William B Shields
John H Folkes
Abraham Shankle
William Scott
T Shelly
Gabriel Scott
Jona Stephenson
John Silcox
Mrs M Texada
Stephen Terry
John Terry
John Tatum
John Taylor
Slater Travillion
John Turnbull
Mrs S Terry
Joel Tucker
Joseph Tucker
Archie Terry
Dougal Terry
David Terry
Charles Trefoe
Francis Tidwell
Mrs Mary Trimble
John Trimble
Mrs Twilly
A ****ble
John Smith
William Usher
David G Torrey
Thomas C Vaughn
D W Vaughn
William G Vause
Mrs M Valentine
Adnew Smiley
John Weatherly
William Whitney
A G Walton
Asa Watkins
Charles Watts
Iona Wert
Abraham Whitaker
John Warsaw
Henry Walthers
David Willis
Soloman Whitty
Charles Wert
Henry Wise
James Watson
Thomas Wiley
Jerimiah Watson
John White
James G Wood
John Wech
Mrs Wright
James Whitehead
John Wells
Francis Zugeswerdt
Alexander Young
Mrs Jane Wade
William Robinette
Alen Willis
Nathan Kings qtr
Adolph Heath
John Fade
William Stout
Thomas Heath
Samuel Heath
Mrs Davis
Thomas McFate
Christopher Hufman
A White
Mathew Kelly
C Metcalf

Free People of Colour

Malaki Hagen
John Gregory
Mrs. Rodes

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