
Jefferson County



Territorial Census of 1816

   including present day Jefferson Co.

Residents of Jefferson County in 1816

Submitted by Anne Ann Geoghegan

Taken from The Official and Statistical Register of the State of Mississippi, Centennial Edition, 1917, by Dunbar Rowland, Director of the Department of Archives and History, printed in Madison, Wisconsin, by the Democrat Printing Company, pages 104-111. Unlike most of the other counties enumerated, this list is in a somewhat alphabetical order. Take caution in using a search feature with this material. The census taker often spelled phonetically. Also, errors may have been made by the transcriber, as well. Evidently the original list at MDAH contains information on sex, age and color.

Heads of Families

William Austin
Robert Andrews
Sam l Andrews
Isaac Adams
Chas. Brandon
John Alesworth
Joseph Braden
John Berry
James Burnes
James Bolls
William Blanton
Hiram Baldwin
Joseph Bradley
John Brabston
David Barker
James Bedsil
Wash. Burch
James Baldridge
Sam l. Bullen
Elisha Brazeale
George Barnes
David Bullen
Andrew Bolls
Rebecca Bolls
Alex. Baldridge
H. J. Balch
Joel H. Bailey
Petkin Barnes
Thos. Y. Berry
Gause Brinson
Andrew Barland
John Bolls, Jr.
John Burch
Joseph Bullen
Francis Baldridge
James Boyd
John Bowie, Jr.
Neil Bowie, Sr.
Neil Bowie, Jr.
Louis Beaubia
John Baldridge
E. Bennit
Thomas Baker
Love Baker
David H. Bell
John Brent
Wm. Brent
Jos. Bonner
B. M. Bullen
James Bealus
John Barnes
James Barnes
John Bolls
Matthew Bolls
Sarah Blanton
Willis Bonner
Ben Hargraves
Malcom Black
Susan Carradine
Robert Cocks
Isaac Chambers
Richard Carradine
William Clower
Malcolm Curry
John Con
Lewis Cable
Thos. Calvit
David Carradine
Parker Collins
John Collins
Jacob Cable
Wm. Cessna, Jr.
Sarah Chaney
Israel Coleman
Parker Carradine
Seth Cocks
Stephen Compton
John Cisson
Christian Clare
Jonathan Curtis
Arch. Curry
Malcolm Curry
Peter C. Chambliss
Abijah Clark
John Conger
Wm. Carroll
Abram Clauson
Wm. Cook
Rachel Cool
Henry Creig
James Clark
H. H. Cheek
Alex Curry
Sarah Collier
George Clare
Maston Clary
Wm. Collins
Abram Cook
Israel Chambers
John Chambers
Wm. Cole
George Chaney
James Cowden
Robert Curry
Joseph Calvit
John Carrol
Charles Cissna
Benj. Childers
James Crow
Clark Crow
Israel Crow
Edward Curry
John I. Carradine
Martha Darden
Benj. Dent
James Dunbar
Edmund Dugan
John Delany
Wash. Darden
J. Doan
Roger Dixon
Richard Darden
Thos. Daniel
David Darden
Jos. Davis
Isaac Dunbar
Rhoda Davis
Joseph Dunbar
Joseph E. Davis
Walter Davis
John A. Davidson
John Daley
Sam l, Dunbar
Gaines Dunahoo
James Dowdon
Kinsman Divine
James Dromgoole
Abner Daniel
Peter Dickerson
John Doherty
Buckner Darden
Reason Erwin
Andrew Ellis
Peter Emerick
Armstrong Ellis
James Elkins
Henry Folkes
Wm. Fairbanks
Abram Frisby
Robert Ferguson
George Foreman
M. Fitxpatrick
Paulina Ferguson
Wm. Ferguson
Robert Farley
John Foster
James Foreman
Ismy Foreman
Wm. Frisby
Thos. Frisby
Henry Fake
Thos. Fake
James Folkes
John Folkes
John Fowler
Wm. Grimes

Thomas M. Green
John Gaskin
Arthur Grimes
Ashel Gardiner
Burwell Gaskin
John A. Gibson
James Gouly
David Gibson
James Greenlee
Nathan Green
John G. Grady
Elizabeth Green
Malcolm Gilchrist
Saml. Goodall
Philip Gilbert
Delason Goode
Peter Glascock
Thos. Grafton
James Grafton
Randall Gibson
John Goodrum
Thos. Goodrum
Agnes Grafton
David Guice
Reuben Goodrum
Robert Greenwell
James Graham
John Gregory
John Garey
Estate Thos. M. Green
Jos. K. Green
A. Holland
David Hunt
John Hopkins
Caleb Hill
John Haragil
Letticia Hooper
Martha Harper
Thos. Holt, Sr.
Wm. Harper
Asa Hubbard
Isaac Holt
Thomas Harding
Nimrod Hoskins
Alex. Huffman
Thos. Heath
David Holt
Asalum Humby
John Hill
David Herlong
Jacob Herlong
Wm. Hueston
John B. Hand
Margt. Hynum
John Holt, Jr.
Saml. Henderson
Adolph Heath
Joseph Hornsby
Margt. Henderson
John Hancock
Charles B. Howell
Cyrus Hammilton
John Hawkins
Wm. Hawthorne
John Hamberlin
Thos. Hinds
A. Hamberlin
Levy Haris
Christian Hackler
Hardy Hill
Jesse Harper
Felix Hughes
David Hunt
Sarah Helenach
Charles Hopkins
H. B. Harrison
Richd. Harrison
Wm. Hicks
P. B. Harrison
Wm. Hamberlin
Stephen Howe
Mal. Hagin
A. Hagin
Daniel Hughes
Richard Hawkins
George Jones
James Jones, Sr.
John Jones
John Jones, Jr.
Daniel James
James Jones, Jr.
Charles Johnson
Wm. Juery
John Jones, Sr.
Phoebe Jones
Wm. J. Johnson
D. P. January
John C. Johnson
Z. B. Jennings
Silas Jacobs
Wm. Johnson
Wm. Johnson
Wm. Johnson
Nicholas Jones
F. Johnson
Henry King
Noel Killingsworth
Margt. Knox
James Kelley
Wm. Kelly
Mary Ker
David Ker
Wm. Kelly
Charles B. Lawrence
William Loid
Michael Laughman
James Lewis
Jonathan Legate
Wm. Lackey
Person Lewis
Henry Ledbetter
James Luckett
James T. Magruder
Cowles Mead
Stephen Marble
John Montgomery
Hugh Matthews
Thos. O. McDonald
John McFake
Walter Mackey
John S. Miller
Isaac McClutchie
Ambrose McDonald
Danl. McDougal
Jon. McDonald
Arch. McPherson
James McAlpin
Thos. Marble
Charles McGee
James McGill
Deray Moris
Danl. Maky
Earl Marble
Daniel McCaleb
Josiah Montgomery
James McLellan
Andrew Miller
John K. Movie
Robert McRay
Abner Marble
Theophilus Marble
John Maylone
Patsey Mays
Willis McDonald
Andrew Montgomery
John McLaughlin
Joseph Moore
Hugh Montgomery
James Montgomery
John H. McGuinis
Benj. Miller
John Mitchell
E. H. McDonald
Wm. Neely
Isaac Noble
Thos. Nevil

Philip Nevil
Benj. Newman
Aaron Neal
John Newbaker
Martin Nevil
James Noris
Estate Thos. L. Noris
Simeon Newman
James Nevil
Rush Nutt
D. C. Norton
David Need
Isaac Newman
Thomas Owens
Gabriel Ostrand
Wm. Opp
John Odam
Francis Odam
Thos. Ostean
Simon Ostean
Thomas Ostean, Sr.
Wm. Owen
Abner Pipes
Baker Phillips
Jacob Phillips
Caleb Potter
Ruth Platner
Wm. E. Parker
Mark Phillips
Thomas Phillips
Francis Patterson
Angus Patterson
Saml. Pitchford
Joseph Parmalee
Russell Puckett
Nancy Pigg
John Pickens
Robert Prince
E. M. Pennington
Stephen Ritchey
Adam Rum
Ely K. Ross
John Robinson
E. P. Rees
Wm. Roberts
David Robinson
J. A. B. Ross
Aaron Rhoark
Isaac Ross
James Roberts
Isaac Roberts
Joseph Raney
John Q. W. Ross
Charles Riley
Stephen Rowland
Saml. Robb
Wm. Robb
Edward Roblin
Saml. Raney
George Robinson
John Shorter
Henry Seeby
James Smith
James Spain
E. Shakelford
Wm. Selmon
Hugh Slater
Wm. Stampley
Nimrod Selser
John Stampley
Wm. Smith
John Still
James Stuart
Henry W. Stephens
George Selser
John Shanks
Jacob Sechrist
Isaac Scott
Stephen Shelton
Phoebe Stampley
David Stampley
James Shannon
Abram Shankle
Joel Selmore
Eliza Sullivan
Thomas Sims
Richard Scott
Wm. Shaw
Gasper Sinclair
Josiah Selser
Billop Soward
Huldah Scott
Arch. Smith
Saml. Stephenson
John Scarborough
John Smith
Wm. Shell
Jacob Stampley
John P. Smith
Abram Scriber
Joseph Salter
Wm. B. Shields
Henry Stampley
Dixon Strand
Robert Steele
James Stuart
John Sly
Saml. K. Scorsby
John Smith
John Stephenson
Law. Scarborough
John Snodgrass
Wm. Scott
Walter Sellers
Danl. Sellers
Francis Tidwell
Dougal Torry
George Torry
Joseph Twilly
Stephen Terret
Robert Twilly
Charles Trefoe
James Truly
Wat. Trimble
John H. Truly
John Terret
States Travillian
James Terret
Wm. Terret
Joseph Tucker
Abram Taylor
Wm. Usher
Thomas Vick
David Vaughn
Wm. Voss
Thos. Vaughn
James Watson
Mary Waters
Saml. Watkins
Thomas Ware
Margt. Wise
S. C. Whitley
Jer. Watson
Cato West
Robert Williams
John Weatherly
Henry Wise
David Willis
Thos. West
George right
Earnest Watson
Abram Whitaker
James G. Wood
Jacob Winkles
John Wells
John Wax
R. W. Wheeler
Charles Watts
Asy Watkins
Nathan White
Wm. Wade
F. W. West
John M. Whitney
George Westner
Hannah Young
Alexr. Young

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